Originally Posted by Budman
I don't know. I'm sure they can apply pressure but I don't know whether or not they can actually kick him out.
The Senators are required to have specific authorization to remove someone from office. It cannot be implied authority, it must be specifically authorized. There are several "constitutional" issues involved by attempting to do so, the least of which is the effective disenfranchisement of the Alabama voters who elected him. It has the same smell as the whining babies this time last year interested in "disregarding" the Electoral College process with respect to the President they didn't want.
Additionally, the Senate is deeply immersed in the "traditions" of the Senate. So beyond a legal basis there is the lack of "tradition" in doing so based on ALLEGATIONS OF ACTIVITIES OF A SENATOR PRIOR TO THE SENATOR'S INITIAL ELECTION AND ALLEGATIONS KNOWN TO THE VOTERS PRIOR TO THE ELECTION.
It's not a matter of a "slippery slope." It has to do with precedent. And that is not a good one to establish.
If one "calls roll" one will notice that essentially the same folks calling for his removal were anti-Trump this time last year and before the general election. Anyone who claims it is not "political" is lying or the dumbest MF in the World. The allegations were brought up because of the politics as well. The same as the recorded conversation with Trump about "celebrities grabbing pussy" (WienerShnitzil proved that along with WeinerWagger who was married to HillariousNoMore's best friend!).
Their problem now is Moore might win. And Moore doesn't look like the kinda guy who kisses and makes up with his assassins. That's what happens occasional in politics and other endeavors ... like wars. Your enemy today may need to be your friend tomorrow, and your friend today may be your enemy tomorrow. It's better to realize that before getting too deeply entwined and obligated.
There are some senators and reps who are learning that today. The hard-Trump way.