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Old 05-07-2015, 09:48 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Von Spieler View Post
6 years ago the govt set up an Iraqi refugee camp, now a city in between Burleson and Mansfield. Approximately 13,000 Iraqis have resettled there and created their own city.
Just curious, have they caused any disturbance/security concern to the local communities/law enforcement authorities thus far? The overwhelming majority of these Iraqis and their families have worked for the U.S. military and defense contractors under constant death threats meted out by the insurgents/terrorists in Iraq. Thankfully our government have recognized their contribution and passed legislations which created more slots for those Iraqis who might be in danger because of U.S. affiliations.

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Old 05-07-2015, 11:01 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
you're probably on his ignore list, but so what? ironic how some people see this Garland gathering as a sort of ultimate stand for defending free speech.. but if you think otherwise, you're put on "ignore", they don't want to hear your POV or defend their own position against yours.. easier to just shut you up with a mouse click.
Freedom of speech includes the freedom to ignore speech, the KKK is free to spout their shit, but I don't go to their rallies, ditto for the muslimes the church goers and the democratic party.

I have zero interest in "defending" my POV here, I've stated it, and it stands on it's own. I don't get offended by TV shows I disagree with, I change the channel.
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Old 05-07-2015, 11:25 AM   #63
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
If drawing cartoons of Mohammad at a private function is too provocative, then the terrorists are winning. And your condemnation of Americans exercising their 1st Amendment rights is aiding and abetting the terrorists. You are more concerned about not offending terrorists than protecting our rights to free speech.

Why is that?

Uhhhh...yeah...That's a paragraph loaded with enough bullshit to fertilize all of west Texas, lol... But hey...you have the right to post it...

You're in dire need of a blowjob, Captain America...plenty of Providers here to give it to ya...
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Old 05-07-2015, 12:26 PM   #64
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Posted by andymarksman - Just curious, have they caused any disturbance/security concern to the local communities/law enforcement authorities thus far?
No. And I'm sure the majority are wonderful additions to our community.

But the Islamic Extremists have a saying...."You have the clock, but we have time."
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Old 05-07-2015, 12:56 PM   #65
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I understand why you try to deflect with some comment about me getting a blow job......you are a loser.

BTW, still waiting on you to provide that link backing up your ridiculous claim that "depicting a religious figure, when that religion is against it , falls under the (legal) definition of "incitement".

Run and hide if you want.

Your lame attempt to characterize the Islamic Garland shooters as being justifiably incited to kill by the Draw Mohammad Convention is repulsive to clear thinking men.

Originally Posted by Prolongus View Post
Uhhhh...yeah...That's a paragraph loaded with enough bullshit to fertilize all of west Texas, lol... But hey...you have the right to post it...

You're in dire need of a blowjob, Captain America...plenty of Providers here to give it to ya...
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Old 05-07-2015, 02:14 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by Von Spieler View Post
6 years ago the govt set up an Iraqi refugee camp, now a city in between Burleson and Mansfield. Approximately 13,000 Iraqis have resettled there and created their own city.

Next month Ft Worth will take in 14,000 Syrian refugees. Ft Worth has been designated to be the largest resettlement for these people. This is one reason why the city of ft worth has agreed to partner with the federal govt to nationalize/federalize the ft worth police force with 7 other cities.

There once was a time when people came to the U.S. To assimilate to become Americans. Not anymore. They come and create their own new America in their own sub cities where we are expected to conform. There is nothing wrong with keeping your culture alive, but do not expect or demand US Nationals to conform to your culture. You can say we are all immigrants all you wish and I say bullshit. I was born here which makes me a U.S. Citizen. I may have German Ancestry but I don't call myself an Austrian American or get but thirst if they call me white instead of Caucasian or Austrian American. When I receive students and go thru their govt ppw they will put African aMercian as their nationality. It's sad when I have to ask them what country they are a citizen of and the become inflamed when I tell them Nationality means what country you're a citizen of and tell them there is no country called Africa America, there is a continent called Africa and a country called United States of America. I am U.S. citizen or American. It's not going to take long for this country to be a country or hundreds of other countries and we will no longer have our country. So many people hate our country yet have no problem living off us.

My rant is done.

Fine work here man.....

The libs / (militant) Islamic apologists can't be that STUPID....that WEAK...can they?

I guess one thing they struggle with is understanding the peaceful Muslims...don't really separate themselves from the bad guys

Evidently most regard the Stand with the Prophet rally....held at this same venue on Jan. 17, 2015....as totally harmless...

Then why did they invite THIS GUY....to be the keynote speaker?

Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and close friend of the mastermind of that bombing, the “Blind Sheikh” Omar Abdel Rahman.

Here are a few quotes from this good / PEACEFUL Muslim...a disciple of Farrakhan and heavy promoter of the downfall of America/Christianity for about 30 years :

“Islam is better than democracy- Allah will cause his deen [Islam as a complete way of life], Islam to prevail over every kind of system, and you know what? It will happen.” [i]

If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate.
In time, this so-called democracy will crumble, and there will be nothing. And the only thing that will remain will be Islam

If we were united and strong, we'd elect our own emir (leader) and give allegiance to him... Take my word, if 6-8 million Muslims unite in America, the country will come to us.

