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Old 03-01-2017, 01:49 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson View Post

Nice edit, thanks for lumping all guys together again. Heh
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Old 03-01-2017, 01:51 PM   #62
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I feel like the individuals who helped, were helping, because they felt sorry for her. Doesn't excuse the ignorance nor stupidity.

But this is not Match.com.
We are hookers. You pay for us an hour at a time. Period. All the extra should be considered gifts. You will sleep better at night. Hell, write it off as charity work LMFAO...... Ijs

She was able, and who knows how she was able, but she was able to be a sugar baby to a few guys without them knowing it. She did what she came for and now she will fade into the background or reinvent herself.

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Old 03-01-2017, 02:14 PM   #63
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^^^^ AGREED, he even brought this foolishness over to the NOLA boards...He was a pawn in HER GAME of chess and HE lost...

Just learn from your mistakes and move forward...Sorry FunInDFW I tried to not lump all of you together, lol it just happened to end that way. I am sure YOU are smarter than your average bear....
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Old 03-01-2017, 02:39 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by ForeignPlaytoy View Post
I feel like the individuals who helped, were helping, because they felt sorry for her. Doesn't excuse the ignorance nor stupidity.

But this is not Match.com.
We are hookers. You pay for us an hour at a time. Period. All the extra should be considered gifts. You will sleep better at night. Hell, write it off as charity work LMFAO...... Ijs

She was able, and who knows how she was able, but she was able to be a sugar baby to a few guys without them knowing it. She did what she came for and now she will fade into the background or reinvent herself.

Don't hate the player, Hate the game lol
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Old 03-02-2017, 03:03 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
Don't hate the player, Hate the game lol
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Old 03-02-2017, 04:43 AM   #66
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The Lido Queen strikes again. Lol.
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Old 03-02-2017, 01:15 PM   #67
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She's still on ISO section seeking new victims to scam, I wonder who rented her a car this month?
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Old 03-03-2017, 12:50 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
She's still on ISO section seeking new victims to scam, I wonder who rented her a car this month?
San Antonio now. Hmm, I ask the same question BLM, who?
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Old 03-03-2017, 01:31 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by BLM69 View Post
She's still on ISO section seeking new victims to scam, I wonder who rented her a car this month?
I thought by now she would have taken her pics down and made a whole new handle.
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Old 03-03-2017, 03:46 PM   #70
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I would gladly pay you Tuesday for some pussy today!!!
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Old 03-05-2017, 09:28 AM   #71
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LOL, wouldn't lend a ditz that's "not a hooker" any sort of $....
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Old 03-05-2017, 06:39 PM   #72
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Default My dealings with PhuckToi. (The most interesting thing you'll ever read on a hooker board)

The story you're about to read has links involved which help tell the story, some of said links will not make sense to those with no PA, I apologize in advance.

I, also, fell under the spell of PhuckToi. She planted the seed of deception during our first session together. https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1805461
She kept asking questions regarding my S/O, which honestly, up to that point, no other provider had brought up such a topic during a session. Her exact question to me was, "After your divorce is final, do you think you could move up here, be with me?" My initial thought was, IS THIS GIRL FOR REAL???? WTF????? I brush it off, chuckle to myself, head back towards home, and explain to another provider what was said, and this provider tells me to stay away from this girl and to never see her again. I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED, BUT I DIDN'T!! She was one of several providers who I saw that weekend, and I wrote it off as whatever.

Fast forward to early September, I've got approval for vacation for week and make the decision to play in Austin that week, but before I do that, I have to drop by Dallas for a wedding, so I figure to see PhuckToi again, what the hell, why not. I buy a sundress and heels for her, my thought process is for her to attend this wedding with me. My friend who is getting married informs me that's it a bad idea for me to bring her, (she's full aware of my extracurricular activities) pictures will be taken, and a chick with blue hair WILL stand out. I won't go into details on the session, but for those of you with PA, take a look at the review from October to get an understanding of everything. https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1853274
Shortly after the review goes up, she disables her account, moving away to Oklahoma, blah blah blah. https://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p...43&postcount=2

Fast forward to early November, I find myself in chat, as usual. I get an IM from a handle that ends up being her temporarily new handle. MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION: WHY WOULD ANY PROVIDER CONTACT YOU AGAIN AFTER YOU WROTE A REVIEW THAT BASICALLY BROUGHT HER BUSINESS TO A HALT????

