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Old 11-03-2022, 08:57 PM   #61
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Default Members Are Reminded . . .

Of Guideline #27
#27 - Often times in online communities, members may display a tendency towards bringing their conflicts with other members to the board. This will be strongly discouraged and swift effort will be made to put it to rest. Additionally, staff will make every effort to stay uninvolved in conflicts and disputes between members off the board except in such cases where the board becomes directly affected.
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Old 11-04-2022, 05:45 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
I've always appreciated your signature line, AG. Sage wisdom.
Thank you sir, The2Dogs spoke wise words indeed.

Hy hasn’t Bambino responded to this? Because he is on vacation again, he tends to take a lot of vacations and he os conservative btw. So are Salty and Lustylad who both are also currently on vacation. Your political affiliation doesn’t protect you here.

For those of you who want to rattle the Eccie cage, you now have Biomed1’s attention. If you want to gripe now is the time and this is the place. Carry on and godspeed.
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Old 11-04-2022, 05:40 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Devo View Post
Excellent memory and post.

Now that it can be told, I'll admit what drove me away from Indy's for good.

1) The number of non associated female providers, who had to provide a freebie, or two to Indy to get the ability to advertise.

You don't know how many new providers offered my free shit to get them either on the board, or, to provide a good review for them, I did neither, once a mod, I held myself to a voluntary higher standard, as did Laserface, I never spoke with Speed as much as I did him.

2) The wholesale infiltration of my personal account, Indy and his ilk offering up my personal info, and, leaking stuff to providers, or, warning them not to see me.

Fucking place was a sieve.

3) The treatment of people who offerend an honest and unbiased review, and got their pussy shut off.

4) The private escapades, of whoring out people in Ohio, and all the other quasilegal, or illegal bullshit I figured would eventually bring them all down.

5)The information shared between providers, and the abuse of the anonymity system, to again, hurt the client.

Tolstoy is correct, I stayed at ASPD because a love of the place, and, the fact I did not want to associate at TOS, in any manner, it just reeked.
On your #4 point: to my knowledge (and I was never a true "insider" on Indys, so I might not be 100% correct) the Cleveland GTG bust was simple infiltration by OH LE which led to the arrests of a few hobby-people that night....

One Indys member guy (who turned out to be LE) got "double-vouched" and then attended that GTG and arrested some hobby-people, and specifically a few providers for "soliciting." I don't think it involved anything other than a simple LE bust- at least that event specifically....

And whatever came after that involving the whole site, and ultimately why the site shut-down, is another issue. There is a lot of "speculation" and even "conspiracy theories" about Indys. I think the Cleveland GTG bust was simple LE infiltration and a few hobby-people busts ensued. It could have happened in PGH or any other OH city....

Again, I don't have any "inside knowledge" of that event, but the board Indys explained what happened on the board and were pretty transparent about it, in the week or so after the event. Just a simple LE infiltration and some busts mostly of a few providers that night. Could have happened in PGH or any other city....
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Old 11-04-2022, 06:06 PM   #64
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Default Who, Which Specific Eccie Hobby-Guys, Are "Reporting To The Mods".....?

Originally Posted by paintedbynumbers View Post
You have it all wrong Tolstoy. It's not just the fact that it was Bam. I would have been pissed regardless of the member. You DO NOT lie and say a member is dead of Covid if it's not true. How many of us have lost family or friends due to Covid? He could have said Tolstoy died due to Covid and I'd be just as upset as would many of the other guys. Go back to the thread, I wasn't the only one pissed. I also got 7 PM's from guys saying how twisted Charlie was for saying what he did.

Why has Bambino not weighed-in here? If he has some sort of special "luncheon" group with a small number of guys here then maybe they can weigh-in....

This is not satire, not at all: I don't know when Bambino is banned and when he is re-instated and currently active. He was "off an on" Indys for years. Hard to keep up with that guy and remain aware about whether he on the site at any give time....

In your first post on this thread you say you feel like you are "walking on egg-shells" on Eccie because you have been issued points for commenting on threads. Other Eccie posters, like Charley3 and I, feel the same way about "walking on egg-shells" for simply posting on varied threads. That is why Charley3 started this "forest for the trees" assessment-thread- to discuss all this "walking on egg-shells" and people being issued points for posting on varied topics threads...,

Did you really "report to a mod" Charley3 making a joke about Bambino and COVID? Also- this: Do Guys On Eccie Regularly
"report to a mod" Other Guys Hobby-Posts? Is that really going on here? You say 7 other hobby-people PMed you to agree that Charley7 making a joke about Bambino and COVID they did not like. Do THOSE guys too regularly "report to a mod" varied posts by other hobby-guys... ?

