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Old 05-28-2011, 09:17 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
Ma'am, I apologize. I was in a bad mood earlier and I was out of line. IDK. I guess I'm just a snob who doesn't want those guys to be in love with me.
Then don't see them.

Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
ALL: For the record, if you think my bitterness comes across while escorting, you are wong. If you go and look at many of my posts, they are in regards to crushy or clingy clients who have fallen for me. If I wasn't doing something right, do you think they would all be fallin' like flies over me? LOL. I do my job well. I save my bitterness and frustration for the Eccie audience to listen to. If I took it out on the clients, they wouldn't be calling me. You see how it works?
Luv ya, II
Its pretty obvious you do your job well. You make my earlier point perfectly, if they knew who you really are and really feel about them, you'd be broke.
I would think you and "Alex Lieberman" should get together to commiserate your distaste of your chosen professions.

I can also tell that there is a very human side to you or else your conflicted feelings would not bother you near as much as they do. As I have read your posts here for quite awhile now...you are a complicated one!
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Old 05-28-2011, 09:25 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
Then don't see them.

Its pretty obvious you do your job well. You make my earlier point perfectly, if they knew who you really are and really feel about them, you'd be broke.
I would think you and "Alex Lieberman" should get together to commiserate your distaste of your chosen professions.

I can also tell that there is a very human side to you or else your conflicted feelings would not bother you near as much as they do. As I have read your posts here for quite awhile now...you are a complicated one!
Chica, there is something about a fair, moral man I find very sexy. That point aside, you are right. Personally I am a very good, compassionate, "human" person. I am complicated and always have been. Sometimes I think thats what the fellas like: they like a wounded, intricate bird. I agree with you, if the fellas who like me saw what I write on here, they would be in for a rude awakening. I have 2 choices: I can tell them to their faces what I really think and lose out on business (money) or tell you guys here on Eccie. I think the choice is pretty clear. Many people talk crap about their co-workers/clients in all professions. Not many do it to their faces tho.
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Old 05-28-2011, 09:28 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
I have 2 choices: I can tell them to their faces what I really think and lose out on business (money) or tell you guys here on Eccie. I think the choice is pretty clear.
How about a 3rd choice, a private journal.
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Old 05-28-2011, 11:33 PM   #64
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^ I think she likes the feedback as well. You don't get feedback from a journal....
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Old 05-28-2011, 11:54 PM   #65
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Some men like wounded women, yes. Those type of men are the ones who like to control & take advantage of women. And those type are everywhere in this world. Esp in the hobby.

As for your choices. It's pretty simple really.
Be direct yet polite. Yes, I said direct. There's nothing wrong in being direct/firm when doing so politely. You tell them face to face OR You can sit down & write them an email/pm and express to them how their clingy'ness & over zealous affection for you, bothers you. Help them realize that while you may be flattered, it leaves you feeling uncomfortable. And that while you enjoy seeing them. You don't enjoy their emotional attachment. If they're not able to control it, you'll have no other choice but to discontinue seeing them.

Some men will understand and some men won't. Those who won't, and continue. Then w/o hesitation *cease communication and don't see them anymore.*
Venting about it on eccie or any other board about how you're frustrated and hostile about those clingy, love struck men you see. Won't get you anywhere. Except more frustrated. Because those particular men you see DO NOT know your talking about them unless you personally let them know. (in a polite yet direct way).

Men are human. Hobby or not. Just be upfront/firm & honest with them and or stop seeing them.

Good luck to you.

Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
Chica, there is something about a fair, moral man I find very sexy. That point aside, you are right. Personally I am a very good, compassionate, "human" person. I am complicated and always have been. Sometimes I think thats what the fellas like: they like a wounded, intricate bird. I agree with you, if the fellas who like me saw what I write on here, they would be in for a rude awakening. I have 2 choices: I can tell them to their faces what I really think and lose out on business (money) or tell you guys here on Eccie. I think the choice is pretty clear. Many people talk crap about their co-workers/clients in all professions. Not many do it to their faces tho.
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Old 05-29-2011, 12:04 AM   #66
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Isis what WM said makes sense. How would it make you feel if a guy made you think he had a great time and then came on here and wrote a review about how bad a time he had. A place where you can't read it and have no idea what he's talking about.

You can't change what you don't know about....
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Old 05-29-2011, 02:08 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by Ansley View Post
How about a 3rd choice, a private journal.
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Old 05-29-2011, 07:16 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post

I just want everyone to know i'm not mad at you guys. I'm just frustrated by these clients falling in love with me. Thats where my hostility stems from. I come here to rant ALOT, and I come across as bitter, but maybe I should be a little colder with my clients. What do ya do?
I don't understand the "Falling in Love Aspect" perhaps you could elborate?
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Old 05-29-2011, 11:41 AM   #69
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Originally Posted by Still Looking View Post
I don't understand the "Falling in Love Aspect" perhaps you could elborate?
Still Looking, since I started escorting many clients have become clingy and crushy with me. One man (the latest crush) in particular always emails me about the stupidest things like his refridgerator breaking or a crack in his pool. He stares at me like he's in love with me when we meet. He asks me to stay the night "if I want" but offers no extra donation. He's seeking a gf. He even told me such. Even tho he is married. I told him good luck with that because I'm not anyones girlfriend. This has happened many, many times. When I retired (briefly) last year and I told all my regulars I was retiring, a handful asked me out. I'm like WTF? If I'm not interested in meeting you guys for money anymore, what makes you think I wanna hang with you for free?? They said they always felt there was something special between us. The truth is I had many regulars that I didn't actually like as people. And that stressed me out. Once I cleaned house and took a break, I was able to come back clear minded with a fresh start. I then met more great men who became my regulars. I told the other past regulars the truth, when they found I out I was escorting again. I told them I just didn't like them, no chemistry and to find someone else -because meeting people I don't like drains me too much. During all of this, the crushes have continued. But I have a rule, if you ask me on a date, I will no longer meet with you. Sorry for rambling on. I'm trying to explain so much in a little paragraph. HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY.

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Old 05-29-2011, 01:30 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
Still Looking, since I started escorting many clients have become clingy and crushy with me. One man (the latest crush) in particular always emails me about the stupidest things like his refridgerator breaking or a crack in his pool. He stares at me like he's in love with me when we meet. He asks me to stay the night "if I want" but offers no extra donation. He's seeking a gf. He even told me such. Even tho he is married. I told him good luck with that because I'm not anyones girlfriend. This has happened many, many times. When I retired (briefly) last year and I told all my regulars I was retiring, a handful asked me out. I'm like WTF? If I'm not interested in meeting you guys for money anymore, what makes you think I wanna hang with you for free?? They said they always felt there was something special between us. The truth is I had many regulars that I didn't actually like as people. And that stressed me out. Once I cleaned house and took a break, I was able to come back clear minded with a fresh start. I then met more great men who became my regulars. I told the other past regulars the truth, when they found I out I was escorting again. I told them I just didn't like them, no chemistry and to find someone else -because meeting people I don't like drains me too much. During all of this, the crushes have continued. But I have a rule, if you ask me on a date, I will no longer meet with you. Sorry for rambling on. I'm trying to explain so much in a little paragraph. HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY.

First of all let me say that "MONEY" is worthless until you spend it. Nobody curls up with a bag of cash and goes to bed thinking they will have sweet dreams. Now picture guys from all walks of life working hard and saving up some cash and being able to spend it and getting something they would normally not ever get! That’s right a personal (sexual?) experience with someone like you. Finding an analogy for this situation is like finding a cop, they're never around when you need them. But how about we say it’s like hitting the lotto. A life changing experience that’s too good to be true. Can you understand why these guys could get addicted to you? I mean looking like Gia and all! If I was you I would simply say what a blessing. This could change one day. The clock keeps ticking and gravity never stops. And there is only so much you can do with plastic surgery... just ask Joan Rivers. That day will come my princess and when it does that will be a day to be sad and unhappy. Having so many clients that you can afford to be selective and only patronize the ones you really like most certainly is NOT the norm. For now I would giggle and laugh all the way to the bank. And thank your lucky stars; you’ve been blessed with a combination of looks and personality that is so sought after. One day I hope to meet someone like that…. Until then I’m “Still Looking”.
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Old 05-29-2011, 02:15 PM   #71
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I want a gfe not a gf. Look into my eyes and seduce me. So what if I fall in love (lol .... That's not gunna happen). But if it did you'd just make more money off me so why care. If one girl does and the next girl doesn't I will see the second girl more. That's not asking too much when girls are willing to do it to get the extra business even if it is just for the cash. I dont care. If you act like u like you don't wanna be there I'm scared you got a pimp outside gunna beat you up if u don't do the deed ... How is that gunna make my nutt feel good? I wanna know you just trying to save up for that new car and want my face to be that new car.
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Old 05-29-2011, 10:45 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
Then don't see them.

Its pretty obvious you do your job well. You make my earlier point perfectly, if they knew who you really are and really feel about them, you'd be broke.
I would think you and "Alex Lieberman" should get together to commiserate your distaste of your chosen professions.

I can also tell that there is a very human side to you or else your conflicted feelings would not bother you near as much as they do. As I have read your posts here for quite awhile now...you are a complicated one!
Now who could get mad at someone with a puppy dog face like that!?
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