She informs me she's currently homeless in Ft Worth, and running the streets. I volunteer to send some money so she don't have to go hungry. (At this point, I should have not sent anything and blocked her.) While homeless, another provider had gone to Ft Worth, and offered her a place to stay, in exchange for keeping a clean house and for her to get back on her feet, basically, getting her out of the life of hooking. SHE DECLINES!!!!! ANY PERSON WITH HALF A BRAIN WOULD TAKE SUCH AN OFFER IN AN INSTANT!!!

Fast forward to early December, I post up in west Ft Worth, I want her to stay with me Vs running the streets for a few days. On my way to Ft Worth, she informs me that she has a friend that she wants me to introduce her into the hobby, I wasn't exactly thrilled about it, but whatever, I'm getting used to newbies being referred to me. I check in to the hotel, and meet her and the friend at the bus stop. They roll up in a busted up car, in which they've been living out of. I take the girls to dinner, then we head back to the hotel. I am in no mood for play, but let's see where things head. The newbie girl gets nervous and leaves, I'm not going to force somebody into something they're not comfortable doing. We spend a good part of the evening talking, mainly her unloading, saying the world would be better without her, she hates her life, etc. She goes into a rant about having to pawn her laptop and drawing pad so she could eat. I offer to get these items out of pawn for her, SHE DECLINES!! This is the last time these items are brought up, which leads me to believe, this is part of her con and a test to see how I would respond. I end up dropping her off at the bus station, and I notice she has bled through onto my passenger seat, thankfully it's leather, easy clean up. I head back to the hotel, do my thing, and head home after 2 nights. https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1910530


Fast forward to mid December, she calls me while I'm at work, asks how soon can I come to Dallas, she needs some help, but she doesn't say what exactly. I create my story, and on the 19th, after work, I head to Dallas and stay the night. Before heading to Dallas, I have to pick her up in Denton, she's no longer homeless, but living with friends she was living with in Arlington, now in Denton. We head to the hotel for the night, she needs my help, WITH RENTING A CAR the next day. A TIP FOR EVERYBODY, A FREEBIE OVERNIGHT IS THE MOST EXPENSIVE IN THE END. She informs me that she will pay this first week, because she has a session that will cover it, cue Zenoguy entering the story.


PhuckToi has no discretion on her clientele, she proceeds to show me his pic on his social media app on which they've been communicating. NEVER MET A HOOKER WHO HAS NO CARE FOR CLIENT DISCRETION. Up to this point, it's been hard for her to get an appt, especially in chat, that no review still sits at the top of her showcase, and I get numerous Ims thanking me for saving their money and passing on her. We check out of the hotel, drive to Denton, pick up her friend who's paying for the incall, after some discussion, I end up taking the friend back home before the appt, then on my way back from Denton, I get a call from her, she's freaking out, fire alarm was pulled, and I tell her I'll be there shortly. I get to the hotel, walk up to the room, no answer. I walk back outside, we meet up, she then proceeds to brag that even though the session was cut short, she still got full donation. THIS GIRL IS A PIECE OF WORK!!!

The rental car is rented (YES, I KNOW, BIG FUCKING MISTAKE) and I go home. Do keep in mind, I DON'T LIVE IN DFW, BUT 3 HOURS TO THE EAST. After the car is rented, I slowly notice an attitude change with her, and her homeless buddies tell me I'm too nice in renting this car. We make the agreement that she would wire me the money every week the rental is extended, the next week, no money is sent, one bullshit excuse after another, my inner voice tells me, I TOLD YOU SO! I float the bill for the week, then I decide to drive up to Dallas on a Sunday morning, go collect money that's owed to me. On my way to Dallas, I announce to her I'm coming up for the day to surprise her (basically, throw her off and gets what's owed to me) and I get there around lunch time, we have lunch, and she proceeds to tell me a client stiffed her and didn't leave a donation. At this point I believe her, BUT inner voice detects deception and yells at me that I've become a mark. I tell her to make it known, but she isn't worried about it. UM OK. She has a number text her about an evening appt, she sets up in Plano, and before I leave town we go to the ATM to get money owed to me, she owes $400 at this point, but I only get $80, all she could pay me. I JUST WASTED A DAY IN DALLAS FOR $80. Before I got the rental car, I invited her across the state line for a meet, which she's down for. After having the rental car for almost 3 weeks, I notice an erratic change in behavior, but think nothing of it, maybe I'm blinded by everything. She always has a sob story, but always promises to pay you back, then turns around and brags about the multi hour sessions she schedules, but money never shows up. Conversations over kik change to how she wishes she was dead, then the next morning she's happy as can be. Extreme mood swings, at this point, I brush it off. At one point she tells me she has cancer, and only has 3-10 years left to live.