If hobby-guys are "reporting" on other hobby-guys posts then I'm sure many hobby-people, including Charley3 and I, want to know about it. And we want to know WHO is reporting other guys, what other hobby-guy(s) specifically are "reporting to the mods" random posts of other guys....

Exactly how much of a "free speech" zone is Eccie, and specifically because (apparently) guys on Eccie (apparently) "report to a mod" other guys hobby-posts? If that's the way it is going forward then I'm sure many hobby-people including Charley3 and I want to know which guys here are doing all the "reporting to a mod"...

Hey "reporters", why not post in the thread itself that you reported a post to a mod? Don't commisserate in PM's with (7?) other guys. Just come out and announce publicly that you did not like a post and you "reported it to a mod"....
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Old 11-04-2022, 06:25 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
I think we have a stage 4 clinger

Those two guys got involved in another weird, ornate "sub-culture" called "wedding crashing". They would have been fine, analytical and capable "hobbyists" in our own weird sub-culture. I guess they never wanted to "pay for it". But they "paid for it" with the amount of minute Attention and Time and Risk they had to put-in just to get laid. I'd rather just pay cash quickly and conveniently...
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Old 11-04-2022, 06:36 PM   #66
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You are coming across as the nosy guy in the office who just needs to know everyone elses business and it's not a good look for you Tolstoy. Like Berry stated before "don't break rules and you have nothing to worry about" It's simple. People are running to the mods for every post or more people would be banned.

Hell I could name on both hands people who are banned now that I don't really believe should be but it's not my site nor is it my decision. The issue with Charley was that he was wrong. Be accountable. He doesn't seem to want to hold himself accountable and you seem to think stating another member to be dead isn't a big deal. If those are the kinds of comments you and Charley plan to make then yes you should feel like you are walking on egg shells because you are blatantly breaking site rules. But. I don't put you in that catagory Tolstoy because you aren't a known to wish others dead here. You know when to draw the line. At least i thought you did.

In your first post on this thread you say you feel like you are "walking on egg-shells" on Eccie because you have been issued points for commenting on threads. Other Eccie posters, like Charley3 and I, feel the same way about "walking on egg-shells" for simply posting on varied threads. That is why Charley3 started this "forest for the trees" assessment-thread- to discuss all this "walking on egg-shells" and people being issued points for posting on varied topics threads...,

Did you really "report to a mod" Charley3 making a joke about Bambino and COVID? Also- this: Do Guys On Eccie Regularly
"report to a mod" Other Guys Hobby-Posts? Is that really going on here? You say 7 other hobby-people PMed you to agree that Charley7 making a joke about Bambino and COVID they did not like. Do THOSE guys too regularly "report to a mod" varied posts by other hobby-guys... ?

If hobby-guys are "reporting" on other hobby-guys posts then I'm sure many hobby-people, including Charley3 and I, want to know about it. And we want to know WHO is reporting other guys, what other hobby-guy(s) specifically are "reporting to the mods" random posts of other guys....

Exactly how much of a "free speech" zone is Eccie, and specifically because (apparently) guys on Eccie (apparently) "report to a mod" other guys hobby-posts? If that's the way it is going forward then I'm sure many hobby-people including Charley3 and I want to know which guys here are doing all the "reporting to a mod"...

Hey "reporters", why not post in the thread itself that you reported a post to a mod? Don't commisserate in PM's with (7?) other guys. Just come out and announce publicly that you did not like a post and you "reported it to a mod"....[/QUOTE]
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Old 11-05-2022, 08:50 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by paintedbynumbers View Post
You are coming across as the nosy guy in the office who just needs to know everyone elses business and it's not a good look for you Tolstoy. Like Berry stated before "don't break rules and you have nothing to worry about" It's simple. People are running to the mods for every post or more people would be banned.

Hell I could name on both hands people who are banned now that I don't really believe should be but it's not my site nor is it my decision. The issue with Charley was that he was wrong. Be accountable. He doesn't seem to want to hold himself accountable and you seem to think stating another member to be dead isn't a big deal. If those are the kinds of comments you and Charley plan to make then yes you should feel like you are walking on egg shells because you are blatantly breaking site rules. But. I don't put you in that catagory Tolstoy because you aren't a known to wish others dead here. You know when to draw the line. At least i thought you did.

