Originally Posted by dearhunter
Let me see.......a modtard makes a comment about the thread topic in a thread just as the OP of that thread returns from a ban.......and you find that extremely funny.
Would that be in a "the modtard is an idiot" kind of funny?
Would that be "I have no fucking clue why the modtard bumped a thread for a fucktard just returning from a ban to remind him that the question is still unanswered" kind of funny?
I am just curious.
Maybe, just maybe, the comment could have been sent as a PM. He asked for his account to be canceled. Later he gave a reason for the request. There was no post informing him he had to term it "guest" or "disable".
Geez, pick just one and do it. If it wasn't the right one he can contact the site privately thru email and get it corrected. It looked like he chose disable thru bannifacation because no mod took action to disable/guest the account.