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Old 08-27-2021, 07:36 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
Hey Man, those are mine opinions that most guys would agree with, you can do and believe what you'd like. If slurping man juice makes you a better straight Man. Keep doing you

The discussion was forced bi. Which I believed was homosexual actions, saying that a ripped dude looks good or even thinking he's attractive, doesn't make you gay, sucking his cock does. But this is just my opinion
I'm not sure I understand you. If you want to describe any sexual activity between two men (or two women) as a homosexual act, I don't know that I would argue with you. But if you consider that some men only want to have sexual contact with other men, some only want to have sexual contact with women, and some want to have sexual contact with both, it seems to me that you need some terminology to distinguish between those three preferences. Traditionally those terms have been gay, straight, and bi. You have said multiple times in this thread that if a man engages in sexual activity with another man one time, that makes the man gay. What would you call a man who likes sex with both men and women? What would you call a man who tries sex with a man once or twice, decides he doesn't like it, and only has sex with women from that point on? From your posts, it sound like you would lump them all into the same category. That is what makes no sense to me.
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Old 08-27-2021, 10:20 PM   #77
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Here's my opinions, but to me and most bi is the same as gay, tell your Daddy, the guys at work, the guy's at softball practice that you sucked some cock and what would they say?

Anyone can spin this as it makes them feel better. Things are how they are though, like I said I'm not shaming or attacking anyone that decides to play with the same gender, we're just discussing labeling. Now two women making out while blowing me, well that's just hot lol
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Old 08-28-2021, 12:47 AM   #78
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Keep sucking those cocks, men, and let me watch!
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Old 08-28-2021, 10:12 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
Hey Man, those are mine opinions that most guys would agree with, you can do and believe what you'd like. If slurping man juice makes you a better straight Man. Keep doing you

The discussion was forced bi. Which I believed was homosexual actions, saying that a ripped dude looks good or even thinking he's attractive, doesn't make you gay, sucking his cock does. But this is just my opinion

The priest doing that to a teenager is sick predator, and anyone taking advantage of the innocent. That's a whole other subject
Well you are right, people can make up their own definitions, it's up to them. But not all are equally as valid. To me, finding a guy attractive is more "gay" or at least bi on the end of the Kensey scale. Doing a action like sucking a cock on the other hand, I wouldn't think would have to mean your gay. In the real world so what either way. If someone has to have such rigid definition confirmed buy actions only and not thoughts, what does that say?
Just ask tons of the providers here. I've know quite a few providers that would eat pussy for money but they weren't attracted to it. But they were gay? He'll they can have sex with people they are totally repulsed by. But the girl who stays at home and rubs her pussy thinking obout other girls is straight as a arrow? I don't know about all that. I know its a dead horse and I'm not trying to bust anyone proverbial balls about it. Interesting conversation though.
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Old 08-28-2021, 12:19 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
Here's my opinions, but to me and most bi is the same as gay, tell your Daddy, the guys at work, the guy's at softball practice that you sucked some cock and what would they say?

Anyone can spin this as it makes them feel better. Things are how they are though, like I said [BI'm not shaming or attacking anyone that decides to play with the same gender[/B], we're just discussing labeling. Now two women making out while blowing me, well that's just hot lol
I'm not shaming or attacking anyone that decides to play with the same gender

Why not shame the trans.and gays? Shaming is a vital part of society that helps to maintain order. Only in the past few years have the damn Democrats taken the position that no one can criticized. "Oh you can't do that! "

WTF, of course we can. If a little kid can't learn to read by the time he is in the 5th grade, perhaps everyone should make fun of him and give all the criticize we can to get the kid off of his ass and pay attention in class.

The idea that all kids need to be praised is total BS. But now, for track meets or other sports; everyone gets a trophy because there are no losers, and no winners. BS.

In todays world, it has become common that some people think they can do anything they want. Then they expect everyone to accept their deviant behavior. Hey guys, the present Damn Democrat position is that no one can criticize others, but there is no law that says anyone has to be a friend to a deviate. Just leave them alone, and walk away. You don't have to tell anyone to go to hell, they will either change their own behavior because of a lack of friends or make it there on the own.

Kinda like: Go fuck yourself: no one else wants to help you with that.

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Old 08-28-2021, 01:35 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
In todays world, it has become common that some people think they can do anything they want. Then they expect everyone to accept their deviant behavior.
Hello Mr. Pot. I think you just called Mr. Kettle black.
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Old 08-30-2021, 09:21 PM   #82
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I'm gonna put my self out there now, I enjoy fucking women in the ass. Is that gay because it's not a pussy? I don't enjoy it because it feels better. It's more of a mental thing and to say I did it.....
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Old 08-31-2021, 04:35 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
....... there is no law that says anyone has to be a friend to a deviant. Just leave them alone, and walk away. You don't have to tell anyone to go to hell, they will either change their own behavior because of a lack of friends or make it there on the own.
UK /ˈdiː.vi.ənt/ US /ˈdiː.vi.ənt/

used to describe a person or behaviour that is not usual and is generally considered to be unacceptable

Do I have to look up the actual definition for some people to understand the word "Deviant".