In your first post on this thread you say you feel like you are "walking on egg-shells" on Eccie because you have been issued points for commenting on threads. Other Eccie posters, like Charley3 and I, feel the same way about "walking on egg-shells" for simply posting on varied threads. That is why Charley3 started this "forest for the trees" assessment-thread- to discuss all this "walking on egg-shells" and people being issued points for posting on varied topics threads...,

Did you really "report to a mod" Charley3 making a joke about Bambino and COVID? Also- this: Do Guys On Eccie Regularly
"report to a mod" Other Guys Hobby-Posts? Is that really going on here? You say 7 other hobby-people PMed you to agree that Charley7 making a joke about Bambino and COVID they did not like. Do THOSE guys too regularly "report to a mod" varied posts by other hobby-guys... ?

If hobby-guys are "reporting" on other hobby-guys posts then I'm sure many hobby-people, including Charley3 and I, want to know about it. And we want to know WHO is reporting other guys, what other hobby-guy(s) specifically are "reporting to the mods" random posts of other guys....

Exactly how much of a "free speech" zone is Eccie, and specifically because (apparently) guys on Eccie (apparently) "report to a mod" other guys hobby-posts? If that's the way it is going forward then I'm sure many hobby-people including Charley3 and I want to know which guys here are doing all the "reporting to a mod"...

Hey "reporters", why not post in the thread itself that you reported a post to a mod? Don't commisserate in PM's with (7?) other guys. Just come out and announce publicly that you did not like a post and you "reported it to a mod"....

The mods have Enough work over-seeing the PGH forums, and especially the Politics section, without guys "reporting to the mods" every individual post (HEAVENS!) they are offended by....

Really, ask the mods, what do they think about guys "reporting to the mods" random posts which they don't like and which ("HEANENS!") they are offended by? It just adds to their workload....

So, do YOU "report to the mods" often? I'm sure Charley3 and I would love to know who all the "reporters" are so we can be more "diplomatic" with those guys. I thought all the Eccie guys were "tough-guys" and the Indys guys were "love-birds" and "whiteknights" who "sugar-coated" their reviews of Indys girls. Who are the "tough guys" of Eccie who "report to the mods" random posts by other guys....?

Again, all "reporters"- just post on the thread itself when you are (Clutching Pearls!) "reporting to the mods" when you are offended....

Let's get a new forum: "The Davenport". It's a new forum where guys can go and "recline" on a soft surface, while Clutching Their Pearls, and speculate how they have been offended. Kleenex on the table next to the The Davenport to hasten the grieving process....
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Old 11-05-2022, 08:59 AM   #68
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For someone using the name "Tolstoy" you certainly miss the mark more so than not. We aren't talking about "every individual post" we are talking about Charley stating that Bambino had passed due to Covid. That's not every post, that is one single post (we learn this in first grade) Now before you go and type up another book of Tolstoyism's that have 0 bearing or reference to this thread how about you tell us, Do you think it was funny when Charley stated Bam had died?
Follow the simple rules and you will be fine. This isn't Indy's or ASPD it's ECCIE. The old days are gone.

The mods have Enough work over-seeing the PGH forums, and especially the Politics section, without guys "reporting to the mods" every individual post (HEAVENS!) they are offended by....

Really, ask the mods, what do they think about guys "reporting to the mods" random posts which they don't like and which ("HEANENS!") they are offended by? It just adds to their workload....

SO, do YOU "report to the mods" often? I'm sure Charley3 and I would love to know who all the "reporters" are so we can be more "diplomatic" with those guys. I thought all the Eccie guys were "tough-guys" and the Indys guys were "love-birds" and "whiteknights" who "sugar-coated" their reviews of Indys girls. Who are the "tough guys" of Eccie who "report to the mods" random posts by other guys....?

Again, all "reporters"- just post on the thread itself when you are (Clutching Pearls!) "reporting to the mods" when you are offended....

Let's get a new forum: "The Davenport". It's a new forum where guys can go and "recline" on a soft surface, while Clutching Their Pearls, and speculate how they have been offended. Kleenex on the table next to the The Davenport to hasten the grieving process.... [/QUOTE]
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Old 11-05-2022, 09:25 AM   #69
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Default Who Should Be The New "Davenport" Forum Mod? I Have A Nominee....

