hmm My thoughts: Being 50+ and living in the shadows I really don't have a dog in this race, but what the hell.
Overall, I am "to each their own" but I do admit to some mixed feelings when I see a fella out with an obviously much younger companion. And part of that is I simply cannot imagine myself with someone younger than my own youngest
mmm yup some dark fantasies I just can't do real-time...

Anyway, on the other hand - I hope - the older is taking the time to teach the younger and the younger is taking the time to learn AND to learn to voice their own likes and preferences. (Yup deliberately avoided gender in that statement)

Myself, looking back to when I was younger, I wish I'd had more experience with those of the older persuasion. (no hits against ex-SO, not his fault we were both young)
So enjoy, live life to its fullest, whether you prefer em young to love em older. Its all about enjoying, living and loving all the amazing things life has to offer us.
What you don't grab hold of and run with is no ones' fault but your own. (of course within the societal norms)(oh yeah we don't need no f*king societal norms around here, hehe
