Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
This is the post that caused all the ruckus? Wow.
I wonder: if Bonn found this post so offensive, did he PM the OP too? Or does he confine his intimdation tactics to ladies only?
I also wonder if it's coincidence that Whispers's post immediately follows MsPrittiKitti's? What are the odds he "advised" the new moderator to send the offending PM? Would you be shocked if he dick-tated it?
LOL! Conspiracy theories abound!
HEY! I'm pulling for BONN... I would not for a moment try to trip him up. It's much more fun seeing all of you folks in a panic because of him!
i've done the exact opposite in suggesting he go slowly and get advice from Von and DickEmDown until he gets the hang of things.
LMAO! You folks are a riot!