Originally Posted by timpage
Be all proud the next time 20 six year olds get massacred. That's the side you picked. Be proud. Be happy and proud you live in a country where 20 six year olds get shot to pieces while learning their ABC's and the best you can do is say "well, we need those guns in case of imaginary government oppression."
Good for you. Be all proud.
Gun laws just keep the honest people helpless. Criminals will cash in on how much guns are worth now, not to mention how many folks they can rob or rape. I am EXTREMELY proud to be on the side that believes in personal responsibility and arming our teachers to protect our kids. I will choose freedom with risk over Government control for safety ANY DAY OF THE YEAR. I'm on the side that understands the bad guys and the government (what's the difference) will be the only ones armed. Free men have guns. Slaves do not.
There are tons of countries out there that think the way you do Tim. I don't understand why you don't move there to a place that already has your idea of a perfect world happening. We don't want your help in breaking down this country to look like cuba.
America is unique and she will stay that way because there are millions of people like me that will never bow to this bastard of a pres or your views. Kill me. Go for it. I will not yield these ideals and I don't ask you to yield either. Just go somewhere your view is the main practice. we'd all be happy.
Long live the rocket launcher that I will shove up your pee hole!!!!!