Originally Posted by doug_dfw
The OP is a babe in the woods, ladies. Or the WOLF in sheep's clothing. Or a Progressive Liberal? I will stop before I get sanctioned.
Just reverse the question; why does he prefer 200 versus 500 for an hour?
His response will be revealing. If he does respond, that is.
Thanks Doug for the questioned I never said that I prefer
One amount over another if you read what my thread ask
The "LADIES" I was just curious on how one lady decide
Her rates for a certain amount and another lady decide
She will be lower or higher that was all I was asking.
Of course like anything else ppl don't stay on topic
And start attacking the O P for whatever they ask.
I am not here for that so if anyone wants to
Show there level of class by all means go ahead.
Btw I actually perfer longer hours and overnights
And in most cases that will normally be north of
$500 but thanks for the questioned.
Hobby smart and safe buddy