‘BEEP BEEP BEEP’: Trump Adviser Walks Back Lower Prices Promise as Truck Literally Backs Up During Live Hit
“Can you – without invoking the past administration – guarantee that prices won’t rise because of these tariffs?”
HASSETT: I, you know, prices move up [BEEP], prices move down [BEEP]. That’s the way the world works, right? [BEEP] The economy, uh [BEEP]
VITALI: Yeah, but you’re an economist. [BEEP] You forecast trends like this [BEEP]. Will consumers see prices rise?
HASSETT: My expectation [BEEP] is that prices [BEEP] will fluctuate. [BEEP] And that when economists study the fluctuations of the prices that they’ll wonder what the causes were. And there will be many. And so, am I confident that there won’t be strong evidence of a price effect of tariffs? Yes, I am confident.