Each and every Member of Eccie has the ability to post in any Forum they chose, provided that their account has access to that Forum.
Members are free to post in an established thread or start their own thread if they so choose.
Staff tries to allow a thread and the members to regulate themselves in the Forums.
If, a Thread is in a Forum where it does not meet the criteria listed in the Header of the Forum, Staff can and will move the thread to the appropriate Forum.
The Staff will resolve any Posts or threads that violate the Eccie Guidelines IAW the guidance provided by the Owners and the Guidelines.
The Local Moderator has been patient with the members participating in this thread.
He has posted reminders of the Eccie Guidelines thate each Member agrees to comply with when they log in to Eccie to try an steer the discussion back to the original topic.
Some have chosen to ignore the suggestions/reminders.
Those Members choosing to ignore Staff instructions necessitated Staff Action based on Guideline # 13.
#13 - Our moderating staff monitors the forums with the goal of keeping threads on track and on topic. Occasionally we may issue specific instructions or direction to a poster and we ask that you respect those instructions and follow them. Disregarding a moderator's written instruction or repeating a violation for which you have been warned will most certainly result in penalty.