Originally Posted by pfmtony
As long as you get the last word right? ...
Vale verga assclowns. Let the fun commence!
I wanted to chime in yesterday but time got away from me.
Often, when someone is new and they're well spoken and seem to be very pleasant, sometimes they just have to go through a hazing period.
I think this is normal enough. It seems as if you might be a voice of reason. Heck you could turn out to be a complete hot mess and I don't know yet! I just don't know you at all. But I am learning about your board personae. Slowly, at least.
Point being is so far, you're doing fine. You've jumped in feet first and now, you're getting a bit of grief.
Let me tell you what happened to me on MY first board like this! Well, I won't bore you with too many details but truth be known, I had a hard time of it myself. I wasn't accepted very easily. I was verbose (still am but I'm working on it).
And I was probably the first woman on these boards to write of the importance of grammar. It was a huge argument back in the day. I mean huge. At one point, I was nearly tarred and feathered and run out of Dodge. (Oh, and you're too young yet for that story!)
Again, I don't think that people knew what to think of me. Back then, I was very different than many.
Honestly, I think that plenty of the members here have had some adjustment time when they first joined, male and female.
So don't let these people who are being negative let you down. It's normal to be a bit suspicious especially since you do seem to be a bit knowledgeable about things.
Someone wrote, and it could have been Lucas, something that just really was good and appropriate. Many of us have just seen a lot in the years that we've played in this demimonde.
We have some pretty good base knowledge. And so while telling others that it's important to do "x,y & z" is great and good information to know ... sometimes it's just stuff that we already know.
And we tend to be accepting (if not annoyed) of the threADS that ladies do that are so obvious. When a guy does it, not saying that you are but well I'm trying to make a point, then you might get a bit razed about it.
I think that if you keep plodding forward, like others have done in the past, you'll find your place on Eccie (if you really wish to!).
I, for one, welcome you here AND your posts.