Originally Posted by jughead1171
Personally I prefer girls who are independents and manage their own business. The RGV pool lately seems to be more and more run by agencies and managers. Most likely this trend will push me to see one UTR ATF exclusively.
With that said STF has some very nice girls and I may be tempted to venture out and give them some business  .
We as an Agency believe that is very important that there be more independent providers in the RGV, at this time we feel that it is out of balance (too many agencies) and this affects everyone.
We have been encouraging several ladies to become independents (Audrey, Brissia, among others).
One of the things that this board lacks is the interaction between independent providers and hobbyists, we used to have that and it was great.
Every agency is run with a different set of ethics and practices...We believe that we work for the providers by helping them with verification, booking and marketing duties. We never tell them when they need to work or how many days they need to work...they are truly 100% in control of that. So in essence we are an agency that is for hire and we work for the providers not the other way around.