Fast forward to January 13th, which is a Friday, I call the rental company to extend the rental by one more week, and it's declined, I have to go to the rental counter to extend it now. At this point, I'm sitting at work thinking what to do, I get a wild hair up my ass, create an excuse to get outta work, and high tail it to dfw to get that extension done. Thankfully the so is staying out of town, so no expected time to be home, I call PT and tell her I'm headed to Dallas to extend the rental, ONE MORE TIME. She shows up late to the airport, we get it extended, and the girl REEKS OF BO, BIG TIME. She's doing outcalls that evening around Denton, so we head to her place in Denton, I meet her roommates, and we go back and sit in the rental, while she camps on the ISOs, and she answers an ISO out of Tyler, 2 hours east from Denton, and she wants me to hang around, she's never been to Tyler and I have work in the morning. Thankfully, she never goes to Tyler.


Earlier in the week, she texts me and calls me late at night, HELLO, NO DISCRETION!!!! Come to find out, she got pulled over for speeding, AND SHE DOESN'T HAVE A DL, and the rental is in my name. I JUST KNOW I'M FUCKED AT THIS POINT. she has the officer call me and I vouch for her, he gives me a lecture about her not having a DL, and the call ends. SHE GETS OFF WITH JUST A WARNING, WOW!!!

A few days before the meet, she goes into one of her moods on kik, talking about offing herself once more, at this point, it's starting to piss me off. FAST FORWARD to the day before the meet, she's supposed to stay the night with me in deep east TX, I get a nicer spot than usual, but during the day, she calls me crying, WHAT'S EFFIN NEW!! She was gonna surprise me with $1000 when she got to east TX, but (supposedly) she had a session in a public setting where she was robbed of all that coin, I call BS. QUESTION: IF YOU HAD THIS KIND OF MONEY ON YOU, WOULDN'T YOU LEAVE IT IN THE GLOVEBOX OF THE VEHICLE, OR MAYBE PUT IT IN A CHECKING ACCT?? I already know where this is headed, sounds like a cancel to me. I leave work pissed off, but this has become a pattern with PhuckToi. I check into the hotel for the night, pissed off and horny, and find a replacement. The person shows up, and not 2 minutes after this person shows up, PT is calling me, I pick up the phone, and without telling much, she figures out I'm gonna rail somebody else, and hang up in your face in the middle of her crying. This leads to the worst session of my hobby career.


The lady leaves, I call PT back, and while crying she has locked herself in the bathroom where she's currently staying, worrying about her safety. WHY DO I PUT UP WITH THIS SHIT????? Later in the night, she tells me she's headed in my direction, I go to bed, whatever. I don't sleep worth shit that night, and receive a call from her phone around 630am, it's a male voice on the other end, he tells me they're just inside of the state line. (This is the guy who is currently her pimp, driver, bf, card dealer, who the fuck knows) I get dressed and head to their destination. I arrive to the destination, she smells like she hasn't bathed in days. She rides back with me with her driver and a 2nd guy following us back to the general area, and PT puts these 2 guys up in the motel where I usually post up for outcall. She can pay for motel rooms for others, but can't pay me back as promised, GO EFFIN FIGURE!!! Apparently these two guys are pretty good at dealing cards, and PT said they will triple the money. I take a peek inside the rental car, they've been smoking in it, and the inside is trashed with fast food wrappers, etc. At this point, I KNOW I've lost control of the situation, and tell PT they shouldn't have any problems with dealing cards in the area. Next thing is we gotta go to Walmart to put time on their ghetto Metro phones. THIS IS STARTING TO GET SCARY, I TAKE A STEP BACK, DUE TO THE FACT THAT IS HOME TO ME, AND I GOT A HIGH PROFILE, AND I DON'T NEED PEOPLE ASKING WHO THESE SKETCHY PEOPLE ARE!!! I decide to stay in my car while they go inside the store, to avoid being spotted.

