Originally Posted by CJ7
..it is considering ways to promote annuities sold on the private market as a voluntary alternative to lump-sum cash payments in retirement.
... like its "promotion" of acquisition of private market health insurance by those without healt insurance as an "alternative" to government provided health care plans.
Govenments do not "promote" by taxing the shit out of plans not consistent with an "alternative" .. that is compulsion .. not promotion.
I'm not answering what "Steve Doocy and Newt Gingrich" claimed .. I became aware of the consequences of the proposals by the current administration from two different directions and two different perspectives .. one tax, the other investment and both highly qualified and well respected in their respective industries.
Why does the government have to "promote" the acquistion of annuities? And why would government have ANY interest in "persuading" resourceful people who have managed to sock away 100's of thousands of dollars in 401K accounts with immediate cash draw down capacity to take out their CASH and hand it over to a company to HOLD FOREVER without any draw down capability so the company somewhere down the line can dole it out to the retiree for the remainder of the retiree's life expectancy ... how ever long that may be
or not be?
I thought this administration was opposed to BIG BUSINESS FINANCIAL ENTITIES?
The U.S. government continually demonstrates its inability to run a one car funeral without cost overruns ... the list is endless ... and I am goinna hand over 100's of thousands of dollars to a "government approved" annuity company .... to take care of so they can dole it out to me in later life ... (see Social Security!).