Well of course. HIV transmission is dependent on a lot of things. It's possible for a person with high HIV viral content to have unprotected sex with an HIV neg person and NOT transmit the virus--people do it all the time. It's just extremely risky.
I do trust the CDC in matters like this; however, I also know that just because something is "best practice" doesn't mean it's the only option. Realistically, if we all wanted to eliminate our risk of contracting HIV, we'd practice abstinence. But um, no, lol. We all make decisions and assess risks on an individual basis. But I do think it's important to consider what the scientists and other professionals in charge of monitoring, fighting, and preventing diseases in large populations have to say.
I think that most people want to believe they are completely free from risk, and they would rather turn a blind eye to anything that doesn't 100% jibe with that. I just think it's always healthy to be realistic and never fall into the trap of a false sense of security. I engage in relatively low-risk behavior, but the key word is "relatively." I'm not going to live in a sterile environment away from other humans, obviously. So, I get tested. Often. Not just for HIV. There's lots of stuff out there, and a lot of it is asymptomatic. And that's been my policy since I became sexually active, long before I began working as an escort in 2011.
Especially since, you know, we're #3.
(This is not meant as a veiled criticism of anyone here; I'm making a general statement about how people attempt to reassure themselves of their personal safety.)
Originally Posted by LovelyLolita
HIV transmission is also highly dependent on the viral content of the infected person. I am not saying I condone this particular behavior, but it is possible for an infected person with low HIV viral content to have unprotected sex with an HIV NEG person and NOT transmit the virus. I dont know the statistics of this, but there have been studies done in Africa of couples where one is POS and the other is NEG.
Sorry for not having any direct links to this particular study, but I did read about it recently.
Thanks Arverni for all the helpful info.
On an off topic side note,...I also do not trust the FDA. Ever since they banned the use of Stevia (a natural sweetener) and condoned the use of a now well known carcinogen (Sweet N Low and other such artificial sweetners). Seems to me some company is paying off the FDA, and this is more than likely not the first time this has happened. Take every resource with a grain of salt.