I can identify with so many of the comments here. Things do change once you reach 40, and once you get into your 50's like me it's a damn roller coaster ride. My SO and I have been married a little over a decade now. Our sex life was great in the beginning, then tapered off little by little over the years. For the past several years, even when she did agree it wasn't like it was before, just "Hurry up and finish." Now she's officially in menopause (last period was a year ago), and we haven't had sex for months now. The hobby has been one thing to keep me sane. I might could handle a sexless marriage if everything else was good, but it's not - too many things I no longer want to live with. I don't know yet if I'll reach the point where I'll say "I don't want to do this anymore", but I feel like just in the past month that the clock has started ticking. Like others have said, I don't know that I'd ever want to get into another exclusive relationship again.
Thanks for this thread. I'm mostly a lurker myself, but it's nice to vent. The past year hasn't been kind.