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Old 07-22-2021, 06:06 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
What does any of this shit have to do with Florida. Oh, I know - you were exposed multiple times as a liar about Florida so now you are trying to change the subject

Meanwhile back ON TOPIC

Ron DeSantis’ Common Sense Approach To Vaccine Hesitancy

It has everything about Florida, more people are dying and he could give a shit. Just continue life like nothing is happening. The republican way. All the things you post makes no sense at all. So I guess that is why you don't understand normal topics.

Speaking of getting caught in lying, you said you hardly watch Fox News. But yet almost everything you post is Fox News Clips. What's up with that?

Anything you post has something to do with cutting down Biden or anybody that helps out the American people.
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Old 07-22-2021, 06:31 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
It has everything about Florida, more people are dying and he could give a shit. Just continue life like nothing is happening. The republican way. All the things you post makes no sense at all. So I guess that is why you don't understand normal topics.

Speaking of getting caught in lying, you said you hardly watch Fox News. But yet almost everything you post is Fox News Clips. What's up with that?

Anything you post has something to do with cutting down Biden or anybody that helps out the American people.
Did Biden help out all the pipe fitters on the Keystone pipeline? And all the down stream businesses? No. He cancelled it the first day in office. I bet if you were the one who lost his livelihood you wouldn’t be so appreciative. But he did give Putin the green light for his pipeline. How do you rationalize that?
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Old 07-22-2021, 11:13 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
It has everything about Florida, more people are dying and he could give a shit. Just continue life like nothing is happening. The republican way. All the things you post makes no sense at all. So I guess that is why you don't understand normal topics.

Speaking of getting caught in lying, you said you hardly watch Fox News. But yet almost everything you post is Fox News Clips. What's up with that?

Anything you post has something to do with cutting down Biden or anybody that helps out the American people.
No dude - anyone can read your post and see it had ZERO to do with Florida. It was a rant about a friend of yours who got covid and how you are scared and some rambling talk about masks

So try to stay on topic

And nope I rarely watch Fox News. If you see a clip that I post that happens to be from Fox, it is because I read a story online that included a video - and if it is relevant to the topic, I share it. I have shared videos from a wide variety of sources - CSpan, CNN, CBS, the senile Biden campaign and yes Fox.
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Old 07-23-2021, 07:36 AM   #64
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It has everything about Florida, more people are dying and he could give a shit. Just continue life like nothing is happening.
He acts like nothing is happening because nothing is happening.
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Old 07-23-2021, 08:47 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
He acts like nothing is happening because nothing is happening.
Florida leads the US in new Covid cases. The south has proven they know very little about how viruses propogate. Normally summer is low transmission time due to temperature and outside activities. If they don't get ahead of the transmission soon, winter is going to be a possible serious problem. Hardly nothing as was your comment. Even Dumbass-DeSantis is now asking for ppl to get vaccinated.
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Old 07-23-2021, 09:16 AM   #66
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The only people who give AF about “cases” are people looking to score political points. Florida is in great shape, which is why people are flocking there.
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Old 07-23-2021, 09:19 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Did Biden help out all the pipe fitters on the Keystone pipeline? And all the down stream businesses? No. He cancelled it the first day in office. I bet if you were the one who lost his livelihood you wouldn’t be so appreciative. But he did give Putin the green light for his pipeline. How do you rationalize that?
I have lost my livelihood remember 1982 reaganomics. Fired all the air traffic controllers, closed all the steel industry, any other kind of manufacturing. It has never been the same since so don't even go there with biden's done.

The funny part of this story The GOP thinks Reagan was the best president ever maybe so but not in the Pittsburgh area he was by far the worst in my lifetime..
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Old 07-23-2021, 10:00 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
No dude - anyone can read your post and see it had ZERO to do with Florida. It was a rant about a friend of yours who got covid and how you are scared and some rambling talk about masks

So try to stay on topic

And nope I rarely watch Fox News. If you see a clip that I post that happens to be from Fox, it is because I read a story online that included a video - and if it is relevant to the topic, I share it. I have shared videos from a wide variety of sources - CSpan, CNN, CBS, the senile Biden campaign and yes Fox.
berryberry "Stay on Topic",is what he tells teacher when he don't get his own way!

