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Old 05-22-2014, 08:14 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
"hate speech" isn't what created $17 trillion in debt and hundreds of trillions in unfunded taxpayer liabilities...............

you are confused Old T.

The American electorate wanted the prolific out of control spending...............many, if not most still do.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
It ain't the "two fringes" that caused our massive debt run up. It was/is caused by mutual cooperation between the GOP and the Democratic establishment (with the exception of the $1 Trillion Obamacare package - that was all Democrat.) !

I'll take gridlock over bipartisanship any day.

Let the mainstream GOP and Democrats pay for what they wanted (voted for)! You know, people like you.
You are so wrong I don't know where to begin.

The acceleration towards hate politics, or probably more correctly, Win Or Lose Politics started with the RWWs apoplectic reaction to the Clinton years. It was fed, nurtured, and turned into a vile art form by Karl Rove, one of the most despicable people I have ever had the displeasure to know. The Clinton camp responded in kind and threw more gasoline on the fire, and then Pelosi and her evil cabal made sure it would not be quenched for a long time. The LWWs are every bit as deceitful and Win/Lose as the Roveites.

We have been in decades of the wacko fringes not really caring about good laws (OK, reasonable laws; there are hardly any Good ones), but rather about Winning, and making the other side (the enemy) suffer humiliation. That has directly led to whichever party is in power (when one has been) passing poorly formed laws just to show they can--and when neither party is in control, we see endless bills pass one house with ZERO chance of getting through the other--and then each party points at the other ans says "it's their fault, they are the roadblock!". Because the Wackos tended to turn out in greater numbers for the primaries, we saw a shift in both parties towards the fringes, and with the inevitable increase in hate politics from both sides. Fortunately, just maybe, the Reps have realized that the RWWs are a death trap. Now if the LWWs would realize the same things in their party, we might get back to a government that has a chance of functioning.

So I completely disagree with you--you and the other fringe elements ARE to blame, and should reap what you sewed. In different way, ideally. The RWWs in the South should have to watch the next Katrina show up with no federal aid/military manpower afterwards, and the excessively generous hand-out liberals should have to foot the full bill for their programs. But as we know, neither of those will happen.

Until the center majority throws out both Wacko fringes and realizes that what we need are not perfect laws, but laws focused on the +/- 2 sigma of our 300M people, we will keep replacing one bad law with a worse one. Until the Wackos stop thinking that what fits their worldview best also fits the other 295M people, we will stay in this sick, dysfunctional place.
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Old 05-22-2014, 08:22 AM   #77
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Too Fucking Funny......Old T thinks if we only threw out the wacko extremists and let Congress go along to get along, then our debt, spending, runaway government would all disappear (slowly or otherwise).

Where has he been the past thirty five years ?
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Old 05-22-2014, 08:29 AM   #78
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Are you really that blind? This is the problem, most of that 35 years, at least the last 22+, we HAVE been is the fractured hate politic paradigm. What supposed bi-partisan pipe-dream have you been living in?
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Old 05-22-2014, 08:33 AM   #79
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You need to go back and look at the votes in both houses of Congress; the problem has nothing to do with "politics of hate" or "hate speech" and everything to do with more spending, more debt, more government promoted by a coalition of middle of the road politicians and their constituencies who voted for them.
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Old 05-22-2014, 10:19 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
You need to go back and look at the votes in both houses of Congress; the problem has nothing to do with "politics of hate" or "hate speech" and everything to do with more spending, more debt, more government promoted by a coalition of middle of the road politicians and their constituencies who voted for them.
Unfortunately since almost no one wants zero government, the real question is "how much of what things" is proper for government. You have your thoughts, governed largely by your values and what affects you. Others in different situations have different answers to the same question. Nothing inherently makes yours the "correct" one. With 300M people there is no answer that all will see as "the correct one". Politics should be about finding a good solution most can live with. The politics of Win/Lose inhibits if not prevents that. One example being the RWW insistence that the only way to reduce the absurdly large deficit is cut "frivolous" spending. They refuse to consider tax increases. The LWW are equally stupid and inflexible when it comes to many defense issues, etc.

What you are saying is that if the coalition of the middle ground represents the majority, then you do not reallybelieve in majority rule. You decree that the majority REALLY supports your world view--if they were only not led astray by the liberal media. Therefore "you" have the right to save them from themselves. Odd, the LWWs say essentially the same thing, only vilifying the conservative radio puppets. And both of you sound like an old Fidel or Vladimir speach about the prolitariate. By the way, botif you ever have insomnia, there is nothing more effective than a good four hour long Castro drone to put you to sleep. Whether you can understand Spanish or not.
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Old 05-23-2014, 10:28 AM   #81
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Default @ Old T.....Why We Are Screwed In One Picture...

And who keeps voting all these incumbents back in ?

It isn't the fringe on the right !
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Old 05-23-2014, 09:29 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by Old-T View Post
Unfortunately since almost no one wants zero government, the real question is "how much of what things" is proper for government. You have your thoughts, governed largely by your values and what affects you. Others in different situations have different answers to the same question. Nothing inherently makes yours the "correct" one. With 300M people there is no answer that all will see as "the correct one". Politics should be about finding a good solution most can live with. The politics of Win/Lose inhibits if not prevents that. One example being the RWW insistence that the only way to reduce the absurdly large deficit is cut "frivolous" spending. They refuse to consider tax increases. The LWW are equally stupid and inflexible when it comes to many defense issues, etc.

What you are saying is that if the coalition of the middle ground represents the majority, then you do not reallybelieve in majority rule. You decree that the majority REALLY supports your world view--if they were only not led astray by the liberal media. Therefore "you" have the right to save them from themselves. Odd, the LWWs say essentially the same thing, only vilifying the conservative radio puppets. And both of you sound like an old Fidel or Vladimir speach about the prolitariate. By the way, botif you ever have insomnia, there is nothing more effective than a good four hour long Castro drone to put you to sleep. Whether you can understand Spanish or not.
We have already determined the proper limits of government. It's the Constitution. If government would follow it, we'd be much stronger and free.
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Old 05-25-2014, 10:16 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
We have already determined the proper limits of government. It's the Constitution. If government would follow it, we'd be much stronger and free.
This from the only Dipshit stupid enough to start a Dipshit of the Year thread and nominate himself to be a leading contender.
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Old 05-25-2014, 10:59 AM   #84
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Old 05-25-2014, 12:45 PM   #85
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The above video was brought to you by "Sweet Ass" IIFFY, who was the personal ATF of the Dipshit who started a Dipshit of the Year thread and nominated himself to be a leading contender.
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Old 05-25-2014, 10:29 PM   #86
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So, BigAss, what have you got against the Constitution?
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Old 05-26-2014, 04:19 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
So, BigAss, what have you got against the Constitution?
This from the only Dipshit stupid enough to start a Dipshit of the Year thread and nominate himself to be a leading contender.
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Old 05-26-2014, 08:15 AM   #88
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Can't answer the question, eh, BigAss?
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Old 05-26-2014, 08:26 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Can't answer the question, eh, BigAss?
i did, the answer was: Hanoi COG is the only Dipshit stupid enough to start a Dipshit of the Year thread and nominate himself to be a leading contender.
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Old 05-26-2014, 08:30 AM   #90
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Ah, BigAss. Stay proud of your stupidity.
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