The two card dealers go back to the motel, and PT and I go back to where I'm staying, I need to check out, but we still have sometime before checkout time, so she opts to sleep for a bit, whatever. I call another provider who's joining us across state lines, she's supposed to meet us at the hotel before we head across the state line, but car issues prevent her from meeting us, and we head to our next destination. On our way across the state line, PT informs me she doesn't have a change of clothes, WHAT A SURPRISE, so we stop at the red dot, and she goes shopping for some clothes, and SHE REASSURES ME SHE'S PAYING ME BACK, and during her shopping she starts to mellow out because on the drive over, she was curled in a ball crying in the front seat of my car, due to the fact that I was in a session the night before and I didn't stop everything and coddle her. NEVER HAD SO MUCH DRAMA IN MY LIFE!!

I pay for the clothes and we go eat lunch. At lunch she proceeds to tell me that she has a baggie in her pocket of a certain substance, I'M PISSED NOW, THIS BITCH HAS BEEN RIDING WITH ME WITH THIS IN HER POCKET!!! HOMEY DON'T PLAY THAT GAME!!

We then go to the salon, she gets her nails done, and I get my feet done and everybody in the salon thinks I'm the gay friend, shit was hilarious. WAIT A MINUTE, PT PAYS FOR THIS, HOLD THE DAMN PHONE, THIS IS NEW!!! During the salon treatment, she offers to pick up the 2nd provider for me, first I decline, then I change my mind. My gut feeling tells me PT will bounce sometime in the night, which is why I have her retrieve the 2nd provider. The only problem is it involves the 2 card dealers going with her to retrieve the other provider. I call this provider to give her a heads up on the situation, which I'm glad I did. I go to the meet, and the girls get their hair done, and they show up late to the meet, which was expected. It's now pretty late in the night, the 2 girls and me go to dinner, at this point PT witnesses the 2nd provider's attitude, due to shitty service where we ate. During dinner PT gets a phone call from the card dealers saying she has a family member in the hospital, and they need to head home. My initial reaction, keep in mind I've drank quite a bit, ARE YOU SERIOUS?? She runs off crying, I think she went to the room, I go up, no sign of her, and go back to the diner, she shows back up, all of us eat and head up to the room and she grabs SOME of her things and before she leaves she tells us she'll be back by morning.

I get a call from her instantly and she asks me to come downstairs to the parking garage. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON NOW????? At this point I realize the card dealers never went back to the motel and instead dealt their cards in the casino parking lot, and NOW MY RENTAL CAR IS INVOLVED IN A HIT AND RUN, AND NOW MY RW NAME IS ON A FUCKING 5-0 REPORT!!!!! I should have told the 5-0 to look inside the rental, but I didn't. PT is of course crying, WHATS NEW, and the other provider is freaked out, because of the 5-0 presence. The 2nd provider and I head up to the room for the night, and it's then she tells me of all the things she sees in the rental car relating to dealing cards and how PT would keep giving her dirty looks, and the small things she says to the card dealers regarding me and how I would drop everything for her. Do keep in mind, I've been seeing this other provider coming up on a year, and the looks on her face tell me that PT has gone off the edge. I tell her the sudden attitude changes I've been noticing with PT and it all makes sense. When she's mellow she's got her fill, when she's emotional it's time for her next dance. 2nd provider and I head to bed, and wake up the next morning with a call from PT, and apparently now, she has a female friend with her now. Let's take a step back, she has drove to dfw, dropped off the card dealers, picked up a female friend, and drove back to the area.

It's checkout time and PT is sitting in longview, and she says she will wait for me and they will ride with me as I take the 2nd provider home, OK, no problem. As I am stepping into my car, PT calls back and says she's coming to the area to borrow money from another hobbyist, CAN THIS GIRL NOT STICK TO WHAT SHE SAYS FROM THE START???? I yell at her over the phone, she changes her mind and stays put, SUPPOSEDLY.....

The 2nd provider and I get on the road and as I get closer to my home base, PT calls back and says she is at a bank in my home base, she's lost, WHAT'S NEW!!!! I follow her directions and where is she? SHE'S ALMOST DOWNTOWN IN MY HOME BASE, OH HELL!!! This is small town USA and everybody knows everybody, and we're getting near my RW hangouts, OH MAN!!! I tell PT to park the car and get in with me and the 2nd provider, and PT's friend as well. I take another step back and finally realize, I HAVE 3 FEMALES IN MY CAR WHO AREN'T LOCAL TO THE AREA, AND I'M IN AN AREA WHERE EVERYBODY KNOWS ME!!! I get back on the road ASAP, and the drive to the 2nd provider's place and along the way, PT and her friend are asleep in the back seat and I finally drop the 2nd provider to her house.

