Originally Posted by royamcr
The market is free for some, and others pay out the ass for it. At least the ones that never paid a dime are now required to pay something.
Basically yes, if you are family of 4 and make less than $16,000 you would get Medicaid that was signed into law by LBJ in 1965 (no premium).
If you are family of 4 and make less than $24,000 you would get the "Expanded Medicaid" (in the 31 states that accepted the money from the Fed). No premium here either.
If you are family of 4 and make greater than $24,000 and less $94,000 and in the individual market you qualify for a subsidy from the government on a sliding scale, to help pay the premium. (Note: you have to go to healthcare.gov to get a subsidy, you just can't call up a health insurance broker).
If you are a family of 4 and make greater than $94,000 you do not qualify for a subsidy.
If you get health insurance from your employer you don't qualify for a subsidy either. Note: Group insurance from the employer will always be cheaper than health insurance sold in the individual market because the risk pools have less risk. The spikes in premiums in some states are due to the unbalanced risk pools. Sick people signing up for health insurance in the individual market that were not allowed to before the ACA law was passed plus low risk people not buying or getting an exemption.