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Old 08-28-2011, 01:55 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by ufriend2912 View Post
Am I correct that most who have chosen to see a Backpage advertiser (with the exception of Still Looking's unique experiences, of course) find that those ladies require payment up front, and even typically count it before spending time with a gentlemen?

NOTE: For those who do not wish to be thrashed about for their opinions, a PM is a fine mode of communicating your experience.

(I ask because I typically do not see BP advertisers, but the couple I have did require such.)
I'm pretty sure an up front payment is expected and demanded in most all venues as they pertain to hobbying! Most in particularly BP! And Ufriend, I'm not here to give you or any one shit. But you jump my shit about how I do things, and tell me I'm WRONG, well you reap what you sow! If you think I'm an asshole, jump on the Austin board and tell a few of those guys they're wrong. Let me know how that goes. My apologizes to anyone I might have offended by my comments.

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Old 08-28-2011, 01:58 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by shorty View Post
What was I thinking LOL! I haven't heard the term ROSES used in awhile when referring to money. Some ladies that have websites will inform you on where to place the money and if they prefer it in a unsealed envelope. I normally place it on the dresser as I'm walking in an unsealed envelope, unless the ladies website specifically says put it in the bathroom.
Geesh, you can be so goofy at times, lol.
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Old 08-28-2011, 02:11 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
I'm pretty sure an up front payment is expected and demanded in most all venues as they pertain to hobbying! Most in particularly BP! And Ufriend, I'm not here to give you or any one shit. But you jump my shit about how I do things, and tell me I'm WRONG, well you reap what you sow! If you think I'm an asshole, jump on the Austin board and tell a few of those guys they're wrong. Let me know how that goes. My apologizes to anyone I might have offended by my comments.
I presume your "But you jump my shit..." is a collective statement to the entire collective, not just this drone, since I have yet to do so, thus no offense taken.

However, with that said, I suppose I can admit that what I originally found to be a humorous curiosity earlier in this thread, became a hyper-ventilation of sorts, and has since become a ferocity with which you have brow-beaten anyone who dared differ with your opinion.

Reactions can sometimes be quite illuminating.
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Old 08-28-2011, 02:34 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by ufriend2912 View Post
I presume your "But you jump my shit..." is a collective statement to the entire collective, not just this drone, since I have yet to do so, thus no offense taken.

However, with that said, I suppose I can admit that what I originally found to be a humorous curiosity earlier in this thread, became a hyper-ventilation of sorts, and has since become a ferocity with which you have brow-beaten anyone who dared differ with your opinion.

Reactions can sometimes be quite illuminating.
I think I might be able to clear things up for at least you. I believe it was you that said you "set an envelope on a clear surface along with my keys and my open canned soft drink". Now if I simple post what I do... no problem. But if I start stating that anyone who walks into a session with an envelope is an ass, how would you feel? Just because I don't follow that protocol doesn’t mean you are wrong for doing so. Then if I stated that I felt dumb or stupid after reading your post, how would you feel? I do what I do and have done so for a long time. It works for me. Doesn't mean it works for everyone nor does it mean I think less of someone who does things differently. Some of the Nay Sayers might want to ask themselves how does he get away with doing it this way? That can only be answered by the providers that allow it! Why is it NEW providers allow me to pay after services are rendered? Another good question would be why do BP providers send me a picture of themselves with the current date written on paper or the mirror? Simple answer, if they don't I don't play! Am I missing out on some potentially good sessions? Perhaps! But it’s the way I do it. I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone who does not share my opinion.

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Old 08-28-2011, 03:05 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
I think I might be able to clear things up for at least you. I believe it was you that said you "set an envelope on a clear surface along with my keys and my open canned soft drink". Now if I simple post what I do... no problem. But if I start stating that anyone who walks into a session with an envelope is an ass, how would you feel? Just because I don't follow that protocol doesn’t mean you are wrong for doing so. Then if I stated that I felt dumb or stupid after reading your post, how would you feel? I do what I do and have done so for a long time. It works for me. Doesn't mean it works for everyone nor does it mean I think less of someone who does things differently. Some of the Nay Sayers might want to ask themselves how does he get away with doing it this way? That can only be answered by the providers that allow it! Why is it NEW providers allow me to pay after services are rendered? Another good question would be why do BP providers send me a picture of themselves with the current date written on paper or the mirror? Simple answer, if they don't I don't play! Am I missing out on some potentially good sessions? Perhaps! But it’s the way I do it. I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone who does not share my opinion.