I ask PT to hop in front and we head back towards my home base. On the drive back she complains about how I ignored her while I was taking provider 2 home, HOOKER DRAMA, DAMN!!! I explain to her that the 2nd provider don't do drama and we get along, AND SHE'S NOT A CERTIFIED NUTCASE!!!! Meanwhile, PTs friend BF calls and freaks out that they aren't home yet, we get to home base, I found myself at my HIGH SCHOOL, PT and me exit the vehicle while her friend hashes it out with the bf. This is starting to get even more scary, THIS IS A HIGH TRAFFIC AREA, I MAKE SURE TO HIDE MY FACE IN MY HOODIE!!! After a couple minutes we head back to the rental, PT exits the vehicle and her friend lets it slip that she wants to P4P, she got some big tits, and I get a crazy idea, which I'll explain in a bit. She said she could probably fuck better than PT, and they get in the rental and head home. HONESTLY, THE ONLY REASON I WAS STILL CIVIL, WAS BECAUSE SHE STILL HAD THE RENTAL. I head home and take a nap, I was disappointed, the past 2 nights, AND NO NUT!!!

Fast forward to that Friday, the rental goes back finally, THANK GOD, or so I thought. I keep contact with PT about returning the car and she informs me its been returned, but in the back of my mind I have my doubts, and I call the 2nd provider and ask if she's down to ride with me to DFW to make sure the rental was returned, OF COURSE SHE'S DOWN WITH THE CAUSE, at this point she's well aware of how PT operates and doesn't mind taking the keys from her if she has to. The only downside is she's at work, so I call it off, GIVE PT THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT, and have a good night sleep.

It's now the weekend, and I head over to see the 2nd provider for a session, and on the way over, me and PT go back and forth on kik, she's back on her whoa is me spells, and tells me to no longer contact her and she's gonna end everything. AT THIS POINT I KNOW I WAS A MARK, because the rental car fiasco is over, or I so think. I make it known to PT that I'm about to see the 2nd provider, I sense lots of jealousy, it's the only outlet I have to piss this girl off. After the session, we notice PT has a fresh ad up, and between the lines she implies so much, so we decide to text her from a dump number and in the process get her to agree to ANYTHING GOES with cards for both of us during the session. (I still have those texts, just in case. BTW, SHE DOES NO SCREENING WHATSOEVER) I get home and go to bed, I have work early in the morning.


Over the course of the next week, I keep an open line of communication with PTs friend, because PT is going on tour around the US, and I wanna do her friend, bring her into the hobby, I know it will PISS PT OFF. We arrange for a Friday for it happen, but I start to get 2nd thoughts, and I explain the situation to the provider who joined us across state lines, and she says it sounds like a setup, so I back off the idea and make plans with a DFW regular on said Friday. As Friday gets closer, I get a message from PTs friend regarding if I want pics of her, I ask if they are to be used in the review, I don't say yes or no, BUT MY SPIDEY SENSE IS GOING CRAZY!!!! i'm guessing the bf got ahold of the phone and said she would never do P4P, etc. My thoughts are confirmed and I block her from all points of contact. CRAZY BITCHES, I GOT A MAGNET FOR THEM!!! On my way to DFW on Thursday, PT calls me, she's supposedly in Kentucky, and the brakes have gone out on the Dually they're driving cross country. She asks me to send $100 for the brakes to get fixed, and I explain they probably just need brake fluid and to bleed the brake lines. YES, I'M MECHANICALLY INCLINED!!! I check into my hotel and go to bed. I wake up, and what's this, PT has an ad up for LAS VEGAS.


Late the night before she was JUST in Kentucky, and she tries to tell me they drove all night. Of course my BS detector is flying off the charts, but she still needs that $100 for food, etc. I'm a dumbass and send it. I have a multi-hour session, then head home.

The next day PT has changed up her showcase and it now includes your dates for about 3 months and her reasoning behind it is the cancer has gone to the next stage, YEAH, RIGHT, and she starts answering ISOs in San Francisco and other places along the west coast.



I'm starting to get curious about the vehicle they supposedly are using, whatever. I keep communication open with PT as she's on the west coast, and she starts to alienate the Dallas crowd with her new snobby attitude, and let's it be known that she is basically done with the Dallas landscape. YOU CAN'T ACT SNOBBY WHILE RESIDING IN A VEHICLE. She informs me that in a week she will be back in dfw, and she wants to treat me to a weekend, where she pays for EVERYTHING. IT'S ABOUT TIME THIS WHORE COMES THRU FOR ME. I get personal days approved from work, and on Tuesday, two days before I drive up, she informs me that she has to reschedule our weekend, because she isn't getting any appointments, which I know is probably bogus. On her drive back from the west coast, she asks me to send MORE money for her to get home, and PROMISES to pay me back when I see her on the weekend, $350 is the figure, THIS BITCH IS STARTING TO CRIPPLE MY HOBBY BUDGET. The next day she calls and asks for me to send $80, they didn't figure enough for gas. At this point I explain to her that this 80 is part of my daily budget money, and she PROMISES to pay me back when she collects it from a parental figure.

I tell PT I'm still coming to DFW, even though she has to hoe most of the weekend. HOLD ON, LET'S BACK UP, A WEEK BEFORE, I GET A CALL FROM THE RENTAL CAR COMPANY, telling me the rental hasn't been returned yet, I call PT and she informs me she returned the rental at the front of the place where you rent the car, so now I think the vehicle is stolen. AT THIS POINT, I NO LONGER CARE, I ALREADY KNOW I'M FUCKED ON THIS DEAL. Then on Wednesday, the rental car company has handed my case over to a PI and REPORTED THE CAR STOLEN AGAINST ME!!!! FUCK IT!!!

On Thursday, I drive up to Plano after work, plan on staying 3 nights. I call it an early night and go to sleep. During the night, I get texts from the provider who went to FT worth and tried to help PT, I tell this provider I wanna meet up over the weekend, maybe go to a SC, she's down. The next morning I move over to Irving, but before I do, PT calls me and needs help to keep a room, she's currently in FT worth, I offer to drive over and pay for the room myself, but to nobody's surprise, SHE DECLINES and asks me to send by way of Walmart to Walmart, another $160 sent. FOR BEING A BROKE HOE, SHE SURE STAYS AT LAVISH HOTELS, my thought process. She promises to pay me back after a session she has, and we'll do lunch. I don't count on anything at this point. I move over to Irving, do my thing, and we decide to do dinner instead, sure, whatever. I catch a session in Plano in the evening, and during said session, PT BLOWS UP MY DAMN PHONE, SHE IS GETTING GOOD AT THIS!!! I tell her I'll call her back when I'm done "assessing the current situation". As I'm leaving the session, another provider texts me and asks if I got a replacement for the weekend, because I was set up with her, but once I tell this provider I'm moving over to Irving, she changes her mind. I can't be mad about that. I tell this provider I'm down to meet, and she'll meet me in one hour. I call PT and cancel our dinner plans, of course she cries, I don't care. THIS GIRL EXPECTED ME TO WAIT AROUND ALL DAY FOR HER, FUCK THAT!!!

Fast forward to the next evening, I head out to hang out with the provider that tried to get PT off the streets, in the non-bcd sense, we have similar interests. I drove over to her place, our plan is to go SC hopping, doesn't happen, but we head over to a friends house, and then this provider informs me she has a newbie for me, OK. Normally I'd be OK, but one it was getting late, and two, I spent ALL DAY playing and was rather exhausted, but agree and we head back to my hotel and wait for the newbie. I tell this provider that PT owes me money from the day before, and we get a crazy idea to go collect that night, so said provider texts PT from a dump number and within 2 texts PT gives the address of her incall, WITH NO SCREENING WHATSOEVER!!!! With the amount of texts PT sends, it's obvious she's hard up for an appt, we have a quick laugh at her expense, and head out to Plano. On the way there we discuss how we are gonna get what's owed to me, and we were gonna pick up another individual to help with the cause, but that never happens. As we get close, I make the comment to the provider with me, WOULDN'T IT BE CRAZY IF WE GOT TO THE HOTEL AND MY RENTAL CAR IS IN THE PARKING LOT???!!! Before saying that I had wrote off the rental car just about altogether.

We drive thru the parking lot and I notice two cars that look similar to my rental. Do keep in mind, that the rental should have been returned 3 WEEKS AGO!!! The first car is eerily similar, but it doesn't have a no smoking sticker on the window, throws me off. The 2nd vehicle I investigate is definitely not the rental. We park at the next business over and discuss strategy on the situation and PT is starting to wonder about her Appt. We drive back to the parking lot and the first car I investigated now has people sitting in it. AT THIS POINT, I'M PUMPED, I get out of my car and approach the rental car.

