Originally Posted by jeydd
The store is a legal business. If the Provider calls the police, she's going to tell them what?! I was involved in an illegal transaction and he cheated me. No! I hate to say it, but 9 times in 10, the ladies win more with the customer than they lose. We all know that some clients pay for an hour and stay 20-30 mins, and/or bring gifts to the ladies. Where are their principals when they receive too much? I know it's silly to ask that question, but take that same mindset when you lose $20-$40 bucks. I think that with all that Skylar has gone through, taking the L on this client would have been a good trade-off for her business. He was that 1 in ten. Most of the times client take the L because they don't want the drama that comes with fighting for extra time or paying the extra $20, $40, or $60 dollars. Some providers should take that into consideration.
That’s rationalizing.
And none of these guys are staying 20 minutes on an hour appointment. More like an hour plus 20 minutes by the time they walk out.
And if a guy brings a gift then he chose to do that. Went out of his way to do that. But one guys generosity doesn’t mean it’s now ok for the next guy to stiff her.
That’s rationalizing and justifying. A subconscious self defense mechanism to avoid accountability aka keep doing wrong. Wrong is wrong.
I bet they don’t try that shit at the amps where all the cameras and mamasans are.
Also if you pay for the time, you don’t have to fight for extra time because it’s not extra. Sure you got your bottom of the barrel/ backpage scamming variety hoes but Skylar is not in that league. Skylar hasn’t done anything wrong and it’s pretty shitty that people are trying to convince her that she did.