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Old 08-12-2023, 07:55 AM   #61
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Here’s an interview with the riverboat captain. The person initially assaulted was his first mate, who was called the co-Captain by the press,


Apparently the pontoon boat crew had previously hijacked a golf cart used to transport the old and infirm at the dock and left it in a hotel lobby. The captain reported it to the police, who decided to let it slide.

I see that the guy with the deck chair was charged although not with assault. Everyone so far, four pontoon boaters and the guy with the chair, were charged with misdemeanors, not felonies, which makes sense to me. The co-Captain and the young white deck hand who accompanied him did suffer injuries, but it sounds like they weren’t too severe.
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Old 08-12-2023, 11:57 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
Media are calling it the Boston tea party.
A group of whites were brutally attacked. Far outnumbered being suckered punched and trying to leave the mob kept attacking with cheers from their peers. All over facey and tweety. No liberal has come out and condemned this.
Double standard msm and libs.

Not surprising
You just causing trouble, YRSE.
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Old 08-12-2023, 12:07 PM   #63
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... Winn is calling this "racism" due-to the "help a brother out"
or whatever the chant was that added more bodys to the barney.

Ok, understood - but I'm just not sure "racism" is the issue here.
Lemme give a good example.

Steelers American football game at the Pittsburgh stadium:
A handful of Ravins fans or Browns supporters there begin
to stow a Steelers fan there and hit him... Do you believe
other Steeler supporters might jump in and start a barney
JUST BECAUSE the fellow gettin' attacked is wearin' a
Steelers fan jersey and those hitting him are wearin'
Browns or Ravis garb?? - I DO.

A perfect description of clannism.

So maybe some o' the black-skinned people surely jumped
into the fray there because of skin colour.
Or maybe 'cause it was five on one - or whatever the case.

But I'm just not certain that racism is the issue.
Perhaps it's just clannism.

... Why not let the police investigate what happened
and then form our opinions on what THEY conclude?

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Old 08-12-2023, 09:23 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
They attacked the white deck hand too, who ended up going to the hospital. That assault may have occurred out of view of the cameras.
None of the events that occurred would have happened if the white boaters would have been able to take direction from someone who did not look like them. Instead they had a "Jim Crow" mentality. Reminds me of when Gov George Wallace blocked black students from registering for class at the University of Alabama back in 1963 when "Broadway" Joe Namath was the starting QB for the football team. In the deep south some things never change.
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Old 08-12-2023, 09:49 PM   #65
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Whatever their ancestry the drunk dumbasses who started the brawl should be held accountable on serious charges. Not sure I believe they targeted him because he was black and sometimes in a fight people say all kinds of stupid shit in a similar way as when our dicks get wet we don't always mean everything that comes out of our mouth.

Not trying to excuse their conduct I despise it and would likely be unfit to serve on a jury due to that fact. Just not sure every time the N word comes out of someone's mouth its a hate crime.
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Old 08-12-2023, 09:54 PM   #66
winn dixie
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Not one lib condemned this heinous act.
Betting they didn't watch from beginning to end with no edits.
This is a problem!
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Old 08-12-2023, 10:26 PM   #67
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So anyone that disagrees is uninformed? Or too Liberal to know better?

I think you will find considerably more Liberals who would support hate crime charges (for both groups) than you will Trump supporters that would support punishing Jan 6 insurrectionists.

The more I see the videos I am inclined to leave hate crime charges out of it. Maybe the original attack went down because a black man told some drunk white people something they didn't like. Ok. Not a hard concept to grasp.

Now ask the second group (who for sure many of them deserve prosecution) what led to them to their choice. It was in direct response to felony assault. Not a justification legally but it definitely softens a case of racial profiling.

Once a brawl starts people say and do stupid shit. I am not going to support charges in order to even the score if it meets the level of hate crime charges should be filed. Black. White. Doesn't matter
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Old 08-12-2023, 10:33 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
None of the events that occurred would have happened if the white boaters would have been able to take direction from someone who did not look like them. Instead they had a "Jim Crow" mentality. Reminds me of when Gov George Wallace blocked black students from registering for class at the University of Alabama back in 1963 when "Broadway" Joe Namath was the starting QB for the football team. In the deep south some things never change.
Lol. Come on adav8s28. You want to compare this to George Wallace blocking black students from registering for class? This incident in Montgomery is absolutely nothing, of no importance, compared to the integration of universities in the South.