The window rolls down, AND ITS HER DRIVER/CARD DEALER/PIMP, ETC WHO KNOWS! My exact words to him are, THIS LOOKS A LOT LIKE THE RENTAL I GOT FOR HER, ALMOST 2 MONTHS AGO!!!!! This so called guy can't even look me in the eyes, and the only words out of his mouth are, "She's waiting for you in room XXX" I head straight to the entrance I leave the provider who came with me down in the parking lot, and PT has to open the door for me, she sees the anger in my facial expressions, and tells me to follow her up to the room, to not cause a scene. AT THIS POINT, I'M ONLY SEEING BLOOD RED!!! In the elevator she says that I should have trusted her, WHAT, IS THIS WHORE FOR REAL???? We get to the room, and it looks like a party has been going on. I witness an open pizza box with a full box of pizza, keep in mind it's like 4am. She goes in for a hug, DAMN, THIS GIRL REEKS OF MAJOR BO!! She is expecting a session and she smells like that, and her hair is a mess!! There is a bottle of Hypnotiq on the bed and she asks me to sit on the bed and finish off the bottle with her, whatever. She asks why I'm acting like this, and she gets back into my head and tells me she's been ignoring me all day, and I make sure to tell her I've been with a provider during the day, and that's she's a better bang than her. PT asked who was with me in my car and I tell her, and I follow her to the side of the hotel. DAMMIT, SHE GOT BACK IN MY HEAD AND I'VE FORGOTTEN ABOUT THE RENTAL CAR. On the side of the hotel we talk a few more minutes, with plans to meet up for lunch. WASN'T I ANGRY AS HELL A FEW MINUTES AGO REGARDING A LYING WHORE?????

We walk to the front of the parking lot and I see the provider who came with me talking to 3 people who were in the rental car, but they're now standing on the sidewalk, and I sit in the passenger seat of my car and try to take everything in. Provider who came with me says to me quickly, GET IN THE DRIVER SEAT!!! WHERE IS SHE GOING????

While I was upstairs getting brainwashed again, the provider in the parking lot has managed to get the keys back from PTs driver, etc whatever he is. Also, got them out of the vehicle as well. As I'm driving away, AS I'M FOLLOWING MY RENTAL CAR, my phone starts to blow up, you already know who's calling me, I ignore her calls, IT FELT GOOD. She sends a text "I tried, XX told me to call you" HER CONTROL OVER ME IS GONE!!!

I drive back to my hotel, the provider who retrieved the car and I start to go thru the rental. The rental has a HUGE back area for storage, which is filled to the brim with clothes. I'm talking BRAND NEW CLOTHES WITH TAGS STILL ON THEM, draw your own conclusion there. I also come across clothes I purchased her as well. It has to total well over $1000 in clothes, also brand new packages of makeup. We move to the front of the rental, and in the glove box is damning proof that this car has been all over the country. I run across SEVERAL citations with the pimp's name and home address. We also find cell phone contract paperwork, an ORIGINAL social security card, an ORIGINAL birth certificate, as well as banking information. The middle console is broken, car has been involved in a wreck towards the back, and the GPS tracker has been removed.

I return the rental car MYSELF, fill out paperwork about the damages, and head home, glad this ordeal with PHUCKTOI is over.

In conclusion: If this tale has taught anybody anything, DON'T TRUST HOOKERS, DON'T GIVE THEM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT, AND DON'T BE BRAINWASHED LIKE I WAS!!

It could have been worse, she has made threats to others, but not to me.

This belongs in alerts, besides Zenoguy, I know at least one other person she took advantage of, and another where she attempted, but failed. *Drops mic*
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Old 03-05-2017, 06:56 PM   #73
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mrredcat43....Post of the fucking year. One for the Best Of ECCIE series.
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Old 03-05-2017, 07:46 PM   #74
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She sounds like a huge head ache to deal with, she still finding newbies to hustle?
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Old 03-05-2017, 07:48 PM   #75
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I read every word and enjoyed it so thank you. Kudos for being willing to admit what happened. Been taken advantage of myself, not to this extreme, but I had enough that I realized not one girl here can be trusted. She's a hooker, no angel selects that for a career choice.
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