Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Try using a lot more light, that should result in a faster shutter speed and it will constrict your pupils to show more of the pretty blue irises. It takes a lot more light with a camera than your eyes need to look right.
On my bucket list is shooting some beautiful eyes with 4x5 color film, even if it is ~$5/shot, after scanning and sharpening the images are amazingly detailed. Blue x-ray film is cool with blue eyes also, really makes the irises shine almost white.
Thank you Amazing Alana for helping me out with this first experiment with 4x5 film close up. We will have to do some more as time permits! I shot this at 5.6 so the depth of field is so shallow even your hair is not in focus, but those gorgeous blue marbles are. Great job holding that still while I closed the shutter, came out of the hood, inserted the film holder, and exposed the film!
I'm sorry my hosting site won't allow a bigger file 5 MB max, so you will have to hold down "Ctrl" and hit the "+" key several times to enlarge. The original crop is over 90 MB.
Lovely Blue Peeprs: