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Old 12-27-2016, 12:22 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Scribe View Post
.... But, "yeah" - if this is what the world thinks of as the significant event for a rallying cry of "injustice", then the world should just shut up about it.....

......The fact that your car gets hit in an accident is not "injustice". The fact that you have absolutely no avenue for recourse, "is".....

.....These people in this incident are getting their say, being heard... where is the "injustice"?
Had there not been video at least 2 people who had done nothing wrong, would likely have no recourse to the charges against them, as well as the person who assaulted a kid would probably not see any consequences. That wouldn't be an injustice?
Because it was filmed and justice may be served does not mean that no injustice occurred.

For justice to be made an injustice must exist.

The odds are that more of these cases happen aND unfortunately not caught on film.
In those cases, they maybe could have gotten an attorney but it would have been a cops word against theirs. That's if any attorney was willing to pick it up.

Take the Charleston shooting. All though the IA investigation team said there were some holes in the officers story, without the bystander video, the cop would ultimately get away with murder. A man lost his life and by luck a video was recording.

Without that no recourse against a horrible person who happens to be a cop would likely exist.
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Old 12-27-2016, 07:07 AM   #77
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And just like that, you lost my support...

Originally Posted by grean View Post
Had there not been video at least 2 people who had done nothing wrong, would likely have no recourse to the charges against them, (wrong, they have recourse - the outcome might not be as expected) as well as the person who assaulted a kid (I've been accused of bias - you're showing yours. You have no more proof than I do about what the guy actually did) would probably not see any consequences. That wouldn't be an injustice? (no)
Because it was filmed and justice may be served does not mean that no injustice occurred. (Right - and because it was filmed doesn't mean "justice" either... it just means someone filmed it - with intent for BIAS)

For justice to be made an injustice must exist. (No - sorry, I know you probably saw "rogue One" and believe in "The Force" and all... (joke), but evil does not have to exist for there to be good - and Justice can happen without Injustice.)

The odds are (What do you mean "the odds"? - There are thousands and thousands of police / civilian interactions a day in the USA. There's 150M+ people in the USA... if this happened DAILY (while a bad thing) it would still be a statistically insignificant amount.) that more of these cases happen aND unfortunately not caught on film. (Yes - and thousands more statistical cases of good cops doing good things, arresting bad people, etc. are NOT caught on film and YouTubed...to me, that's pretty biased and unfortunate because people are using the media to portray an unfair representation that this is happening "at some rate" it's not.)
In those cases, they maybe could have gotten an attorney but it would have been a cops word against theirs. That's if any attorney was willing to pick it up. (Agreed - you don't always win cases and people wrongfully lose based on this fact - I agree. In some instances.)

Take the Charleston shooting. All though the IA investigation team said there were some holes in the officers story, without the bystander video, the cop would ultimately get away with murder. A man lost his life and by luck a video was recording.

(Ok, and take the Charlotte - K L Scott - shooting where the wife posted a video. Because of the wife's actions - which were lies, as she knew he had a weapon, had recently filed restraining order because of his violence and being armed, and her actions caused weeks of riots and further hatred for police - who actually, in that case, were correct. That was "justice"? So please, don't try to say 1) videos always portray the truth or 2) video shooters are :unbiased - recording facts)

And just a point - many people are big here on privacy, rights, etc... you don't see any privacy violations in your entire life being videoed? As in "I'd give up all my rights for privacy, if every moment of everyone's life was videoed - so these types of incidents with the police wouldn't happen to a few others?" (because that would pretty much mean the end of Hobbying)

Without that no recourse against a horrible person who happens to be a cop would likely exist.
Not true, your statement means "prior to video - there was never any justice for civilians"... no cop ever got fired. Good people never came forward as witnesses for civilians rights. Courts have never awarded damages to civilians... all that is just not true. I hate to tell you - the civil rights movement happened (depending on your age - maybe before you were born), and nobody had cell phones back then.
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Old 12-27-2016, 10:19 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by Scribe View Post
"Injustice" doesn't happen to most of us. Most people are pretty happy and/or get what they deserve out of their actions.
You feel the cop should have acted better.
I feel the civilians should have acted better.

