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Old 05-13-2010, 05:58 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Fancyinheels View Post
Yes, we are all entitled to discretion and privacy, but I have to agree with Cilla in that she did have a right to know his condition in advance especially if he intended to treat himself during the session. I would not have been comfortable seeing someone possibly "shooting up" in my presence and would have terminated the session unless he showed me a doctor's order then and there, and how many people carry their scripts around with them? Perhaps the intimate details might have been more appropriate, and less flamed, in the provider only forum rather than co-ed, however.
Thank You Fancy for Your support, i am sure some other fellow providers will appreciate the info and hobbiest alike.
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Old 05-13-2010, 05:59 PM   #47
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i gotta say i feel her a bit i would freak if some provider shot herself up to say get wet or whatever I would freak out would not ask for anything but to go with or without my cash fuck that shit. was the dude outed no. anyone know of this guy? this may be good info to other dudes that shot up the little guy, let someone know you are going to do that if you have p411 you have place to post that info and can clarify it in your bio.
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Old 05-13-2010, 06:01 PM   #48
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Thank You^^^ MUAH
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Old 05-13-2010, 06:02 PM   #49
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Not playing the WK game here but Cilla has a point. If the situation was reversed, the provider trotted off to the bathroom poked her snatch with a needle, trotted back in a said "here you go big boy, take a bite" and all you tasted was chemical the rants would be all over this board with the beware beware beware.

Getting burned on a NCNS, is right up there with a tax audit. Por ol' boy just trying to get through his day. Sorry no way. It is a two way contract, everyone needs to abide by the terms.
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Old 05-13-2010, 06:22 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by subcilla View Post
Thank You Fancy for Your support, i am sure some other fellow providers will appreciate the info and hobbiest alike.

Cilla, I do not think anyone here would be chastising you for coming on to this forum and generally suggesting that medical conditions should be discussed ahead of time. Whether it is a heart condition or potentially having to chemically enhance yourself, anything that might raise an eyebrow probably should be communicated up front. Same thing can be said for 'mood enhancers' that some hobbyists and/or providers may enjoy partying with. If it might cause me (or you) to raise my eyebrows, you should probably ask.

What I believe you are catching the most flack for is that you discussed his specific medical condition. Even if he isn't on this board, he very well may know other hobbyists or have seen providers who do post here. Once again, there is nothing wrong with a discussion about medical conditions and when is the most appropriate time to discuss them. Your problem wasn't the medical condition, though... it was the lack of communication, which, by the way, he probably doesn't exactly enjoy bringing up in casual conversation. While many of us will joke about being short, hairy trolls with manhood dwarfed by vienna sausages, we don't like to face reality when reality is less than ideal.

Regardless, the specific nature of the info you gave would have been more appropriate in the Hen House (Girl Talk... whatever). That is a point with which Fancy agreed.
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Old 05-13-2010, 06:27 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by subcilla View Post
Yes Sir, it is pretty funny to catch scrutiny from ppl who don't actually hobby, but rather sit here all day, LMAO.
Oh they hobby Subcilla they just don't write reviews.
Don't worry about DearHunter you know he doesn't like providers he only likes tater salad and chihuhuas and watches Happy Days re-runs.
So don''t take him so seriously.
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Old 05-13-2010, 06:31 PM   #52
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I got nothing of importance to add.
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Old 05-13-2010, 06:33 PM   #53
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i do believe the money was laid out before the needles came along, but i am not here seeking approval. i merely stated it was unnerving. Some ppl have nothing better to do then sit on the computer and dog pile. While others will take it as informative and hobby related, which is what this board is suppose to be. im fine, my business is fine, and i wish everyone the best.
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Old 05-13-2010, 06:39 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by cpi3000 View Post
How long does it take a wound to heal and is it small and fast enough to keep any blood at all from making contact externally? Sorry to the guys who need injectables, but a cover would be going on that thing immediately if I were a gal. It is those blood born viruses that will kill you. The others are just annoying.

He should inform and educate the providers he sees if he uses injectables to get an erection. A gal who is informed ahead of time will tend to freak out a lot less when a client has special conditions.
If he has a blood borne virus, it's probably in his pre-cum as well. Luckily, the mouth has pretty good defenses against viruses, so BBBJ is not a particularly big AIDS risk to the woman.

