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Old 07-24-2013, 05:22 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Looks like a perfect pic of you IB JD Whirlly Old fart and your ilk.
Actually, those are the little "minions" who think like you and your flock.
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Old 07-24-2013, 05:37 PM   #62
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For "race relations".................... .

Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post

Now why was it that a "special prosecutor" had to be assigned to the trial of the "no crime"?
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Old 07-24-2013, 05:58 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
Has it occurred to you that your endless accusations of race-baiting are......race-baiting?

These dumbshit accuse people of trying to profit off race baiting...all except Fox News. They are to ignorant to see their own hypocrisy. Our poor lil Tea Taeds are something else
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Old 07-24-2013, 06:13 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by timpage View Post
That is complete horseshit. A kid was shot to death under circumstances that many people believe were questionable at best. It is exactly the sort of scenario where a jury ought to decide. That's what happened and now it's over.
No, the above statement is complete horseshit!

Let me isolate this horseshit IRRELEVANT statement:

"A kid was shot to death under circumstances that many people believe were questionable at best."

What people? Those who were standing their watching it? Or those who wish they were?

The ONLY information you had when you made up your mind was what the media reported.
And not long after that, and continuing throughout the trial, everyone else (besides you and those "many people") learned that a lot of the media reports were lies, bullshit, hype, wishful thinking, speculation, and down right inaccurate ... "at best"!

I'm going with the LE decision on that one ... insufficient evidence to prosecute for a crime.

And because you just must be right ... you just keep up the fabrications and exaggerations.

Not every death is a crime. No every shooting is a crime. Just accept that and move on.
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Old 07-24-2013, 06:29 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Actually, those are the little "minions" who think like you and your flock.

Sorry answer sexless lover it makes you sound late to the huddle.
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Old 07-24-2013, 06:48 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
if there is insufficient evidence to prove a crime ... there is no crime legally
Tell that to the families of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.

All I can add .. is .... I hope you ... and all those "other people" who think like you do ... don't ever get investigated for "a crime" and have the charges NOT FILED, because then when you answer a question regarding whether you have ever committed a crime .. you will have to answer "yes" ... and then explain
Are you drunk or something? Try making some sense next time.

Beyond that, we'll likewise hope that you never find yourself being followed around by a Harry Callahan wannabe with a gun simply because he's determined in his own mind that you look suspicious. Particularly now that he knows he can shoot your sorry ass and get away with it.
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Old 07-24-2013, 08:32 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Doove View Post
Tell that to the families of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.
So you are departing from the reality to make another point? You are actually comparing the killings of Brown and Goldman with that of Martin? No wonder you cannot understand what I write. You lack the cognitive ability to do so. But there are others who have trouble equating connecting thoughts and comprehending the postings in here.

You ought not to "assume" that just because you cannot understand something the other party is impaired, even though that seems to be the "standard" for liberals.
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Old 07-24-2013, 10:28 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
If Zimmerman had not got out of the truck?

Probably about two days later, several residences would have bee broken into by the gangsta buddies that Travon was casing houses for.

In due time, Travon would have just been another punk gangsta on his way to a Florida prison. He was already heading that way, as his cell phone records will show when the Zimmerman Defense Team goes after the judicial system and liberal press, poverty pimps, and race baiters who were instrumental in staging this entire fiasco.
Don't you know that all psychics conclude their fortune telling by revealing our special lucky numbers?

If you are going to engage in fortune telling, mysticism, and predicting the future, at least try to get it right. What are my damned numbers for the big Powerball drawing?!?
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Old 07-24-2013, 10:42 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Who is more pussy? Zimmerman who helped pull a family out of a burning vehicle .. or ..

............. the "men" who slaughter helpless women in your neighborhoods?

There's an old saying (concept) that apparently doesn't apply to "your neighborhood" ...

.. take care of your own yard before you start criticizing and giving direction to others.
LOL the vehicle was not on fire, and the occupants were not injured in the crash. Meaning they were perfectly capable of getting out on their own.

Sure it was nice the Zimmerman stopped to lend a hand, even grabbing a fire extinguisher to demonstrate that the same wannabe hero complex that led him to play pseudo cop the night he killed an innocent teen is still fully intact, even if this time he didn't have to kill anyone to play the hero. Zimmerman grabbed his extinguisher because he thought there was a fire, much the same way he thought Skittles and an Arizona Iced Tea were burglary tools.

Trayvon is still dead. George is still a murderer who walked free. But lets fit him for a medal for stopping for a car crash.
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Old 07-24-2013, 11:37 PM   #70
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Sins, I am disappointed...since Trayvon was not on trial can you be sure he was innocent? He was apparently guilty of some things like fighting in school and whatever his stepmom kicked him out of the house for.

Please stop trying to read minds; "Zimmerman grabbed his extinguisher because he thought there was a fire, much the same way he thought Skittles and an Arizona Iced Tea were burglary tools." Do you have some inside knowledge from George himself?

