Originally Posted by Clit Eastwood
What's True Committees working on behalf of President Barack Obama's 2012 re-election campaign unknowingly received approximately $1.87 million in foreign contributions as a result of an alleged criminal conspiracy to funnel illegal donations to the campaign and conceal their true source.
What's False The foreign contributions actually received by the campaign as a result of the scheme amounted to a small fraction of the $21.6 million figure claimed. No evidence yet produced documents that the campaign was aware of the illegal origins of the funds, which were concealed behind an elaborate network of shell bank accounts and straw donors.
AND FUCKING AGAIN FOR THE LAST TIME CAUSE IT SEEMED LIKE YOU CAN'T GET IT. Obama and Cliton did not pardon ANYONE who was stealing money from their own supporters. The point is stealing money from supporters. Not sure how much clearer I can be here!
so if you only steal a little it's no biggie. interesting.
Barack Obama's presidential campaign has been fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for violating federal disclosure laws, Politico
audit of Obama for America's 2008 records found the committee failed to disclose millions of dollars in contributions and dragged its feet in refunding millions more in excess contributions.
let me ask you which is worse ... pardoning Stevo Bannon for bilking money for a border wall which by the way had no direct support or endorsement from Trump or Clinton and Obama pardoning a bunch of Weather Underground and FALN murdering terrorists?
and SHOUTING doesn't make your points any more or less true.