Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Another thread almost a year since last bump somehow gets found and bumped.
Is there anything new of value that is different from the original thread?
At least it is not about photos or race or BBFS....
Dude, if the original thread is a year old then leave it be. Most of use don't have time to look through a years woth of threads, and ECCIE has a policy of not bumping a thread that has been inactive for over 3 months if I am not mistaken. Plus, fashion changes all the time. When my mom was in highschool she couldn't get any dates because she had the body of an olympic runner. Even light muscle definition was considered unattractive on women back then. Now girls with that type get free drinks in exchange for belly shots.
As for my preference, it would depend on the context. Make up should accentuate a womens features, not hide them. But you can do that with light or heavy make, even with unnatural colors. Now, this might be extreme for most, but I am an anime nerd so I have some kinks about colors; I once met a girl at a convnetion who had platinum blonde hair, used light blue and white masscara and eye shadow, blue lipstick and had a blue and white dress. She looked like an literal Ice Queen and she did a damn amazing job. And if you ask me, there is something sexy about a women's make up running because of our activities.
Though, if I were to give some advice, go on the lighter side for new clients, and ask them at the end how they prefer make up. And then taylor it to their taste the next visit.