Originally Posted by andymarksman
But not "chubbier" by looking "in person" up-close?
Thank you, I should have been more clear. I was referring to the avatar picture currenty used. They appear to be a good piece of work, at least from that view. Up close personal inspection may reveal otherwise but I would not know personally nor have I read any complaints. I am sure everyone is happy.
Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
If this was the case why didnt you say all this when she told you on the previous thread.
I must have missed it. There was a lot of spam. Terrible product. I have finer taste.
Originally Posted by Amiliah Rayne
If you don't participate in this hobby why are you even on this board?
Why is anyone anywhere? Aaaaaahh the meaning of life. We could try to have an intelligent existential conversation but you proved yourself to be simply a cock target with eyes. Ironically enough, a Walmart level one at that... or maybe flea market.
P.s. has anyone tried Carr's Table Water Crackers with Stiglmeier Bologna from Walmart? - Amazing!
Goes well with any flavor of box wine