Don't go to jail because snitches get stitches! And you can't help yourself.

If you don't know what to say, or get caught in one of your exaggerations or don't have a good come back, let it go,

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Old 07-23-2021, 11:30 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
Florida leads the US in new Covid cases. The south has proven they know very little about how viruses propogate.
Really? Is that why DeSantis rushed to protect all the nursing homes in Florida - while the northern states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan all stupidly ordered covid-infected residents to be returned to their nursing homes rather than be quarantined, thereby facilitating the rapid spread of the virus and subsequent deaths of tens of thousands of additional elderly folks?

Are you really unaware of that humongous scandal? Does it not bother you at all?

Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
Even Dumbass-DeSantis is now asking for ppl to get vaccinated.
He has ALWAYS been pro-vaccine! Did you not read my post #11? Here it is again. Florida rolled out the vaxxes early and well.

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Florida was one of the earliest states to make the vaccine widely available, starting with the most at-risk populations. They set up drive-through vax sites in Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville and Orlando way back on March 3. They coordinated with nursing homes, churches, community centers, health clinics, drug stores, grocery chains, and football stadiums to distribute the vaccine as quickly, widely and efficiently as possible. They set up task forces and launched numerous outreach programs to increase minority access to the vaccine. They even waived the need for advance appointments at many sites back in early April.

The only thing they haven't done is FORCE people to take the vaccine against their will. That's something dim-retards want to do, not Americans who believe in each person's right to make personal choices about what medicines they will allow to go into their bodies.
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Old 07-23-2021, 11:50 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
I have lost my livelihood remember 1982 reaganomics. Fired all the air traffic controllers, closed all the steel industry, any other kind of manufacturing. It has never been the same since so don't even go there with biden's done.
I'll go there!

The 1981 air traffic controllers essentially fired themselves by engaging in an illegal strike putting the public at risk. Every single controller signed a pledge when they were hired by the FAA to abide by federal no-strike laws.

And no, Reagan didn't "close all the steel industry". Most of those jobs were eliminated by technological advances in steel making. It now takes less than 1.5 man hours to produce a ton of steel, down from 10.1 man hours in 1980.


Only an ignorant Luddite would "blame" Reagan for the steel industry's rapid technological progress and impressive productivity gains.
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Old 07-23-2021, 03:20 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
Florida leads the US in new Covid cases. The south has proven they know very little about how viruses propogate. Normally summer is low transmission time due to temperature and outside activities. If they don't get ahead of the transmission soon, winter is going to be a possible serious problem. Hardly nothing as was your comment. Even Dumbass-DeSantis is now asking for ppl to get vaccinated.
You just continue to ignore the actual facts. But hey lets look at the libtard media on Desantis as maybe that is where you get your misinformation:

The media in March: “DeSantis is too focused on vaccinating seniors! That’s racist!”

The media in April: “DeSantis had Florida’s largest grocery chain distributing free vaccines! CORRUPTION!”

The media in July: “Today, for the first time ever, DeSantis spoke about vaccination.”
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Old 07-23-2021, 03:21 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Really? Is that why DeSantis rushed to protect all the nursing homes in Florida - while the northern states

deflector shields set at max by injecting northern states - stay on topic...this about Florida not " What about the North". Additionally DeSantis has tried to spoof and mock the person who was both in Trump's and Bidens virus task force by making it seem like Fauci- is not credible by direct derogatory comments and his stupid fucking website. I think that's shameful at best. If he believes in vaccines, why shoot the messenger??

Nursing homes was the focus of the original response back in the beginning so why are you still on that track? We're talking about Florida and it's asshat governor!

