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Old 02-28-2022, 09:40 AM   #61
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I always wonder why if its not your thing why do you read it and have to reply to it? fuck move on... eccie used to have an "other" forum before the shut down a few years ago (has it been that long?)

Point is it says in the title TS so just don't read it... there are plenty I see that don't do "it" for me and I just move on.
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Old 03-03-2022, 08:38 AM   #62
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EACH HIS OWN THING,,, thanks for the review
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Old 03-06-2022, 05:09 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by dfwtsfan View Post
I walked around for a couple of minutes thinking about your baiting post and what I should do. It clearly comes down to 1 of 3 choices - say "yes", don't reply, or defend. The shortest and easiest choice with your baited post, would be not to post anything. Doing that though, might cause you and others like you, to believe your post was correct and all TS's need to be viewed as "dudes", or I'm a coward and won't standup for the TG community or my beliefs, or no response means my TS beliefs are too weak too defend attacks from bullies like yourself. However, I'm highly against all forms of intolerance, bullying, unjustified provocation, hate, and oppression, and your post implies one or more of those is going on within your mind. I thought ECCIE was a community of tolerance for all gender types.

The alarming part of your comment that jumps out to me, is the part that could be easily seen as quite offensive to the entire transgender community, and by those who support them, and that's the word "dudes", which implies men. Transgenders don't see themselves as dudes/men, and it's very important to many they are no longer viewed as either, and saying otherwise to them, or about them, is often viewed as extremely offensive.

To become a transgender, and remain one, they have to go through more misery and suffering than most people could fathom. Family turning their back on them, friends too, incredible financial hardships transitioning and maintaining that lifestyle, lower income jobs for most, sticking with that and not going back to what they were, takes more bravery, money and courage than most people could imagine. Over the past 20 years I've heard more in-depth stories from them about that, along with them going through beatings, abuse, being mistreated, ongoing hardships, and things most people can't even imagine. Those things that would breakdown most people into saying "I can't do this anymore, becoming a TS was a bad decision, I'm going back to the way I was." I'm an admirer of all forms of bravery and courage, especially when the continuation of that goes extremely beyond what the typical person could endure, and against the norms of societies traditional views.

Your choice of the word "dudes" implies you don't want to comply with their simple wish and request to no longer be viewed as men. Why would you want to do something that wrong, that offensive, and could be viewed as hateful to them? What have they done to you? That one word you chose to post says a lot about you and you accepting their place in our society. I'm struggling to get past that and here's why. "Dudes" implies a complete intolerance of transgenders as being viewed as a different gender in our society, which is what they want to be perceived as in our society. What's your problem with that?

Look at my avatar. That's a smoking hot TS porn star with a cock. So her and others like her have a cock, so what, how is that hurting and offending your life? Do you think with a face like that she views herself as a man? Her and many others like her, along with those attracted to them, see them as girls with a cock. Now I'm guessing you don't, and you only see 2 genders, male or female. Well guess what, many of us that are different than you see 3 genders. Now try to wrap your head around this, while it hopefully helps you understand why some us like wrapping our mouth around it.

Some men have a fascination and attraction to cock (now hold that next thought), but other than just the cock, find every other major and minute aspect of a male to be completely disgusting from the standpoint of it having any attraction or appeal. The flipside you might not understand about some of us, we crave every aspect about females except their vagina. Here's what you probably have a hard time wrapping your mind around, neither traditional male nor traditional female appeals to me, and likely some like me, the proper mix of the two I find incredibly attractive and appealing. It might be something you find disgusting, or can't understand, and it's because your mind sees something different as appealing to you, and you're incapable of picturing anything else. We don't all have to think like you, or be attracted to what you think makes sense. We see a 3rd option, and we see it completely different than a traditional male or female, we see it as a female that has turned a cock from disgusting on a man to "omg, that's it, that's a perfect assimilation of everything I've been attracted too my whole life." Obviously you don't accept it or get it, because the word "dudes" say volumes about that.