I will say this - if EITHER of these had happened, this wouldn't have concluded as it did.
first point about injustice.. I only said that almost everyone has incurred an episode of injustice with "authorities", and I was referencing your own statement that you had injustice in your life.. obviously injustice does not occur day after day, constantly..

for the red highlighted statement:

you set up a false equivalency.. the Mom may have been a bit strident in her reaction to the Cop accusing her of not teaching her child properly.. I disagree, really, but maybe you think the 19 year old should not have been filming? I disagree, but even if I conclude she was too close and hampering an "investigation"..

it doesn't follow that the Cop can beat them down and arrest them.. his "wrong" is of a magnitude many times worse. you want to say that since both parties did wrong, let's move on and stop whining, let these black bitches learn some manners next time.. do I have it right?
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Old 12-27-2016, 11:44 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Scribe View Post
I don't want to keep going on this - we both see little conclusion (but thanks - it was a fun debate. Seriously. and thanks for keeping it civil) but here's what I've come up with:

You feel the cop should have acted better.
I feel the civilians should have acted better.

I will say this - if EITHER of these had happened, this wouldn't have concluded as it did.
Not a horrible way to crudely sum up the situation.

But to that summary, I would point out that the civilians have no duty to anyone. They aren't given the ultimate authority within society to enforce our laws. The cop was. The cop was entrusted with the authority to deprive people of their liberty, and he chose to exercise his authority in a way that degraded the trust of the people.

In other words, the cop should know better than to act that way. The cop should be trained to act better.
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Old 12-27-2016, 12:10 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
first point about injustice.. I only said that almost everyone has incurred an episode of injustice with "authorities", and I was referencing your own statement that you had injustice in your life.. obviously injustice does not occur day after day, constantly..

for the red highlighted statement:

you set up a false equivalency.. the Mom may have been a bit strident in her reaction to the Cop accusing her of not teaching her child properly.. I disagree, really, but maybe you think the 19 year old should not have been filming? I disagree, but even if I conclude she was too close and hampering an "investigation"..

it doesn't follow that the Cop can beat them down and arrest them.. his "wrong" is of a magnitude many times worse. you want to say that since both parties did wrong, let's move on and stop whining, let these black bitches learn some manners next time.. do I have it right?
1) There is no "beating down" - the fact that a person resisting an officer trying to handcuff them ended up on the ground is not - beaten down. Did you see him strike anyone? Is anyone except media titles saying "beaten"? Stop trying to add other comments to justify your angst.

I dare state that if there was, with the attorneys involved there would be more about this... the only places you will see "beaten down" is in the titles of postings and videos about it by people trying to bias the public.

2) you like that term "black bitches"? I find that pretty vulgar and derogatory. I also find it racist on your part to say. I think you should watch your mouth.

3) If anyone reads what I wrote (they would see you didn't) my comment is - if neither thing had happened, then none of this would have happened. What's your point? That if the woman was calm and in control she STILL would have ended up in handcuffs because she was black?

Please... nobody would agree with that. I could care less that it was videoed. In this case, it will help everyone as will the officers camera evidence.

I also believe "nothing is justified" and "two wrongs don't make a right"... or do you believe that perhaps good and innocent DFW police officers - who did their job and NEVER harassed or harmed a black person due to race issues DESERVED to be shot and killed by a gunman because SOME OTHER COP did something wrong? Because that, CT - is the basis of racism... you just made COPS a race; and are justifying violent acts against them as a group - because of the acts of a few assholes.
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Old 12-27-2016, 12:33 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by Crock View Post
Not a horrible way to crudely sum up the situation.

But to that summary, I would point out that the civilians have no duty to anyone. They aren't given the ultimate authority within society to enforce our laws. The cop was. The cop was entrusted with the authority to deprive people of their liberty, and he chose to exercise his authority in a way that degraded the trust of the people.

In other words, the cop should know better than to act that way. The cop should be trained to act better.
BS! All people have a duty to be good to others. respectful of others, polite to others... civilians, police, blacks, whites, etc...
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Old 12-27-2016, 02:13 PM   #82
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Has anyone noticed that the full video has been released. It's unedited too. The part that was conveniently left out is where they rushed the officer and the girl in the zipped up black jacket pushed the cop. So folks as he was trying to remove the child from a situation the mom endangered the child by putting her in...the mom rushed towards him and the girl with the zip up black jacket assaulted him...and who knows what the other countless people they had were doing at the same time in the midst of their overreacting....y'all really think he wrongfully arrested them? smh. It was one officer and quite a few people against him....smh
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Old 12-27-2016, 02:27 PM   #83
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All people need to act in a civil manner. Obey the laws.