You get involved in politics because politics are a weapon to use in the cause of Islam. I will never ever tell people, ‘don’t be violent, that is not the Islamic way.’ The violence has to be selected…. Islam is the only answer because it is only Islam that we do it for Allah…. [We are] commanded to do jihad…. [W]hen Allah commands us to fight we are not stopping, no one will stop us.”

: “I would cut off the hands of my own daughter [if she stole] because Allah stands for Justice.”

SO.....Pam Geller was out of line to protest this guy?.....
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Old 05-07-2015, 02:44 PM   #67
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I feel sorry for the security guard who was shot. He was not an organizer or an attendee, just a guy doing his job.

I also wondered this, they paid for $10,000 worth of security, including police, police vehicles, swat gear, assault rifles, etc., almost all were heavily armed.

However, the most vulnerable security guard of them all was placed out front with no weapon. Was he a sacrificial lamb or something?

This makes me think this hate group was inciting violence and wanting something bad to happen.

If you ask why would she do it, it's simple, money and publicity. This wouldn't have been in the news if there wasn't a violent incident. More people know who she is now and she gets to go on Fox News and get more attention. Most of you didn't know who she was before this and now you do.
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Old 05-07-2015, 03:02 PM   #68
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What I wanna know is how in the hell did a 60+ y/o patrol officer, sporting just a Glock, win a gun battle with two guys in body armor with assault rifles?
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Old 05-07-2015, 03:13 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
I understand why you try to deflect with some comment about me getting a blow job......you are a loser.

BTW, still waiting on you to provide that link backing up your ridiculous claim that "depicting a religious figure, when that religion is against it , falls under the (legal) definition of "incitement".

Run and hide if you want.

Your lame attempt to characterize the Islamic Garland shooters as being justifiably incited to kill by the Draw Mohammad Convention is repulsive to clear thinking men.

1000% right. While it may be rude and immature and whatever else you want to call it to insult someone or in this case their religion it is certainly not illegal. We need to stop handing out ribbons and participation trophies in life. Life has ups and downs and there is no absolute right to not being insulted
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Old 05-07-2015, 03:37 PM   #70
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So its okay to mock Christians, Jews, Mormons, Scientology, etc but not the delicate Islamic flowers?
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Old 05-07-2015, 06:22 PM   #71
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Blame the victim! The more repugnant the speech, the more it needs protecting. Supreme Court in Westboro Baptist Church ruling 8-1 in favor of these nasty assholes. I don't like flag burning; but it is their right to do it. Finally it is not yelling, "fire" in a crowded theater. An editorial cartoon is an opinion!
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Old 05-07-2015, 07:30 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
What I wanna know is how in the hell did a 60+ y/o patrol officer, sporting just a Glock, win a gun battle with two guys in body armor with assault rifles?
That police officer is a worthy heir to Wild Bill Hickok, Wyatt Earp and other famous gunfighters of old. He proved by his coolness and courage under fire that he is a true warrior and a real life bad ass in the best sense of the word. I understand he only fired two shots from his Glock pistol to kill two the two terrorists. One shot, one kill is the sniper's mantra, to do it with a handgun against armored assailants with assault rifles who have the initiative is a remarkable feat of arms!
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Old 05-07-2015, 09:39 PM   #73
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Originally Posted by Trill Jackson View Post
However, the most vulnerable security guard of them all was placed out front with no weapon. Was he a sacrificial lamb or something?
I wonder also... seems that the SWAT team was on the other side of the Center, they were said to have rushed over after shots were fired.. perhaps the guard was in front of the building while SWAT was in back, where attendees would exit to their cars?
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Old 05-07-2015, 11:16 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
What I wanna know is how in the hell did a 60+ y/o patrol officer, sporting just a Glock, win a gun battle with two guys in body armor with assault rifles?

That's the best analysis I've read so far.
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Old 05-08-2015, 12:43 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by doug_dfw View Post
WE have first amendment rights. Suck it up. Defend it. Otherwise all freedom is lost.

We are the only Nation left who still TRYS to defend it. BUT the LIBERAL PROGRESSIVES kill it. TOO MANY LIBERALS in our nation today all whom have no idea what they are destroying in the name of "don't hurt someones feelings". They will be the first who fall face down crying like babies when it affects them.

I am so proud of our Texas heritage- take the bastards down when they mess with us. I am so proud; even our traffic officers are trained as well as our SWAT to hit the target.

You're full of shit when you say liberals are the enemy of free speech. The ACLU -- an organization of which I am proud to be a member -- fights harder than any organization I know for free speech. It has traditionally been Republucan administrations that opposed free speech (see Texas v. Johnson -- where the Reagan/Bush Justice department lost seeking to criminalize flag burning as not being political speech with three REPUBLICAN Justices dissenting). The only dissent in Snyder v. Phillips, the Westboro church case you cite, was Republican Justice Alito.

For those claiming the the nut job who organized this event was trying to be provocative, no shit! Of course she was. And what she did may well be viewed as in poor taste. But popular speech needs no Constitutional protections. That's why the ACLU is typically standing up for folks like the Nazi Party, claiming that while their views are abhoent, that they still have a right to march in a Jewish suburb. Once the government can talk the right of speech away from those outside the mainstream, the next target us those within the mainstream.
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