Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
how true. this was not supposed to happen. Obama messed things up for her. she was supposed to be president 12 years ago.
very true
whats the line in the love song of j.alfred prufrock?
I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker,And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker
I wrote the below sometime ago, her health deserved a mention as well
the satyrs..the ancient song of the goats
if she weren't so unpleasant a character....
she might be pitied
much like a protagonist in a greek tragedy
in her prime subject to the ambitions of her husband, delayed in her own schemes and plans, her desires put off
his career ahead of her own....having to be the breadwinner when her husband made but a pittance as governor
accepting and dealing with and protecting him from the consequences of his constant philandering
becoming the object of scorn by the American people while her husband seemingly skated on by
when it was her turn, losing to a novice of a black man; her historical achievement as the first woman to become president falling victim to the first black man to do so
finally at an old age,
(her health waning), a foregone conclusion of the main stream media to become president and also of those seeking favor from the next president of the united states.
this belief allowed her to become wealthy, trading on the trappings of office and the expectations of yet higher office. but wealth was not the fullness of her dream
then realizing the nomination for president of her party
only to be brought low once more before the people's eyes as her lies and deceptions and the wickedness of her ambitions and greed
(and her health)
are put on full display by powers of the muses of fate
and losing, the grasp of her hand falling achingly short of the brass ring, to someone who didn't spend a lifetime in planning and groundwork, to some one not cautious in obfuscations as she , to someone who did not pay the price she paid, the full measure of her life
obscurity awaits