Even in grade school, no one wanted to be called a "deviant".

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Old 09-01-2021, 12:37 PM   #84
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More and more so called straight men are craving the bi experience. All men want to enjoy swallowing cum or feel what it is like taking a load of cum up their ass. They are not gay just curious and that is normal. Some men just prefer to cum in another man’s mouth or ass feeling that is less “gay”. Whatever you are curious about you should try without feeling it is not normal.
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Old 09-02-2021, 09:03 PM   #85
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What other activities would be considered forced bi. If two guys were forced to eat a lady out at the same time, they would have to be in close proximity. Would that count as bi contact? Or if one guy sixty-nined with a lady while another guy was fucking her would that count? If you are having an MFM and the guys have incidental contact is that bi?

Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
UK /ˈdiː.vi.ənt/ US /ˈdiː.vi.ənt/

used to describe a person or behaviour that is not usual and is generally considered to be unacceptable

Do I have to look up the actual definition for some people to understand the word "Deviant".

Even in grade school, no one wanted to be called a "deviant".

That definition appears to be from the Cambrige English Dictionary. If you scroll down in that page, you will come to a section labelled "American Dictionary" which gives another definition: "differing from the accepted standard" Merriam Webster, the free dictionary, and dictionary.com all define deviant without mentioning that the behavior has to be "not usual". In my opinion, one could make a strong argument that participating in prostitution is not usual in the US. But even if it does not meet that standard, it clearly meets the American usage of deviant. So if you encourage people to shame gays and trans for being deviant, don't complain that others shame people who engage in prostitution.
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Old 09-06-2021, 03:06 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by tandyscone View Post
What other activities would be considered forced bi. If two guys were forced to eat a lady out at the same time, they would have to be in close proximity. Would that count as bi contact? Or if one guy sixty-nined with a lady while another guy was fucking her would that count? If you are having an MFM and the guys have incidental contact is that bi?

That definition appears to be from the Cambrige English Dictionary. If you scroll down in that page, you will come to a section labelled "American Dictionary" which gives another definition: "differing from the accepted standard" Merriam Webster, the free dictionary, and dictionary.com all define deviant without mentioning that the behavior has to be "not usual". In my opinion, one could make a strong argument that participating in prostitution is not usual in the US. But even if it does not meet that standard, it clearly meets the American usage of deviant. So if you encourage people to shame gays and trans for being deviant, don't complain that others shame people who engage in prostitution.
You asking us what's forced bi? You'll know when you cross that line from straight, but then again everybody has their own beliefs on what bi/gay is. Do what makes you happy
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Old 09-10-2021, 11:48 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by whitechocolate View Post
Some men just prefer to cum in another man’s mouth or ass feeling that is less “gay”.
Some men (like me) just prefer to cum in a WOMAN'S mouth, which is least gay of all.

Look, if a man wants to engage in sexual activities with another man, I have no problem with that. It's just not my thing.
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Old 09-10-2021, 04:03 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by tandyscone View Post

..... "American Dictionary" which gives another definition: "differing from the accepted standard" Merriam Webster, the free dictionary, and dictionary.com all define deviant without mentioning that the behavior has to be "not usual". In my opinion, one could make a strong argument that parti......................
Thank you for another definition.

The point you missed is that if you act in a way that other people judge (yes, I said judge) as unusual, you will be punished in some way but the "normal" - even if normal in their own minds - people as someone that they will not associate with. That is called shunned. To give more meanings to what that means look at the synonyms: reject, rebuff, spurn, ostracize; give someone the brush-off and freeze out. That means it is hard to get a job promotion, or to fit in with society. Is it right to judge? Sorry that is not the question here, because that is the way it is. You don't get to like it or not, just learn when to keep your mouth shut, and your actions hidden.

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Old 09-11-2021, 11:35 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by GolfNut6372 View Post
Some men (like me) just prefer to cum in a WOMAN'S mouth, which is least gay of all.

Look, if a man wants to engage in sexual activities with another man, I have no problem with that. It's just not my thing.
I think it's the label why these guys have a hard time admitting that those actions make you gay, I also don't have a problem with people doing what they want, but when they start saying that it's not gay for a man to blow other guys or get man juice in your mouth. C'mon now fellows 😂
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Old 09-17-2021, 01:08 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by whitechocolate View Post
How many of you remember when you were in high school and the dominant virile males ordered the submissive boys and girls to their knees to suck their cocks. If you were good at it and pleased them suddenly your popularity rose enormously and you were invited to every party particularly the ones attended by the football players to show off your skills.
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