The Captain of the riverboat who repeatedly provided "direction" over the ship's intercom telling the pontoon boaters to move their boat was white. If he'd gone ashore instead of the black co-captain, the same thing might have happened to him. The fact that the drunks attacked the white deck hand but not the black interceder with the Michigan T-shirt who was trying to calm things down would indicate you're wrong on this.
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Old 08-12-2023, 10:43 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
Not one lib condemned this heinous act.
Betting they didn't watch from beginning to end with no edits.
This is a problem!
The heinous act was when four people attacked the dockworker for trying to do his job. The only reason they attacked him was because he did not look like them. Do you think the white boaters would have attacked the dockworker if he were white? (Please try to answer with a straight face).

The people who came to aid the dockworker were just trying to make an unfair fight a fair fight. In doing so an innocent bystander got hurt.

Bottom line is: None of this would have happened had the four white boaters had not been racists.
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Old 08-12-2023, 10:51 PM   #70
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WD, why would anyone condemn the act when it wasn't a hate crime? I saw worst color related brawls at the Texas/OU game last year. The extreme hatred between the burnt orange and burgundy put that Montgomery brawl to shame. And that was before the damn game even started.

Do you know the history of Montgomery, AL? Why would they even waste their time with such inaccuracy given their putrid history of despicable actions of real hate crimes down there? Sorry dude, you are making something out of nothing which is the reason people are not agreeing with you in this thread.

What are people supposed to do? Accuse the white dudes who started this shit with hate crimes and then accuse all of the black dudes with hate crimes all over bullshit scrapes and bruises? Or like most have already posted, just take it for what it is and that's people acting like complete morons on both sides.
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Old 08-12-2023, 10:56 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Do you think the white boaters would have attacked the dockworker if he were white? (Please try to answer with a straight face).
THEY DID ATTACK THE YOUNG WHITE DOCKWORKER. He went to the hospital. See the interview with the Captain. I provided a link. The reason you don't see it is probably because the people with the cameras focused on the co-Captain, and that doesn't fit with the agenda of the media. "Rabid group of white racists attack black man trying to do his job" sells more commercials than "drunk dumb asses refuse to move their boat and assault people trying to do their job."

And yeah, they probably roughed up the co-captain worse, because he was the senior guy, the authority figure, and the braver of the two.
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Old 08-12-2023, 11:03 PM   #72
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Tiny is the only one that I can say has seen most of the footage I have.
The rest not so much. Very easy to tell who has seen only snippets that pop up first on a search.
Oh well
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Old 08-12-2023, 11:22 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
Tiny is the only one that I can say has seen most of the footage I have.
The rest not so much. Very easy to tell who has seen only snippets that pop up first on a search.
Oh well

i have seen the extended video Tiny posted and it does raise the racial issue given the response from the riverboat crew. it was targeted at the least on vigilante terms it could also be considered a racist response.
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Old 08-12-2023, 11:44 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
i have seen the extended video Tiny posted and it does raise the racial issue given the response from the riverboat crew. it was targeted at the least on vigilante terms it could also be considered a racist response.
Did you see anything that indicated the response from the crew would be different if it had all been the same race?

I have not worked many jobs where people piling on my co-worker for doing their job would not earn a response. I don't think either side has clean hands but on the issue of 'lets get those guys' after the first attack I am going to need more than a maybe. Too many other factors involved to say it would have ended with round one if everyone was the same race
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Old 08-12-2023, 11:55 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by DNinja69 View Post
Did you see anything that indicated the response from the crew would be different if it had all been the same race?

I have not worked many jobs where people piling on my co-worker for doing their job would not earn a response. I don't think either side has clean hands but on the issue of 'lets get those guys' after the first attack I am going to need more than a maybe. Too many other factors involved to say it would have ended with round one if everyone was the same race

No. and that's the point isn't it?
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