If Bambino is a COVID denier/skeptic like Charley3 said, and Charley3 made a joke about Bambino dying from COVID (probably because Bambino is now on one of his frequent "vacations" from the site) then that might be right-up-Bambino's-ally and just his own local, weird sense of humor. If you are part of the Bambino and others "luncheon" crew then you can ask him....

It's not YOUR job or anyone else's job around here to "make a ruling" on what YOU think is offensive. If the mods don't like it then they will address it. Here is another idea: if Charley3 or I offend YOU then YOU "report to the mods", not any other "luncheon crew" member or anyone else. At least the mods will know who the often "offended" (Clutching Pearls!) guys are around here and whose PM's they have to deal with....

Really, how long are you going to go on about Charley3's random joke about a COVID denier/skeptic dying from COVID? Ask Bambino- that might be just the humor he appreciates...

Take it to "The Davenport", PBN. You can be the new mod "flagging" and issuing points for all the "offensive" posts there and in all the other forums. Your WHINING about another guys "offensive" post (HEAVENS!) is wearing thin. Is this what the mods have to deal with? Guys "reporting to the mods" other guys because they are "offended!" by their posts? Do the mods really have to deal with this? I thought the Eccie guys were "tough guys" with thick-skins, not the "love-birds" and "whiteknights" and "softies" of Indys? Who are the "tough guys" of Eccie now? Same guys who "report to the mods" other guys posts....?
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Old 11-05-2022, 09:33 AM   #70
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LOL, the way you defend Charley is admirable Tolstoy but as per usual you missed the mark yet again. Let me address each of your issues and then maybe, hopefully end this topic and thread once and for all as it's absolutely pointless.

1. I've never met Bam, I've stated it many times. I would have been just as upset had Charley said you died or anyone else on this board. It was tasteless and wasn't funny whatsoever. Maybe my dad or my grandfather died of Covid. Does that mean I need thicker skin Tolstoy? WHO ARE YOU TO DECIDE WHAT IS FUNNY AND WHAT ISN'T?

2.It's the mods job to determine what is offensive. I never once said it was mine, but again Tolstoy shooting from the hip and missing. 7 other members either messaged me or responded to the post saying Charley was vile for making that comment. Whether they hit RTM or not I have no idea and I don't care. At the end of the day THE MODS FOUND IT OFFENSIVE and he was banned.

3. Who's whining about his posts? He was banned and came back with a whole thread of fake apologies, flew off the handle again, and admittedly got points for his behavior. Your constant defending of him is a bit scary though. Maybe a first. A guy whiteknighting for another guy. Go sit on your Davenport, read a good book and enjoy the weather.

I'm heading to Sky.

Originally Posted by tolstoy View Post
If Bambino is a COVID denier/skeptic like Charley3 said, and Charley3 made a joke about Bambino dying from COVID (probably because Bambino is now on one of his frequent "vacations" from the site) then that might be right-up-Bambino's-ally and just his own local, weird sense of humor. If you are part of the Bambino and others "luncheon" crew then you can ask him....

It's not YOUR job or anyone else's job around here to "make a ruling" on what YOU think is offensive. If the mods don't like it then they will address it. Here is another idea: if Charley3 or I offend YOU then YOU "report to the mods", not any other "luncheon crew" member or anyone else. At least the mods will know who the often "offended" (Clutching Pearls!) guys are around here and whose PM's they have to deal with....

Really, how long are you going to go on about Charley3's random joke about a COVID denier/skeptic dying from COVID? Ask Bambino- that might be just the humor he appreciates...

Take it to "The Davenport", PBN. You can be the new mod "flagging" and issuing points for all the "offensive" posts there and in all the other forums. Your WHINING about another guys "offensive" post (HEAVENS!) is wearing thin. Is this what the mods have to deal with? Guys "reporting to the mods" other guys because they are "offended!" by their posts? Do the mods really have to deal with this? I thought the Eccie guys were "tough guys" with thick-skins, not the "love-birds" and "whiteknights" and "softies" of Indys? Who are the "tough guys" of Eccie now? Same guys who "report to the mods" other guys posts....?
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Old 11-05-2022, 09:52 AM   #71
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Default Should "The Davenport" & PGH Politics Forums Be Merged Or Separate....?

Originally Posted by paintedbynumbers View Post
LOL, the way you defend Charley is admirable Tolstoy but as per usual you missed the mark yet again. Let me address each of your issues and then maybe, hopefully end this topic and thread once and for all as it's absolutely pointless.

