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Old 08-15-2021, 10:19 AM   #61
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He (my pillow) was hacked from China, LMAO
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Old 08-15-2021, 01:37 PM   #62
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What a shit show. Sad that we have so many ignorant Cult 45 members in this country who believe everything that these con men say.

I have friends in other countries who make jokes about how many far right nut jobs we have in the USA. If I'm being honest, I can't disagree with them.
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Old 08-15-2021, 02:08 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
What a shit show.
Dude give it up. Already been shown countless times that a majority of the country believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. One can acknowledge cheating occurred like the majority of American's have and not believe that anything will change because the system is broken and corrupt

Meanwhile are you watching this shit show? This is the real shit show. Seems like you are in hiding like senile Biden as you ignore Biden's humiliation on the world stage

This is the biggest foreign policy DISASTER in over 45 years and our “Commander in Chief” is NOWHERE to be found. The Taliban are broadcasting live press conferences from the Afghan Presidential palace while senile Biden embarrassingly hides away in complete silence.

Senile Biden is an abject failure. He owns this.

Where is Joe?
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Old 08-15-2021, 02:49 PM   #64
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Trump never left.
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Old 08-15-2021, 07:04 PM   #65
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Fuck Afghanistan. We were there for 20 years and should have never been there in the first place, it was another Vietnam. People in the Middle East have been slaughtering each other over “religion” since the beginning of time; it’s not our responsibility to stop them. I love how the Trumpers toot about Donnie “not starting any wars” but when Biden ends one, he’s a piece of shit. Give me a break with the cult bullshit already.
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Old 08-15-2021, 07:15 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Dude give it up. Already been shown countless times that a majority of the country believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. One can acknowledge cheating occurred like the majority of American's have and not believe that anything will change because the system is broken and corrupt

Meanwhile are you watching this shit show? This is the real shit show. Seems like you are in hiding like senile Biden as you ignore Biden's humiliation on the world stage

This is the biggest foreign policy DISASTER in over 45 years and our “Commander in Chief” is NOWHERE to be found. The Taliban are broadcasting live press conferences from the Afghan Presidential palace while senile Biden embarrassingly hides away in complete silence.

Senile Biden is an abject failure. He owns this.

Where is Joe?
All the people that believe that Trump won, are they the same ones that believe we didn't land on the Moon?

I see you are off topic here also. I guess you are allowed.
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Old 08-15-2021, 09:26 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by swpa1706 View Post
Fuck Afghanistan. We were there for 20 years and should have never been there in the first place, it was another Vietnam. People in the Middle East have been slaughtering each other over “religion” since the beginning of time; it’s not our responsibility to stop them. I love how the Trumpers toot about Donnie “not starting any wars” but when Biden ends one, he’s a piece of shit. Give me a break with the cult bullshit already.
this post is like coming to a gun fight with a water pistol. honestly, if you polled everyone who posts here if they think we should have been in afganistan for the last 20 years, I doubt one person would say yes. the problem is, its not that we pulled out, its the plain fact biden did not have a bad plan in place, he basically had no fucking plan. what about the afgans who we promised to help, is our word worth anything as a nation? did biden have a plan in place to evacuate these people we promised to protect? did he have a plan to get the thousands of us workers there out before the shit hit the fan? what about the million upon millions of dollars of our equipment that the taliban now has? fuck at least blow it up so they cant use it.
GIVE ME A BREAK with the trump cult bullshit agruement. the democrats are saying how terrible biden handled this, the times,the washington post both liberal newspapers are saying it, obama foriegn affairs people are saying it.
posters who come on here and just keep going back with their hatred for trump and close their eyes to some of the shit going on today show their ignorance.
when a president says the biggest threat to our military is white supremists? not china not russia? if you agree with that then you have less brains than a box of cornflakes

you are right about one thing, this is like vietnam, we were embarrassed as a country then and we are doing the same now
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Old 08-15-2021, 10:15 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
All the people that believe that Trump won, are they the same ones that believe we didn't land on the Moon?

