Originally Posted by Aoi
As for the NW highway building violations, couldn't they just fix the violation and it'll be a problem solved? As far as I know, it wasn't a raid, right?
it technically was a raid, since it was sudden, unannounced. but they weren't there to arrest or round up anyone. it could be a fixable situation.. as American Hardwood said, it may have been a new signage violation, or it could be something like the installed gate was not "authorized".. I don't know the details. my impression when that gate was first removed, was that the City insisted on that, so maybe reinstalling the gate was a violation. pure speculation. maybe the City thought it was a hazard to block in and block out vehicles from the premise? maybe they wanted LE to have easy access? I could easily understand that POV.
yeah, herd immunity is the only recourse. whether you clamp down hard now, or ease up on restrictions, it still comes down to herd immunity, given that a vaccine is minimally 6 months away.