So are you looking for a debate here about how or why transgenders identify themselves differently than "dudes" or why TS hobbyists are attracted to them? Or maybe, you walk around hoping the entire world will always view everything the way you do, and your mission in life is to change others to your viewpoint of things, and you'll start with that one little word that offends transgenders, "dudes"/men? Allow me to guess something here, you see everything in the world as either black and white, and for you gray doesn't exist? What kind of baited response were you hoping the word "dudes" would provoke?
Thanks for speaking up. I’m not BI, more like hetero flexible. I’ve done TS and reviewed them and will do it again.

You can’t fix idiots leaving hateful comments like that.

Thanks for your review, I have considered her but was afraid pictures was not up to date
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Old 03-06-2022, 05:09 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by mikehammer002001 View Post
I always wonder why if its not your thing why do you read it and have to reply to it? fuck move on... eccie used to have an "other" forum before the shut down a few years ago (has it been that long?)

Point is it says in the title TS so just don't read it... there are plenty I see that don't do "it" for me and I just move on.
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Old 03-15-2022, 02:04 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by dfwtsfan View Post

I've only been towed once while TS hobbying. It happened about 15 years ago at some apartments that use to be where the Walmart & Sams are at the SW corner of Midway & 635. Come to think of it, there use to be quite a few TS escorts over in that cluster of apartments.

I'd say at least 66% of my first time TS sessions have been disappointing, when going in blind (without reviews or intel). Many TS's take female hormones to acquire female features, to make them prettier, which can make their erections and cumming difficult or inconsistent, more so if they popped that day. Then there's their ads saying "no questions", lying when you can ask, lying ads saying "always hard", or no reviews. A satisfying TS session is a crap shoot.

I have a TS hobbyists worst curse, being constantly attracted and tempted to pick the prettiest T's, knowing the prettier they are, the less likely then can stay hard or cum. I have figured this out through the years, when they're very pretty and emphasize they're a bottom, rarely can they get hard and shoot a load. It's a helluva curse.
Me being towed was when I went to Emmy4u. Her and Kieva live over there. I met Kieva before I met Emmy, but she forgot to warn me about that location. They are not TS. The TS, who is my regular, lives in separate apartments another street down the road and behind them. Completely different apartments for that situation. Many guys have contacted me and asked who she is, or asked me about other TS I have visited. That is why my inbox on this website is full. Every since I made the review about TS Ariel Dream, they filled up my inbox asking me what TS to see. 80% of men were asking me questions through PM, and 20% of them were spreading a bunch of hating rubbish in the comment section. None of the 80% supported me doing a review of a TS, so I said screw it and never bothered doing a review again. Whether that is a t-girl or cis, or whatever.

I'm pretty much done trying T-girls in Dallas area. It's just so boring and lame living near this city, and I am more near the countryside up North, so I drive far everywhere. Scheduling is always a hassle trying to get to any of these women on these sites. They usually get impatient or cancel on me when I am in the middle of driving. The "hobby" started good when I first did it in 2016, but it has been slowly getting more stressful than relaxing. I feel like stopping it entirely. I remember the three months I lived in the Bay Area in Summer 2019 for work purposes. It was amazing and beautiful out there. Unfortunately, lots of homeless are everywhere. I did meet up with three girls I met on an app while I was there. None of those apps work in Dallas. This place is full of sh*t. Texas in general really. I heard Austin is better, but I have never been there.

Oh, and I drove by Midway and 635 a few times in the past month or two, and that walmart has been torn down. It's closed. But yeah, overall, the two best T-girls I have experienced are Carla (my regular and last TS I visit) and TS Ariel Dream (who supposedly is "not" on the market according to Jewel, but I don't believe that either). If Ariel would let me see her again, I would be there like The Flash. Craziest s*x ever with her. Top and bottom, wild DFK and body squeezing.
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Old 03-15-2022, 05:36 PM   #66
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Nice review, Not the best experience but if we all won everytime itd be too good to be true
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