What do you think about all these black kids starting these mall fights.
They are beating the shit out of each other a day after Christmas. What's wrong with these guys? Why isn't anyone concerned about this?
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Old 12-27-2016, 03:20 PM   #84
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The victim will never have justice. He is fucking dead.
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Old 12-27-2016, 03:21 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by Scribe View Post
1) There is no "beating down" - the fact that a person resisting an officer trying to handcuff them you keep saying she resisted.. she did not.. you think because a Cop put it in his report, it is true 2) you like that term "black bitches"? only during the heat of raw sex when I have multiple black women in bed 3) If anyone reads what I wrote (they would see you didn't) my comment is - if neither thing had happened, then none of this would have happened. What's your point? That if the woman was calm and in control she STILL would have ended up in handcuffs because she was black? there you go again.. I could say if the black woman had not called the cops, this would not have happened.. which is the argument many are making, that this woman who had warrants, how dare she call the police for help!

do you believe that perhaps good and innocent DFW police officers - who did their job and NEVER harassed or harmed a black person due to race issues DESERVED to be shot and killed by a gunman because SOME OTHER COP did something wrong? Because that, CT - is the basis of racism... you just made COPS a race; and are justifying violent acts against them as a group - because of the acts of a few assholes.
I don't know how you made such a leap.. of course I don't believe that.

and BTW, yes, those Mall Goons need to be rounded up and ticketed.. sentenced to, say, 30 hours of public service.. and where are their parents?
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Old 12-27-2016, 03:27 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by dallasfan View Post
All people need to act in a civil manner. Obey the laws.

What do you think about all these black kids starting these mall fights.
They are beating the shit out of each other a day after Christmas. What's wrong with these guys? Why isn't anyone concerned about this?
DF - I personally think that each of those kids are bad people. I also think that while they happen to be black - there are plenty of bad kids who are white, and plenty of good kids who are black.
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Old 12-27-2016, 03:33 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by Scribe View Post
DF - I personally think that each of those kids are bad people. I also think that while they happen to be black - there are plenty of bad kids who are white, and plenty of good kids who are black.
a better answer would have been that the kids who started the fights were from ALL races.. there was a Mall fight in New Hampshire, shut down for hours.. no black people.

now, the Hulen Mall fight was mostly black, with a large Hispanic population fighting.. no matter what race, these kids are Goons, and their parents are mostly to blame.
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Old 12-27-2016, 03:51 PM   #88
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[QUOTE=Chung Tran;1059005744]I don't know how you made such a leap.. of course I don't believe that.


I'm sure people reading these would be amazed by that answer.

So, why should the Ft Worth police department apologize, need to go through retraining, or owe this woman anything other than a heartfelt "sorry that happened" (and appropriately handle whatever reprimand for the officer involved?)

Don't you feel the entire system is responsible for the actions of the individual?
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Old 12-27-2016, 03:57 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
a better answer would have been that the kids who started the fights were from ALL races.. there was a Mall fight in New Hampshire, shut down for hours.. no black people.

now, the Hulen Mall fight was mostly black, with a large Hispanic population fighting.. no matter what race, these kids are Goons, and their parents are mostly to blame.
GOONS (ok), HOODLUMS (racist)... making sure.
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Old 12-27-2016, 04:15 PM   #90
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[QUOTE=Scribe;1059005853 why should the Ft Worth police department apologize, need to go through retraining, or owe this woman anything other than a heartfelt "sorry that happened" (and appropriately handle whatever reprimand for the officer involved?)

Don't you feel the entire system is responsible for the actions of the individual?[/QUOTE]

the Department should apologize for stonewalling.. this Cop should have been fired already, and charges brought.. they have seen the long video, nothing to exonerate the Cop.. it only confirms my belief he should be in jail. but no, the single officer is responsible.. assuming he was given proper training.
Originally Posted by Scribe View Post
GOONS (ok), HOODLUMS (racist)... making sure.
Goons is fine, so is Hoodlums.. neither is racist.. if you recall, I labeled both of us Hoodlums a while back.. and you still haven't addressed what our sentence should be for breaking the law.
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