I see you are off topic here also. I guess you are allowed.
Not off topic, read my response:

Dude give it up. Already been shown countless times that a majority of the country believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. One can acknowledge cheating occurred like the majority of American's have and not believe that anything will change because the system is broken and corrupt

But then 1Pittsburgh was talking about what a shit show. So I responded to him as the only shit show going on today is Biden's humiliation in Afghanistan. Maybe you missed the news. Or are you just afraid to address it
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Old 08-15-2021, 10:25 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by chizzy View Post
this post is like coming to a gun fight with a water pistol. honestly, if you polled everyone who posts here if they think we should have been in afganistan for the last 20 years, I doubt one person would say yes. the problem is, its not that we pulled out, its the plain fact biden did not have a bad plan in place, he basically had no fucking plan. what about the afgans who we promised to help, is our word worth anything as a nation? did biden have a plan in place to evacuate these people we promised to protect? did he have a plan to get the thousands of us workers there out before the shit hit the fan? what about the million upon millions of dollars of our equipment that the taliban now has? fuck at least blow it up so they cant use it.
GIVE ME A BREAK with the trump cult bullshit agruement. the democrats are saying how terrible biden handled this, the times,the washington post both liberal newspapers are saying it, obama foriegn affairs people are saying it.
posters who come on here and just keep going back with their hatred for trump and close their eyes to some of the shit going on today show their ignorance.
when a president says the biggest threat to our military is white supremists? not china not russia? if you agree with that then you have less brains than a box of cornflakes

you are right about one thing, this is like vietnam, we were embarrassed as a country then and we are doing the same now
BRAVO Chizzy, bravo. You nailed it. Like you, I doubt anyone here thinks we should still be in Afghanistan. But that does not excuse an incompetent senile President from totally fucking things up as bad as he did.

These Trump haters with their Trump cult bullshit are asinine. LIBERAL media today was calling out Biden's humiliation and lack of any plan. DEMOCRAT politicians were releasing statements aghast at Biden's failure. Hell, Obama's Ambassador to Afghanistan said "I'm left with some grave questions in my mind about Biden's ability to lead our nation as commander-in-chief,"

Lots more quotes here:

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Old 08-16-2021, 05:16 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Dude give it up. Already been shown countless times that a majority of the country believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. One can acknowledge cheating occurred like the majority of American's have and not believe that anything will change because the system is broken and corrupt
The majority of Americans didn't say that. A single polling group did. Those aren't the same thing and you know that. Repeating it a bunch of times so you can say repeatedly without even looking at the context of the question and being intellectually honest about it is sad.

Senile Biden is an abject failure. He owns this.
The drawdown was terribly mishandled in just about every facet. He does own this. Deserves the scrutiny and to be picked apart for this, no question, and he will be.
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Old 08-16-2021, 05:50 AM   #71
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The Racist Obama is behind all this Biden is the front man to take the blame. Yes the phony old white dude America loves is to take the heat while The Racist Obama smiles and laughs.
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Old 08-16-2021, 05:55 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by Chase7 View Post
The Racist Obama is behind all this Biden is the front man to take the blame. Yes the phony old white dude America loves is to take the heat while The Racist Obama smiles and laughs.
Biden is the President and Commander-in-Chief. It's his blame to take.

Bush, Obama and Trump all played parts in the history of how we got here but they weren't in power for the drawdown
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Old 08-16-2021, 06:14 AM   #73
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Tomorrow is the big day now, right?
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Old 08-16-2021, 10:44 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
The majority of Americans didn't say that. A single polling group did. Those aren't the same thing and you know that. Repeating it a bunch of times so you can say repeatedly without even looking at the context of the question and being intellectually honest about it is sad.
A polling group who polled a representative sample of All Americans. You know, how like all polls work. They report in the aggregate what Americans have said. And that poll said "that a majority of the country believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election"

YOU are the one being intellectually dishonest trying to dismiss this
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Old 08-16-2021, 11:02 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
A polling group who polled a representative sample of All Americans. You know, how like all polls work. They report in the aggregate what Americans have said. And that poll said "that a majority of the country believe cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election"

YOU are the one being intellectually dishonest trying to dismiss this
What was the margin for error? You don't care.

Were there follow up that helped glean which side they felt cheated? You don't care.

You only care when the data cuts your way, or if you can spin it. That doesn't say "stolen for Biden" that's you inserting your own viewpoint into a generic question.

That's the point
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