Agreed, blood would be a turnoff, if not an actual hazard.

Yes, he should probably tell the provider he uses trimix so she doesn't freak out. And DON'T leave the injector behind in the trash!!!!
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Old 05-13-2010, 06:42 PM   #55
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Is there only one hobbyist that has the "medical" condition mentioned?

It seems the gang is upset that a some-what identifiable characteristic was mentioned about a hobbyist. (I can see that)

I would be on edge if I saw a needle during a session. (I'm just sayin)
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Old 05-13-2010, 06:51 PM   #56
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Obviously, this story should have been told in the women's private area only. That was your bad judgment.
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Old 05-13-2010, 06:58 PM   #57
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Okay let's put the shoe on the other foot.
Let's say a hobbyist walks in on a provider sticking a needle in herself what would you do as a hobbyist?

I know what I would do I'd get the fuck out of dodge.

Now if a provider doesn't call me to let me know she's running late I'd be pissed.
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Old 05-13-2010, 07:38 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by subcilla View Post
The mere sight of seeing someone shoot up, was enough for me to run. . .
. . .but instead you decided to take his money and then come here and belittle him, attack us, and in general stir shit up.

You know, I strive not to offer unsolicited advice on a provider's business plan, but I am curious and ask:

"How is this latest rant supposed to make you desirable?"
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Old 05-13-2010, 07:49 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by ANONONE View Post
. . .but instead you decided to take his money and then come here and belittle him, attack us, and in general stir shit up.

You know, I strive not to offer unsolicited advice on a provider's business plan, but I am curious and ask:

"How is this latest rant supposed to make you desirable?"
For the record i stayed and finished the session, i earned my money, i didnt belittle him, im just being honest where a safety issue is concerned. i havent attacked anyone, and if the thread isnt appreciated Your free to not comment. It is all very simple. Another provider leaves the co ed section of this board. Have fun amongst Your asshole selves.
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Old 05-13-2010, 07:52 PM   #60
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Fact is.. the minute you take a guys money and hang around..the chance to bitch ENDS..

you turn the money down, walk the fuck out..then you have a little more leverage to bitch..

sadly to often..MONEY gets in the way.. a girl isn't about to turn down greenbacks..they are hers..its not her fault he stabbed himself in the dick to get it up..

but it is the girls fault for NOT standing up for her "business ethics" and saying whoa buddy..here is the envelope..i can't deal with that sorry to have wasted your time sweety and walk out.. instead..the girl takes his money, goes thru with the service, and no is upset.. this wasn't a warning..it was as its labeled..a VENT..aka a chance to bitch.. aka a chance to make more than a few guys wonder if they are married to you..since they come here to get away from the BITCH FEST!!

the guy did NOT no call no show.. fact is.. like providers like to toss out..LIFE HAPPENS..his real life which is more important then this hobby or the provider got in the way.. his meeting got moved..you don't know if it was spur of the moment and calling the whore he is about to bang wasn't on his mind or what!!

BUSTING his chops about sweaty balls.. thats life.. 1 thing that seperates great providers from good providers is the ability to handle the adversity that pops up in this world..

a chipper and polite "no problem sweety you can shower off when you get here, just glad you can make it finally" goes a LONG FREAKIN way in customer service and keeping an already stressful situation from getting more stressful for everyone..

here you have a PAYING CUSTOMER..whom no matter what the earlier episode..is trying to come see you, is showing up.. since your still talking to him.. wanting to spend hard earned often these days hard to find MONEY on pussy.. and gets bashed from complaining he is having to wait to long..

perhaps that was his way of telling you in advance that your simply adding time to the date by him having to shower..

its unfortunate that guys get attacked in this manner.. dealing with guys schedules is something as providers we do.. you have to decide how much our time is worth.. in the end.. you got paid cuz you hung around in a situation you wanna bitch about now.. and you were going to get paid from the guy you are accussing of a NCNS.. which he didn't do.. simply his real life..which is more valuable then his hobby life and certainly TO HIM more valuable then some girl selling pussy on the computer..got in the way and god forbid and shame on him that you wasn't first on his mind and he didn't put his "real life" at risk just to notify you..shame on him for that
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