Originally Posted by SOULMANIKE
Members can agree to disagree........but, if you are going to get your feelings hurt and want to call names and violate board rules...Perhaps a little vacation may be in order............I'm just saying........!
Jesus Christ people. Now I have a mod that wants to ban me for some weird rule infraction. What rule infraction was that exactly?
I wrote that with a sense of...HUMOR... dick badcock...thats my user name... see what I did there? word play.
Perhaps... perhaps even... a witticism? You're right no one gets wit here.
HUMOR. Lets all learn to use it sometimes.
I am not 'hurt" by anything said or done here. This is just a website. A website where people flaunt breaking the law and marriage vows on a daily basis. No one should take this, that seriously.
Can we get back to talking about ass and titties yet or am I banned?