Originally Posted by Spirit13
Time is money I grant you but you planned to be away from work, so this "theft" would be more on your part as you "planned" to be away from your company which pays you a salary per hour in which you took from them 3 hours, or if you are a salary employee, then its based on a set number of hours per pay period, per month or per year. It will be defined in you pay contract.
You effectively took those hours from your employer. Did you refund the money it equated to even if it was only a small amount or come in early/work late the next day to make it up?
Doesn't work that way for me since I'm on hourly not salary. However the way I see it is if I made the decision to take off from work for a session and the lady doesn't make it, then that's on me. I shouldn't have taken off work. Hobby should not come before work, however I myself am gonna be doing that very thing this week lol. So much for priorities lol