Are you really unaware of that humongous scandal? Are you talking about the Scandal surrounding every single Trump nominee or just the nursing homes?
Never-mind that was a rhetorical question. You reptards can only see one side once you drink the "Fool-aid."

He has ALWAYS been pro-vaccine! Did you not read my post #11? Here it is again. Florida rolled out the vaxxes early and well.
I guess you all feel the need to defend your next emporer
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Old 07-23-2021, 11:04 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
I guess you all feel the need to defend your next emporer (sic).
Huh? What are you even talking about? I said nothing about trump.

Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
Nursing homes was (sic) the focus of the original response back in the beginning so why are you still on that track? We're talking about Florida and it's asshat governor!
So... you're saying all those thousands of deaths caused by the incompetent maladministration of Cuomo, Murphy, Wolf and Whitmer should be shrugged off and ignored since that was a year ago? Try telling that to the victims' families!

Meanwhile, you want us to get our panties all twisted in a bunch over an uptick in Florida positive covid cases (with no corresponding spike in hospitalizations or deaths) because you think the Governor is an "asshat"?

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Old 07-24-2021, 05:51 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
I'll go there!

The 1981 air traffic controllers essentially fired themselves by engaging in an illegal strike putting the public at risk. Every single controller signed a pledge when they were hired by the FAA to abide by federal no-strike laws.

And no, Reagan didn't "close all the steel industry". Most of those jobs were eliminated by technological advances in steel making. It now takes less than 1.5 man hours to produce a ton of steel, down from 10.1 man hours in 1980.


Only an ignorant Luddite would "blame" Reagan for the steel industry's rapid technological progress and impressive productivity gains.
Trump put a tariff on steel for a year trying to get the steel industry back that Reagan let leave this country for over 40 years and all the jobs that went with it. I was in the middle of that and watched them almost close every steel industry around here. Some of them hung on for a few more years. US Steel Edgar Thomson Works is still running.

So what your are saying from a Republican history book, was it worth it loosing hundreds of thousands of jobs? I think not. It has never been the same in the United States. We are nothing more than a sales and service country to fix imported machines. How is that working out?
This all a respond to Bambino comment nothing about the Florida not helping get rid of the Virus!

Back on the topic this trend is about, what is Florida doing to slow down, stop the Virus? Here is a little information that may help.

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Old 07-24-2021, 08:27 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
Trump put a tariff on steel for a year trying to get the steel industry back that Reagan let leave this country for over 40 years and all the jobs that went with it. I was in the middle of that and watched them almost close every steel industry around here. Some of them hung on for a few more years. US Steel Edgar Thomson Works is still running.

So what your are saying from a Republican history book, was it worth it loosing hundreds of thousands of jobs? I think not. It has never been the same in the United States. We are nothing more than a sales and service country to fix imported machines. How is that working out?
This all a respond to Bambino comment nothing about the Florida not helping get rid of the Virus!

Back on the topic this trend is about, what is Florida doing to slow down, stop the Virus? Here is a little information that may help.

Bypass... saying reagan killed the steel industry is well, to be nice..completely without merit or fact

Alot of factors went into the decline of the steel industry

The steel workers union refused contracts that were offered that tried to upgrade and modernize the facilities that were not able to compete with the new plants overseas. They were greedy and turned them down
I worked around the steel plants. The old open hearth furnaces and bofs. Couldnt compete.

U want to blame someone? Blame the opening of china to capitalism
All new plants and dirt cheap labor and american greed both corporate and union killed the industry

But the same thing happened to the auto industry but they realized if they modernized and updated they could compete and did and still do. Steel didnt

Small steel plants like nucor thrived because they built new plants using electric furnaces, smaller but more productive, the old giants rusted away

Greed by all killed steel
Here's a funny story for you. Maybe 10 years ago, us steel coke works in clariton were going to build new coke ovens...... I went there for a meeting and saw all the steel brought in for the job....... guess where the steel was from to build the us steel ovens?

China....... end of story
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