Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Seriously, the way these Libs operate they would do literally anything to hide her death until the next Dem Pres.
I’m telling you she’s already dead, cremated and her ashes are out to sea. It is a bot phoning it in for her.
" Seriously, the way these Libs operate.... yawn yada yada yawn blah...… LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lama no one takes you serious because you don't know your stuff
Your fans love your shtick. Stick with that. It just confuses them when you try to preface something with "seriously"
To illustrate -"I’m telling you she’s already dead, cremated and her ashes are out to sea. It is a bot phoning it in for her"
No one can take that serious. I don't speak "deplorable" so Im not sure if this is funny or not
Do be well and have a Happy Day Lama. Jesus loves you