As much as you disagree Zimmerman was found not guilty of murder and manslaughter. He IS NOT a murderer. Killing is one thing, murder is another. Murder is the unncessarily taking of a life. By finding Zimmerman not guilty the jury has stated that the killing of Trayvon was NECESSARY. You can think it was unneccesary from the safety of your home but they had to put themselves in the shoes of Zimmerman that night.
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Old 07-25-2013, 04:52 AM   #71
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Let's hear it for Jonathan Willard pulled a women from a burning car , got all out safely.
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Old 07-25-2013, 05:42 AM   #72
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Hey SoF, what are my Powerball numbers?

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Sins, I am disappointed...since Trayvon was not on trial can you be sure he was innocent? He was apparently guilty of some things like fighting in school and whatever his stepmom kicked him out of the house for.

Please stop trying to read minds; "Zimmerman grabbed his extinguisher because he thought there was a fire, much the same way he thought Skittles and an Arizona Iced Tea were burglary tools." Do you have some inside knowledge from George himself?
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Old 07-25-2013, 06:22 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
You are actually comparing the killings of Brown and Goldman with that of Martin?
Nope. I was simply pointing out the idiocy of your suggestion that if no crime was proven, then no crime was committed. Please keep up.

You lack the cognitive ability to do so. But there are others who have trouble equating connecting thoughts and comprehending the postings in here.
No doubt!

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Please stop trying to read minds;
Since Zimmerman killed someone because he was trying to read his mind, i'd say good advice!

As much as you disagree Zimmerman was found not guilty of murder and manslaughter. He IS NOT a murderer. Killing is one thing, murder is another. Murder is the unncessarily taking of a life.
Do you honestly think she doesn't know that? I mean, really.

By finding Zimmerman not guilty the jury has stated that the killing of Trayvon was NECESSARY.
No, they determined that there wasn't enough proof to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. It's amazing to me how many people in here pretend to not understand that.

If things were flipped and Zimmerman was required to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that what he did was justified, he'd have been found guilty.

You can think it was unneccesary from the safety of your home but they had to put themselves in the shoes of Zimmerman that night.
And too bad they didn't put themselves in the shoes of Martin. Imagine, and seriously, think hard about this, imagine someone in a car, following you, when all you're doing is walking home from the store. Really, really think about that for a minute. That, to me, sounds far more frightening than seeing a black 17 year old walking around in my neighborhood. So telling me that you would just continue walking and ignore the guy in the car is ludicrous.
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Old 07-25-2013, 06:46 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh View Post
LOL the vehicle was not on fire, and the occupants were not injured in the crash. Meaning they were perfectly capable of getting out on their own.

Sure it was nice the Zimmerman stopped to lend a hand, even grabbing a fire extinguisher to demonstrate that the same wannabe hero complex that led him to play pseudo cop the night he killed an innocent teen is still fully intact, even if this time he didn't have to kill anyone to play the hero. Zimmerman grabbed his extinguisher because he thought there was a fire, much the same way he thought Skittles and an Arizona Iced Tea were burglary tools.

Trayvon is still dead. George is still a murderer who walked free. But lets fit him for a medal for stopping for a car crash.
No, SofTF, Poor lil Trayvon's Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail and Skittles weren't "burglary tools". They were ingredients for an illicit drink Trayvon fancied, and he had the Facebook posts and the liver damage to prove it! Plus, there's camera footage at the 7-11 suggesting poor lil Trayvon had a dude buy him a cigar, SofTF. That and the THC in poor lil Trayvon's system indicate Trayvon wasn't an "innocent" child.

In fact, if you listen to Rachel Jeantel's interview with Piers Morgan, you'll learn that poor lil Trayvon imagined that Zimmerman was LE! Man, what a downer! There he was, getting his groove on, walking aimlessly, in the rain, on a cold winter's night, and this "creepy @ss cr@ck@" came up and ruined his buzz!

Imagine poor lil Trayvon's paranoia about getting busted and his anger at ditching his stash only to find out that Zimmerman wasn't LE!?! It had to be enough to make a gangsta-wanna-be beat the hell out of somebody.

So no, SofTF, poor lil Trayvon's Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail and Skittles weren't "burglary tools". Poor lil Trayvon's "burglary tools" along with his haul of women's jewelry were confiscated at school before he was suspended by his school and kicked out his house by his mother for fighting.
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Old 07-25-2013, 10:18 AM   #75
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Whirlaway...Zimmerman is a killer. He didn't follow his instructions not to follow the kid when he received his training as a watchman. He didn't follow his instructions not to follow when told by the dispatcher. He was the aggressor with a gun...the kid was armed with a package of skittles. The kid's fault was his inability to defend himself against a crazed gun totting idiot.

There was another man at the scene of the accident that helped pull the family out of the van. Nobody was seriously injured. They would have lived. Your're another example of fools defending a killer. I have little doubt we will hear of Zimmerman sometime in the next 10 years involved in another shooting. These people can't help themselves, sort of like OJ.
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