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Old 01-15-2012, 09:06 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by SillyGirl View Post
fucking marketing
See what you did there?

Keep the fury rolling. I find it hilarious.
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Old 01-15-2012, 09:11 AM   #62
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Oh yes, my late night cranky pants posts were highly recommended in "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
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Old 01-15-2012, 09:16 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by SillyGirl View Post
Oh yes, my late night cranky pants posts were highly recommended in "How to Win Friends and Influence People"

Well, you cant be friends with everyone. And if you are going to burn a bridge you might as well send that bitch up proper.
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Old 01-15-2012, 09:31 AM   #64
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Default Just a thought...

Originally Posted by SillyGirl View Post
Oh yes, my late night cranky pants posts were highly recommended in "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
It seems appropriate that some of us should volunteer to assist with the removal of those "cranky pants".

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Old 01-15-2012, 02:00 PM   #65
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Default Moving on.

Originally Posted by vkmaster View Post
Wow, a very through Stat analysis by Cayman02, and interesting comments by JR.

Not hating on anyone, but I'm just trying to figure who to have fun with!!! And share info and experiences with others on this site

But yes, it can be both an unsafe and arduous profession for the ladies, without question
Let us put this in simple math.

If there 56 ladies in the profession that are in their 20's,
If they all stay in the business there will be 280 ladies in their 50's.
There is 1 lady still in the business who is in their 50's
What happened to the other 279 ladies?

There are better ways to calculate this that will plot a regression curve, but with the simple math; the point is made.

The women drop out of the business, and move to other things.

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Old 01-15-2012, 03:29 PM   #66
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Personally, I feel like there is a lid for every pot! Some clients want the 18-19 girl and some wouldn't touch it with a 10ft pole, (lol no pun intended). Most of us look younger than our real age anyhow, and les not forget that it's client choice and some flat out ask, "can you pretend to be18?" So maybe they want the fantasy of a young beautiful woman without feeling like a creep.
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Old 01-15-2012, 03:53 PM   #67
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Default Personal preference

Originally Posted by kimd View Post
Personally, I feel like there is a lid for every pot! Some clients want the 18-19 girl and some wouldn't touch it with a 10ft pole, (lol no pun intended). Most of us look younger than our real age anyhow, and les not forget that it's client choice and some flat out ask, "can you pretend to be18?" So maybe they want the fantasy of a young beautiful woman without feeling like a creep.
I understand the thrill of a young women, she is of childbearing age, and if you really examine the thrill of it all the sex act, at its basic function, is about reproduction.

Now that I have had my fun: I am not comfortable with harming a woman, and I am disgusted with the idea that anyone would harm a child. After raising daughters, a big part of me is about protection of those around me; my children or the children of others. Over 30 doesn't seem to be a problem for me, but a woman of 19 to 25 makes me think of my daughters and granddaughters. Sorry girls, but it is just a personal preference.

I was at a school function once and one of the school ladies did not know me. I had noticed her watching me. I was standing alone, when my granddaughter came over to me and leaned up against me and put her arms around my waist. The woman stated: "Oh, that is the girl you are with!"

Good for her, we should all look out for the children, all of them.

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Old 01-15-2012, 05:40 PM   #68
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"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." LOL

Truly good statistical analysis is rare IMO. Many efforts are made. Assuming genuine effort, the biggest error usually lies in misreading the numbers which leads to faulty interpretations. And that doesn't take into account people who massage the numbers to fit their agenda. Hence, statistics are really damned lies!
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Old 01-15-2012, 06:23 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
Let us put this in simple math.

If there 56 ladies in the profession that are in their 20's,
If they all stay in the business there will be 280 ladies in their 50's.
I don't quite follow this. How does 56 become 280?
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Old 01-15-2012, 07:33 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by KCQuestor View Post
I don't quite follow this. How does 56 become 280?
The rule of 5s. Thimk!
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Old 01-15-2012, 09:30 PM   #71
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Jeez--I can hardly wait for the pedantic pseudo intelligentsia to start in with Calculus.
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Old 01-16-2012, 02:22 PM   #72
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Default Really?

Originally Posted by Redwolf View Post
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." LOL

Truly good statistical analysis is rare IMO. Many efforts are made. Assuming genuine effort, the biggest error usually lies in misreading the numbers which leads to faulty interpretations. And that doesn't take into account people who massage the numbers to fit their agenda. Hence, statistics are really damned lies!
With all due respect to "horse sense", the common impression of statistical analysis is just plain wrong. The numbers are misread by those who wish to tell us a lie. The numbers are the numbers, they do not lie. The science is trying to find what the numbers are telling us. Thus, most statistics do not make the front page; the propaganda makes the front page. There is a big difference.

The question for business, and government has always been: what do the numbers tell us to change. The central responsibility of management is to bring about changes in the procedures: the changes bring the profit. Predictive changes can bring big results. Someone accused me of being LE in hiding: I am not LE. However, I can tell you that many LE commands do not know what to do with the numbers they have. They need help in such area as: where do they put the officers, and how many do they put on a shift, where do they place them, and general LE intelligence.

For business; where are the power consumptions and at what time of day, where are the patterns. Can power costs be reduced? You can bet the electrical company will not tell them.

At a big box store, how many checkout lines are available, and at what time. What are the sales patterns for a company, and how are the goods positioned to be at the stores on time for seasonal purchases.

For WWII the turning point for the Pacific was one battle where it was critical that the US find the Japanese; search planes were sent out in a pattern derived from statistical analysis. We did not have enough planes to cover the entire area, where do we send them for the greatest impact. The last example is a classical case presented at most graduate schools.

A lot of this is taught in certain military schools, all defense contractors use statistics to tell management what to do, they do not fly by the seat of their pants.

You can quote as much as you want but numbers don't lie. I will tell you that for one major food company, they were looking at statistics as nothing more than the common distribution curve, and for them it was anything but standard. The packaging weights were suppose to be exact, but they were not, no underweights were allowed but overfill was allowed. A better quality control procedure was established, based on a better statistical evaluation of production, that did not allow as much overfill. The target weights were reduced just a little, but still above the stated weights. The customer received the goods for which he was paying The savings were not small, and neither were my rewards.

Fuel consumption, packaging weights, hiring, firing, distribution of goods and resources and the prices of financial instruments are all evaluated with statistics.

Redwolf, it is like the common saying: a little knowledge is a dangerous thing; what the quote really says is:
"A little learning is a dangerous thing;
drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
and drinking largely sobers us again."
Alexander Pope (1688 - 1744) "An Essay on Criticism"
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Old 01-16-2012, 04:06 PM   #73
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I still don't see how 56 in their twenties become 280 in their fifties.
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Old 01-16-2012, 05:06 PM   #74
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I think what JR was getting at is if there are 56 girls in their 20's, and all 56 stay in the biz into their 30's, on to their 40's and into their 50's; and assuming that there are an equal number of ladies replacing them; then 56 + 56 +56 + 56 = 224. If they stay into their 60's then you hit the 280 number.
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Old 01-16-2012, 06:56 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by Cayman02 View Post
I think what JR was getting at is if there are 56 girls in their 20's, and all 56 stay in the biz into their 30's, on to their 40's and into their 50's; and assuming that there are an equal number of ladies replacing them; then 56 + 56 +56 + 56 = 224. If they stay into their 60's then you hit the 280 number.
Sure, but in that case there still aren't 280 in their fifties (or sixties). There are 56 in their fifties, 56 in their forties, 56 in their thirties, and 56 in their twenties.
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