1. I've never met Bam, I've stated it many times. I would have been just as upset had Charley said you died or anyone else on this board. It was tasteless and wasn't funny whatsoever. Maybe my dad or my grandfather died of Covid. Does that mean I need thicker skin Tolstoy? WHO ARE YOU TO DECIDE WHAT IS FUNNY AND WHAT ISN'T?

2.It's the mods job to determine what is offensive. I never once said it was mine, but again Tolstoy shooting from the hip and missing. 7 other members either messaged me or responded to the post saying Charley was vile for making that comment. Whether they hit RTM or not I have no idea and I don't care. At the end of the day THE MODS FOUND IT OFFENSIVE and he was banned.

3. Who's whining about his posts? He was banned and came back with a whole thread of fake apologies, flew off the handle again, and admittedly got points for his behavior. Your constant defending of him is a bit scary though. Maybe a first. A guy whiteknighting for another guy. Go sit on your Davenport, read a good book and enjoy the weather.

I'm heading to Sky.
Well, at least we know who the new mod of the new "Davenport" forum is going to be. And his 7 PM buddies can be the first members of this important new forum! With all them complaining about all the "offensive!" posts on Eccie then all the other forums will loosen-up and become more substantive and "on-topic" and hobby-related....

The PGH forums Politics section "contains" much of the personal animus, guys calling each other "Libtard!" and other elevated conversation, (and the mods have to deal with that too?) and that has been good for the site. Now we can group all the guys who are Offended! by other guys posts and they can all group-up in the new Davenport forum and nurse their wounds and support one another. Then there will be TWO forums where the mods have to do most of their work tending to the Offended! and the Clutching Pearls! hobby-guys who report on other hobby-guys....
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Old 11-05-2022, 10:31 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by tolstoy View Post
Well, at least we know who the new mod of the new "Davenport" forum is going to be. And his 7 PM buddies can be the first members of this important new forum! With all them complaining about all the "offensive!" posts on Eccie then all the other forums will loosen-up and become more substantive and "on-topic" and hobby-related....

The PGH forums Politics section "contains" much of the personal animus, guys calling each other "Libtard!" and other elevated conversation, (and the mods have to deal with that too?) and that has been good for the site. Now we can group all the guys who are Offended! by other guys posts and they can all group-up in the new Davenport forum and nurse their wounds and support one another. Then there will be TWO forums where the mods have to do most of their work tending to the Offended! and the Clutching Pearls! hobby-guys who report on other hobby-guys....

I only post randomly in the sandbox, but I will say there are some guys that use name calling more than others, and to me it just simply makes me laugh. Growing up in a family like I did you had to have thick skin, and a few names were no big deal. However it is funny that the same people that use those names on the regular, are the same ones that probably end up doing the RTM also. I guess my thoughts would be you can't stand the heat stay out of the fucking kitchen. Or on the other hand, perhaps name calling should be eliminated all together so that nobody feels disenfranchised. Either way I would say that the more we rely on affiliate name calling, the reality is it dilutes the message into pithy quotes.

I've received points mostly for insulting people, so I know I'm guilty of it, but I usually give it up tit for that. I had to check with the Davenport comment since I hadn't heard that since my grandma used to call the sofa that was on the porch and her mid west home.
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Old 11-05-2022, 10:46 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
I only post randomly in the sandbox, but I will say there are some guys that use name calling more than others, and to me it just simply makes me laugh. Growing up in a family like I did you had to have thick skin, and a few names were no big deal. However it is funny that the same people that use those names on the regular, are the same ones that probably end up doing the RTM also. I guess my thoughts would be you can't stand the heat stay out of the fucking kitchen. Or on the other hand, perhaps name calling should be eliminated all together so that nobody feels disenfranchised. Either way I would say that the more we rely on affiliate name calling, the reality is it dilutes the message into pithy quotes.

I've received points mostly for insulting people, so I know I'm guilty of it, but I usually give it up tit for that. I had to check with the Davenport comment since I hadn't heard that since my grandma used to call the sofa that was on the porch and her mid west home.
The mods can weigh-in here if they want (or they don't have to, it's their prerogative) but I bet many of the same guys who regularly Insult other guys are the same guys who RTM's random posts. Just a hunch....

