Originally Posted by Little Monster
The adults are in charge again, they have already begun to handle it far better than Trump by putting qualified people in charge. You really do make this easy. Thank you!
I am not going to reply to all of your dopey redline responses because I am not going to cut and paste all of your bullshit.
But I asked you a straight question about how the Dems were going to contact trace the entire NY subway system - never mind the rest of the country - and you posted some vague stupidity about the Dems providing more "money and resources".
Get a clue, you limey cunt.
There isn't enough money and resources in the world to contact trace the NY subway system. If you have ever ridden on NY transit, you would know that you come into close proximity with HUNDREDS of people every day. And all of those people got close to hundreds of others and so forth.
And, putting the money issue aside, where would you get all of the contract tracers and how long will it take to train them? Months? Years?
Contact tracers are only any good if the number of cases is small. Once you have a major outbreak it is too late for contact tracing. And the US has about 18 million cases.