How could you even attempt this? Only an asshole the size of Pluto would even try to pay after. We all know it's absolutely mandatory to pay upfront. I try to tape it to the front door so she can have before she even comes in my condo. Sometimes I send her 50 dollars for just talking to me about it. Still, you must have nuts the size of a disco ball to even try it. I want you to go look in the mirror and ask yourself to fall in line with all lemmings on the planet. Shit and to think I wanted to call you my friend
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Old 08-28-2011, 03:09 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by waleran.bigod6 View Post
If so where do the ladies prefer that the roses be placed? All advice / help is welcome and appreciated.
Originally Posted by ufriend2912 View Post
When attending an incall: I have always, on a first encounter, come in and set an envelope on a clear surface along with with my keys and my open canned soft drink, then turned for the welcoming hug (and check).

When it is an outcall: I set the envelope in the main room on an obvious and clear surface, unless her etiquette requirements specify otherwise (e.g. one lady I know is very clear it must be in the bathroom).

On all subsequent dates, I tend to do the same as the first meeting. The only exception to that was a young lady whom I saw frequently and would pick her up prior to the date and return her to her home afterward. In that situation, I would give it to her on the drive home afterward, but we had a very good relationship so she never had a concern.
Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
I think I might be able to clear things up for at least you. I believe it was you that said you "set an envelope on a clear surface along with my keys and my open canned soft drink".
It would seem to be a matter of reading comprehension. I was simply responding to the OP and you have taken fanatical exception with EVERYONE in this thread. A curiosity at best.

May I encourage you to be sure you understand something before choosing to blow a gasket.
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Old 08-28-2011, 05:15 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
So much for turning out the lights!

So you're a bottom line guy? Well here is my bottom line! Trust is something that is earned not demanded! I look forward to your response. I'm certain there is a lot more wisdom you might have to share!

First BP ad I came to today!


Wish I could get in touch with this guy and tell him to only see "PROS"!

I completely agree with you. Once you've established yourself to somebody, by all means, trust away. Like you said, trust is something earned. However, paying up front is not a matter of trust. It is a matter of course. You want the upper hand by keeping the money, the provider wants the upper hand by taking the money, somebodys got to give and tie goes to the runner. For me, however, it is not a tie. It goes like this: if she runs off with the money, that's just theft. If you rip her off, that's akin to rape and theft. She's risking more, IMHO.

As for the poor fellow on backpage...well, sucks to be him. I'm just glad he got the word out so others can avoid this Ellie until she changes her number or goes somewhere else. Like others said, it's part of the game. If you want guarantees, you'll have to head to Amsterdam.
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Old 08-28-2011, 06:24 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by Naomi4u View Post
Uh.. I take donation up front or else there will be no session. I only do this with the new guys. I am sure a lot of ladies have this policy as well.

As for where to put the roses? ................ it's not the complicated.
I don't think I have ever paid up front (If I have, it has only been once or twice) in the 10 years of hobbying in Houston, well over 100 providers. I am also an older guy and I think most providers think a mature customer is not likely to stiff them, at least in Houston.
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Old 08-28-2011, 08:54 PM   #69
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Default Yeah, um....screw mystery

Granted, I was a newbie at the time but I've had $5 in an envelope because I was too polite to look in it. This turned me off to the envelope. I have heard stories similar to this that providers had with reputable or repeat clients.

Bottom line, if a lady really has a specific requirement for her donation, she will put it in her ad. Obviously, I don't want someone handing me a wad of cash in public, but I have plenty of time to take a break to the powder room to check the envelope before we go BCD.

In an incall situation, I don't think you can go wrong with the bathroom. I used to think it was tacky to place the money in plain sight...now I think it's stupid not to. True GFE providers can "notice" the money is there without making a big deal over the business issue.

Originally Posted by Cpalmson View Post
I don't think the concept of the envelope is outdated. I just think it is tacky to throw down cash in plain site or hand the provider the bills. It ruins the moment. Gift bag or envelop operates on a much less business level while adding a little personal mystery to the encounter.
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Old 08-28-2011, 10:10 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
I prefer the lady count out the cash in front of me, why would I care? The cashier at 7-11 and the teller at Chase is going to count out your cash too, so what? I'm there to spend money, shes there to make it. No questions later about it.
Exactly, CC! Sometimes it's more than my asking price, and when it is I always ask if he intended to give me the extra. Usually the answer is "yes" and I thank him, but on a few occasions he failed to notice two Franklins stuck together and I cheerfully returned the extra because I don't want to cheat anybody.
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Old 08-28-2011, 10:17 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by waleran.bigod6 View Post
Dear all,

I have read so many reviews on may of you. Sadly fo newbies like me there is never a mention of where or when to put down the roses. Do you do that the second you walk in? If so where do the ladies prefer that the roses be placed? All advice / help is welcome and appreciated. Thank you all

The key here is do your homework on the provider you see first.Reading her ads and reviews will give you valuable information on her donation expectations and placements.This thread has turned into an attack on Still Looking (SL).Even though we bumped heads at first he has earned my respect for his intuitive posting, humor and his integrity with his honest yet valuable reviews of the providers he sees.He has earned the right to pay a provider if she has no objections after there session is over not because he is loaded,but because of his rep in my opinion.P.S.No I'm not his WK just calling like I see it.
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Old 08-29-2011, 06:02 AM   #72
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Ever notice how threads start out as very simple questions some times? Then they turn out to be much more involved than expected. If you follow this one it takes twists and turns like a river. Let’s review!

