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You do realize that paradox quote was in reference to the farce this whole thing has become and actually had nothing to do with you right?
I'm sure you've tried to say something clever here but just didn't know how.
But let me first say that LION DENTIST is a fucking job and neither of us have it so lets keep it in perspective alrighty?
Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
Oh how you love to insult with your omnipotent wisdom. Guilty as charged! I LOVE to think of witty insults all day whist twisting my imaginary mustache and getting people who fall for this shit worked up. Sucking gorgeous cock is only one of my many charms.
The funny thing is that showing contempt for my intelligence is ALWAYS the first go-to for those with medieval cognitive templates, and usually comes from women, but I know for a FACT that if you ever seen me in person you would have something real to insult. I'm somewhere between Rodney Dangerfield and a turd, so please let me have my smarts cuz it's all I got.
I am a self-aggrandizing, bougie, word-spewing, large mammaried upright simian and everyone here knows it too. I'm not sure what the problem is.
Tell us, o mighty V, when one deflects from the issue at hand, doesn't this usually happen when they cant rebut or agree to disagree. Not necessarily. Sometimes it means they don't know their ad hominims from red herrings or strawmen. Their tautologies from the axiomatic (see posts below) There is a cute poster on logical fallacies on the interwebs. It might help you form a decent argument next time: Logical fallacies. Thou shalt fucking not.
I was the provider who had opposing views to outing the guy in the first place.
So if I agree with whispers it surely doesn't mean:
-I lack individual creativity, or of a sense of personal responsibility, that is sometimes characteristic of group interaction. You're welcome to show me where I ever said you did. I'll wait....
-I desire conformity in the group resulting in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Again, you're welcome to show me where I ever said you did. I'll wait...
How many other DEnotations for groupthink do you want. As it turns out I never asked for any. Actually. So how many do I want? Exactly zero. Thanks!
*You're projecting here now I'm laughing. -I actually don't get this one. I'm pretty sure I never said in any comment on this thread to you or anyone they were projecting. Or are you saying I'm projecting? This little statement is causing an imbroglio in my brain balls. Or is it the just the Rittenhouse Rye I drank last night. I'll blame this one one the rye, the next one I blame on you. Okay?
You don't have to believe my ironic statement was intentional. Of course you don't, b/c no one is as clever as you!!!! Not true. There are a lot of people here that are much more clever than I. Its just they're usually perusing Eccie with one hand on their dick so that makes it harder to type wikkid smaht and funny shit. In Bob McV's case he actually types with his dick and that's why he's my intellectual equal.
Might I add invalid arguments are still valuable in promoting critical thinking. Okay, this statement is all on you.This little piece of casuistic sentence makes me want to anti-christ my vagina. But I'm afraid I need Satan in there a little while longer so I'll just skip this one.
The difference between you and me:
I am not concerned with people agreeing with what I think, or being popular, or being right. If this were a popularity contest then you would be winning. Ten of your fellow wankers "liked" your post. ("Likers". Harrumph. Cowards.) (rolls eyes) I'm very well aware that the preponderance of women here think I'm a superior cunt, and the men think I talk like I eat my young. They're both right.
Oh and I'm just a dummy b/c I choose to think for myself. It must be fun to make claims for which you have not a shred of evidence to support!
back atcha girl! LMAO! -Again, this was never about you soooo...back at you good lady.
I don't know how implying that your followers Followers? Where? Are they cute? Does my ass look munchable in this dress? have half a brain, the only brain I care about is in their pants. Actually not true. The smart boys know I love em.when really trying to say I have half a brain, is going to get you any more approval; but I'm sure somehow it will! Nope, you have fuckloads of brains and you're one of the only bitches to ever take me on. I like that in a bitch. The rest just talk about me behind my back and pm men not to like me. PS, I know who you are you smarmy slopabottami.
If you are going to be a leader, Leader? Me? I'm a hoarder shut-in with nothing better to do than drink and fuck and write shit. don't you want to know the people you are leading have a full brain? I don't lead anyone but yes, I do insist that the people I spend time with be smart, yes. As the 19th century Parnassian poet Mallarme once said: "Or they can just fuck themselves" People who find solutions to problems not from an emotional stance but from a stance of weighing out all sides of the argument? No, I only care if they agree with me. Otherwise they can avail themselves to masticating a satchel of dessicated foreskins.
Of course I care if they are thoughtfully weighed arguments but I'm not convinced just yet you have. You have one more sentence to convince me...
I will go back to appreciating your moxie when you get off my back and just understand we disagree on the outing KINGMAN and that is ok. Damn! Not convinced.
One of the many ways we as providers give our consent to intimacy and access to our bodies is the the agreeance of BOTH parties to a pre-approved monetary exchange. When a client deigns to deny you your agency and decision about what you do with your body by either force or by fraud...well...let's just say I don't believe that dude got it half as bad as he should. And even my vast vocab cannot give voice to how much of a exception I take to his behavior. So in this case I'm afraid I do not agree to disagree
I felt a disturbance in the aether, like someone was ridiculing me.
