Originally Posted by ivan
It really blows my mind. You actually guys use very personal information, credit cards, cell numbers to get screened or setup p411 and all that? That's absolutely INSANE and naive. I don't trust anything or anybody with any personal information. You've got to maintain some level of privacy and anonymity in this hobby. There is no room for mistakes. Imagine the ramification of that information getting out or being misused by one of the providers when she in trouble, not that she is malicious. What if her phone/laptop is hacked and one will blackmail her "list". You read all over that places about "madams" having to disclose all information they got.
I will do absolutely anything to protect my privacy and sometime you have to be the master of disguise. Never let one connect the dots.
1. Credit Cards can be purchased from Walgreens/CVS to pay P411.
2. Cell Phone - pre-paid or use Google Voice both anonymous
3. Then for those very concerned with Privacy... take a taxi to appointment. You can learn a lot about a person from a license plate.
4. Wear a mask during session... you never know if you are being video taped during a session either.
5. Leave wallet and any other identification in your car or at home.
6. Never meet a provider at your home.
Now I doubt anyone goes that far and others may have other things I have not considered. In the end each person chooses a level of security they are comfortable with and many do not choose wisely.
In the end if you cannot get screened with a provider move on or keep trying but don't cry about it. Plus you only have 2 reviews in 2 years. How do you know that AC did not have a no review policy/request or that her old reviews are gone when she changed names?
I suggest you just go see someone else and leave this one alone. You keep digging a pointless hole for yourself... then again this was a fun post to read. Plus you probably are stirring up more business for AC so she might like you to keep going.