The ASPD PGH "DMZ" (the politics debate) section there were very few if any "points" issued, and the mods rarely weighed-in there at all. Devo and I regularly had spirited debates there, along with "libertarian" MCA9276 and "liberal" Stevepar, both RIP. There were no guys in that forum who repeatedly called other guys "Libtard!" or other such nonsense. So the mods never had to weigh-in....

Anyone here can post why they think the years-long, no drama "DMZ" section of ASPD worked and the Politics section here is a points-hurricane shit-show. Anyone have any ideas? Do the mods like reading and necessarily regulating the PGH Politics section of Eccie? Don't get me wrong. I'm glad that forum exists. All (or most) of the Animus and Libtard! action is "contained" in that forum. That has greatly improved the whole site and all the PGH actual hobby-forums.....
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Old 11-05-2022, 11:09 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by tolstoy View Post
The mods can weigh-in here if they want (or they don't have to, it's their prerogative) but I bet many of the same guys who regularly Insult other guys are the same guys who RTM's random posts. Just a hunch....

The ASPD PGH "DMZ" (the politics debate) section there were very few if any "points" issued, and the mods rarely weighed-in there at all. Devo and I regularly had spirited debates there, along with "libertarian" MCA9276 and "liberal" Stevepar, both RIP. There were no guys in that forum who repeatedly called other guys "Libtard!" or other such nonsense. So the mods never had to weigh-in....

Anyone here can post why they think the years-long, no drama "DMZ" section of ASPD worked and the Politics section here is a points-hurricane shit-show. Anyone have any ideas? Do the mods like reading and necessarily regulating the PGH Politics section of Eccie? Don't get me wrong. I'm glad that forum exists. All (or most) of the Animus and Libtard! action is "contained" in that forum. That has greatly improved the whole site and all the PGH actual hobby-forums.....
Why did the forum work?

1) It was local, and I/we knew the people and the personalities.

This does not mean, we all met, or knew each other personally, I only ever did one GTG, and it was pathetic, mainly guys who couldn't get pussy if a chick died and willed it to them, or guys who thought they were a gift to women, for paying them for sex.

I never met anyone ever again in a public venue.

2) There was no real hatred of each other, for example, Stevepar and I were 180 total opposites, rural/city, Lib/conservative, antigun/raised in a HARDCORE gun culture, etc, etc, but we didn't have any animus over it, we could go at it, and laugh afterwards.

I do NOT get the feeling that's the case here and now, especially based on the claims its only whining by certain members that get points issued, and, it makes sense, as to why I have gotten so many, and only in the last year or so.

3) Points here don't do a damn thing for the good of the board, period, there is no positive interest in the board to suspend good members for speech in a seperate DISCUSSION FORUM, having NOTHING to do with the boards primary purpose, and that is arranging for meetings that should be completely legal, until then, I agree, reporting posts here is a waste of time the mods could use elsewhere.

SO many people here state, "If you don't like what I write, then don't look at it".

OK, then add, "And don't be a fucking cowardly dick and report me for what I do say, be a bigger man, and walk away, or have the cojones to debate me about it."

4) And this is the most important.

I was not an Auschwitz guard, and, I did not necessarily believe that the rules set down should be followed if they were wrong, and designed to be used in a completely different situation.

In other words, I had a brain, a consciense, and in my heart I judged when discipline was necessary or needed.

We have a term in the legal system as well, "Jury nullification", and, I also had a hand on the pulse of the forum and its members, and I had a good notion of when discipline would cause resentment, hatred of authority, and do more harm to the site than good.

To be a moderator, is to be a judge, if the law says its wrong to steal of loaf of bread, you have to look at intent.

A, the person was starving, and needed it to survive, and B, the person looted the bread during a riot, and sold it for a profit.

Two of the same acts, two different intentions, one, is NOT the same as the other, and A should NOT be treated like B, and I recognized that.

TO BE CLEAR, this is NOT a critique of the staff here, its my description of what I did, and what I think and why the DMZ worked but it was a different time and place.

Do some things hold up here, of course, on the same note, some things don't.

Younze want answers, this is mine.
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Old 11-05-2022, 11:15 AM   #75
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Also, my intent in suggesting we self moderate our words, is not because I don't like a hard core brawl, I do, leave us alone with our words, and that works.

IF, the option is to stop the banning, and dropping the hateful rhetoric, and that stops the mods from looking at us in the first place, that is an option that's worth pursuing if we are NOT to be left alone and face punshiment over mere words.

I decided I did not just wish to walk away again, instead, I want a solution.
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