First I want to say the quoting system here is most annoying in how it handles embedded quotes. I do wish an upgrade to the forum software was on the horizon.
Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
Oh how you love to insult with your omnipotent wisdom.
Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Guilty as charged! I LOVE to think of witty insults all day whist twisting my imaginary mustache and getting people who fall for this shit worked up. Sucking gorgeous cock is only one of my many charms.
The funny thing is that showing contempt for my intelligence is ALWAYS the first go-to for those with medieval cognitive templates, and usually comes from women, but I know for a FACT that if you ever seen me in person you would have something real to insult. I'm somewhere between Rodney Dangerfield and a turd, so please let me have my smarts cuz it's all I got.
I am a self-aggrandizing, bougie, word-spewing, large mammaried upright simian and everyone here knows it too. I'm not sure what the problem is.
I feel compelled to agree with almost all of this, especially the "bougie, word-spewing, large mammaried " part having seen this first hand. I would argue the "usually from women" part I suspect that it is pretty close to 50/50 but a lot of guys keep quiet in hopes to verify the "Sucking [en]gorgeous cock" part
Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
Tell us, o mighty V, when one deflects from the issue at hand, doesn't this usually happen when they cant rebut or agree to disagree.
Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Not necessarily. Sometimes it means they don't know their ad hominims from red herrings or strawmen. Their tautologies from the axiomatic (see posts below) There is a cute poster on logical fallacies on the interwebs. It might help you form a decent argument next time:
Logical fallacies. Thou shalt fucking not.
I think this may be the image that (at least on my end) suffered from a technical difficulty. This is a carryover from my days in debate (I know right shocker I was a CXer back in the day!) good stuff, highly recommend reading it and letting it sink in. Now that this has found it's way back into my life I will no doubt be referencing it often.
Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
I was the provider who had opposing views to outing the guy in the first place.
So if I agree with whispers it surely doesn't mean:
Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
*You're projecting here now I'm laughing.
Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
-I actually don't get this one. I'm pretty sure I never said in any comment on this thread to you or anyone they were projecting. Or are you saying I'm projecting? This little statement is causing an imbroglio in my brain balls. Or is it the just the Rittenhouse Rye I drank last night. I'll blame this one one the rye, the next one I blame on you. Okay?
I have a bottle of Basil Hayden's with your name on for the time after next!
Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
You don't have to believe my ironic statement was intentional. Of course you don't, b/c no one is as clever as you!!!!
Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Not true. There are a lot of people here that are much more clever than I. Its just they're usually perusing Eccie with one hand on their dick so that makes it harder to type wikkid smaht and funny shit. In Bob McV's case he actually types with his dick and that's why he's my intellectual equal.
It's only funny because it is true I can peck[er] an impressive 9 words a minute thanks to the Peter Shlong's typing method.
Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
Might I add invalid arguments are still valuable in promoting critical thinking.
Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Okay, this statement is all on you.This little piece of casuistic sentence makes me want to anti-christ my vagina. But I'm afraid I need Satan in there a little while longer so I'll just skip this one.
I am going to make an assumption that she may have misspoke and ment to say unpopular Vs invalid. If so I fully agree with Ms jasmine. If not, then I would have to disagree as invalid arguments by their very nature are invalid.
Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
The difference between you and me:
I am not concerned with people agreeing with what I think, or being popular, or being right.
Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
If this were a popularity contest then you would be winning. Ten of your fellow wankers "liked" your post. ("Likers". Harrumph. Cowards.) (rolls eyes) I'm very well aware that the preponderance of women here think I'm a superior cunt, and the men think I talk like I eat my young. They're both right.
Miss Val, is in fact, not very popular. I would say respected even a little feared but not popular. I find myself disagreeing with her and find her a bit overly crass far more frequently; that some around here, who feel I adore her to the point of worship would think possible.
Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
Oh and I'm just a dummy b/c I choose to think for myself.
Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
It must be fun to make claims for which you have not a shred of evidence to support!
Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
back atcha girl! LMAO!
Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
-Again, this was never about you soooo...back at you good lady.
This is Kenny. He's was a buddy of mine. He is very sweet and likes it when you pet his tongue. (Please don't pet his tongue)
Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
I don't know how implying that your followers
Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Followers? Where? Are they cute? Does my ass look munchable in this dress?
Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
have half a brain,
Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
the only brain I care about is in their pants. Actually not true. The smart boys know I love em.
But you said you liked my pant brains!
Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
You do realize that paradox quote was in reference to the farce this whole thing has become and actually had nothing to do with you right?
I'm sure you've tried to say something clever here but just didn't know how.
But let me first say that LION DENTIST is a fucking job and neither of us have it so lets keep it in perspective alrighty?
Lion dentist isn't really a job, more of a subset of tasks a large animal vet would be asked to perform. Also, you would knock the cat out first but still not without risk; even a sleeping lion can yawn. Finally, Lion hairballs are freakishly huge and dense!
Miss Val, is in fact, not very popular. I would say respected even a little feared but not popular. I find myself disagreeing with her and find her a bit overly crass far more frequently; that some around here, who feel I adore her to the point of worship would think possible.