Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
I beg to differ.
Legally, the only sensitive information that is safe is that you exclusively share with personnel or companies that you have a binding NDA with.
Illegally, the only sensitive information that is safe is that you exclusively share with no-fucking-body, and which you seed your trail with enough misinformation to blur potential paths to truth.
you have to trust someone to be trusted my friend ...all legalities aside we all share a common desire to not be LONely!!! That means the wall of jehrico has to come down at sum time. U just hve to be able to read ppl and have faith in ur judgement..i'm not saying give ur SSi# to bums in the street ...but if u wanna tell someone u like jimi hendricks and ur SO does to whats the harm?? If someone ttruly wants to do u harm they can find a way regardless of what u withhold from a convo. But if u notice a mutal sharing of info then no one has true leverage.