Originally Posted by knotty man
im sorry. but calling gay people "fags" is very disrespectful.
Maybe it's a matter of style and timing. Even Arlo Guthrie used the word "faggot" in Alice's Restaurant Massacre. Not in a bad way, just a joke about how if two people walk in to the draft board singing the song, they'd think that they were of the homosexual persuasion and would not induct them into the military.
The whole thing started about 46 Thanksgivings ago, and he doesn't use that word anymore. I've heard a more recent version where he's replaced it with a don't ask don't tell joke. And after this year, he'll probably have to revise it yet again.
I'm old enough to remember when "queer" was considered disrespectful. Maybe not so much anymore, because it rhymes with "here".
And a "tranny" used to be something you dropped into a Camaro. Or maybe even a Trans-Am. And as anyone who watches Turner Classic Movies can tell you, the word "gay" once had an entirely different connotation.
My philosophy is, it's not a chick if it's still got a dick. And even post-op, how are you going to get past that Adam's apple? Not that anyone asked, and everyone is entitled to a philosophy of their own choosing.