Newbie here less than a month asks a very simple question. "WHERE and WHEN" do you pay ("Roses")?

Turn #1
Still Looking states he pays when he is done!

Shorty thinks Roses were actually flowers. Funnier than shit but we move on.

Turn #3
This is when the fireworks started. AngelOK decides to single me out and make it personal. She says things like "NO FUCKING WAY" and decides to speak for the masses. She is opinionated and she states that anyone who pays after the fact must be seeing shady characters.

Turn #4
Naomi, SugarBet & AngelOK decide in three consecutive posts (I call them kicks to the groin! LOL) to share there distaste for anyone who doesn't pay up front.

Turn #5
This is when a pretty smart guy (Awl4knot) calls it for what it is and dam near shuts down the thread. There was a pause but no way, the river must follow.

Turn #6
We hit the rapids with Manoffewwords jumping on the criticizing band wagon and the very existence of the thread and those who have posted in it. Still looking is quick to respond to his personal attack.

Turn #7
A mod at Post #58 plainly states the reality of the industry. It is a pay up front industry.

Turn #8
Burkalini can't stand holding back any longer and post that my out look is total reprehensible and that I should reexamine my out look on the issue and get in line with all the other rodents in this industry.

Turn #9
AliasNo2 posts that like Still Looking he has hobbied for over 10 years, seen well over a hundred providers, and with few exceptions has never paid up front. A silence falls over the thread.

Turn #10
The silence is broken with AngelOK realizing a Mod had posted in the thread and sided with the masses. So she brings that to the forefront along with telling everyone she is an honest person.

Turn #11
Burner2157 Reads the thread and posts the reality of the thread. It turned into a personal attack. (Thanks Burner!)

So what have we learned in this thread? Several things! If most every one feels one way, you better be careful what you post. Things can get ugly quick. So will I stop telling the truth or refrain from sharing my honest opinions? NEVER, how in the world can we have so much fun and turn a 4-6 post thread into the 70-100 post drama like we have right now? Does the thread end now as the sun sets in the west? We’ll see, but just in case it does!

Naomi you need to come back. The thought of Burk banging around ECCIE kicking cans, depressed and not knowing what he will do with himself, is more than I can bear! Did you read his post? He is already bored and has no idea what he will do without you. He misses you!
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Old 08-29-2011, 07:54 AM   #73
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What an incredible projection of my motives, Dr. Freud. Those who know me are laughing at you right now.
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Old 08-29-2011, 08:01 AM   #74
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Ha! Get the money afterwards?!? This isn't a restaurant! Ta-Ta
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Old 08-29-2011, 08:27 AM   #75
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Post#2 for this thread...
Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
NEVER, EVER ask openly where to put someting! LOL

PAY when you ae done! No Exceptions. Then place it on the dresser or night stand in plain view so it can be counted at a glace!
Since there can be "no exceptions", it sounds a lot like a commandment and the only thing missing is stone tablets.

Then comes post #11...

Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
BIG RED FLAG! If, the provider asks for the money / donation right up front.... I'd walk or show it to them and place it on YOUR night stand, out of reach. There needs to be an element of trust. If she doesn’t trust you, start walking. Always bring a flower or two or a small gift or card. Hand that to them up front and in most cases the money issues goes away! Now if on the phone or via PM or email the provider lets you know up front her requirements then you follow and respect her request or NOT see her!
Starting to sound like a neurosis and herein is where the fun begins. Everything after this gets ticked up a notch. Since your standard font color with selected capitalized words did not result in everyone feeding your narcissism, you switched to a red font color and begin applying your CAPSLOCK with more liberalism insisting repeatedly that everyone must listen to you.

When the thread shows everyone does not, then you summarize the thread for us with your particularly self-focused pity synopsis.

Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
Ever notice how threads start out as very simple questions some times? Then they turn out to be much more involved than expected. If you follow this one it takes twists and turns like a river. Let’s review!

blah, blah, blah...

Turn #11
Burner2157 Reads the thread and posts the reality of the thread. It turned into a personal attack. (Thanks Burner!)
No, actually the reality of the thread is that a newbie asked a question and invited everyone to chime in. You were first as the know-it-all to lay down the law. When anyone else chimed in with a different point of view, your tirades became more and more intense. As you were discounted further, you used red to further enhance your ire.

I think the reality of the thread is rather clear... as is your attempt to interpret it for us.

Now go ahead...
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