Love the Drama's
We should have a pimp section so all the pimps can explain how great they are and take care of the girls.
We can categorize the pimps, amp pimps, studio pimps, independent pimps, gang pimps, white pimps, black pimps, female pimps, mixed race pimps, and so on...
There doesn't seem to be any drama lately from the Relax girl's pimp. Conspiracy... payoffs.... lol
We can have a pimp of the month contest.
Or take a pimp to lunch day.
Pimps can run a special of the month.
Or the pimps can start a draft. We can talk trade rumors and unpimp like conduct. Which would cause a life time ban.
So much for us to discuss, all this because we go nothing better to do.....
Dramas, always the dramas.