Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor
I do wonder though, how it looks to those providers who don't get bumped for any number of reasons. They may be new and don't have any pictures yet. They may have trouble trusting others with their pictures. They may think that they have to give a BJ to get their pictures posted. Especially if her review would have been near the top, if Geniusman hadn't posted pics to bump 15 reviews that were under hers, and now her review has gone to page 3 within 30 minutes of being posted.
This could look like manipulation of the system to promote certain providers. This could look even worse, if the provider (like me when I was a newbie) thinks that picture posting service is part of the function of the board. Even some who do get their pictures posted may wonder why their review was bumped first so that it's gone to the bottom of the list of reviews bumped...and page 3.
Hey Rand, this is no different than someone making a comment on a review & pushing it to the top. No one complains about reviews moving to the top when a comment is made. Geniusman talks in pics....just like some of us dream!!