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Old 10-29-2011, 08:32 PM   #46
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It's a shame you have to see things in such absolutes and try to lump people into groups... something that you obviously have no desire to be a part of.

What happened here was the mistake of a single person and I highly doubt it was anything conceived with exploitation in mind.

This thread speaks nothing about community or what community means to anyone.

This is about a single incident and the actions of one man.
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Old 10-29-2011, 08:40 PM   #47
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Well I think your being too generous Whispers. If this was anyone else Sixx would have been pissing gasoline on it and throwing matches. just sayin
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Old 10-29-2011, 09:35 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
It's a shame you have to see things in such absolutes and try to lump people into groups... something that you obviously have no desire to be a part of.

I call 'em as I see 'em and your right, I have no desire to be a part of your group.

What happened here was the mistake of a single person and I highly doubt it was anything conceived with exploitation in mind.

This thread speaks nothing about community or what community means to anyone.

This thread wasn't meant to talk about community. You kept trying to change the subject to put a spin on Sixx being a liar and thief.

This is about a single incident and the actions of one man.
Quit being such a mother hen and tell your boy to man up and come out and take his ass whoopin' behind the wood shed.
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Old 10-29-2011, 11:45 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Who's Your Daddy View Post
Quit being such a mother hen and tell your boy to man up and come out and take his ass whoopin' behind the wood shed.
I think I already did exactly that.
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Old 10-30-2011, 12:06 AM   #50
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I certainly don't have a dog in this fight. I do find it rather amusing though how a number of posters here seem to be outraged by the alleged lack of integrity in regards to Sixxback. Let's take the term "LIAR". It's thrown out here as if it's something that all should be outraged about when it comes to Sixx. Let's see.....just wondering out loud here......I wonder how many guys on this board are married and have SO's? Wonder how many of them share with their wives the fact that they are participating in the hobby? Doesn't that make one a "Liar"? Or is lying to a spouse different than lying about an action one did or didn't take in regards to a fellow monger?
I'm in no way saying that withholding money won in a bet is something that should be accepted if that's what occurred. I think the OP has every right to bring up this issue if it couldn't be resolved in other ways. I do feel a bit put off though by the many people that jumped in to slam Sixx for his alleged moral corruption in this matter while none of us on this site are probably free from one form of moral corruption or other ourselves. For those who justify their actions by saying that Sixx would be the first to jump in and slam someone, it's obvious that this kind of behavior seems to have offended you in the past so why would you now go and participate in the same kind of behavior?
Just my two cents.
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Old 10-30-2011, 03:30 AM   #51
Reya Sunshine
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* Though I only quoted one person this is actually to everyone*

As someone who has participated in this thread I feel the need to point out:

1) RE: Dtorrchia's post: I value honesty quite a bit and consider it one of the last virtues I possess. I don't have a SO- if I did I wouldn't be in this line of work obviously(I wouldn't feel comfy with a SO that was ok with me being a provider AND I wouldn't be able to lie to one who wasn't ok with it). I tell the truth about what I want, what I'm willing to give up to get it and even how I'm feeling if someone asks. I don't fake orgasms or tell a guy with a small dick that it's huge even though I could easily profit from such things. Some people here really do have ethics and if not that then at least a healthy respect for right from wrong.

2) RE: what Space mountain said- what I took from that is that you personally know as FACT (corroborated by other evidence) that some of the most verbose posters on this board keep lots of juicy drama to themselves- are you specifically vouching for Sixx in this statement? I only ask because If he is a liar as the current evidence points to then anything he says could have been made up stuff for him to spread "back channel" and pretend he is in the know and the reason he doesn't say it in public is because if he brought it up it would be refuted easily by the other person or people involved.

3) I wouldn't trust sixx with my money or well...pretty much anything but that's just me, I'm a cautious person when it comes to things like that.

4) I'm a fairly good judge of character and I 100% trust the integrity of AustinKboy who is involved with the charity event again this year. I don't personally like whispers(I think he is a misogynist and a pain in most provider's asses) but I have never had any reason at all to think of him as a thief- esp. when AustinKboy and Miss Haley are going to have their eye on him and from what I understand the guy isn't hurting for money and really does want to help the less fortunate. Many of us here can afford to help and I don't think Sixx was ever really part of the charity event anyway so it's sort of a moot point to use him being an *alleged but probable* liar and thief as a reason to not get involved and help where you can.

Ok, I'm going to do my best to leave this thread alone now!

Originally Posted by DTorrchia View Post
I certainly don't have a dog in this fight. I do find it rather amusing though how a number of posters here seem to be outraged by the alleged lack of integrity in regards to Sixxback. Let's take the term "LIAR". It's thrown out here as if it's something that all should be outraged about when it comes to Sixx. Let's see.....just wondering out loud here......I wonder how many guys on this board are married and have SO's? Wonder how many of them share with their wives the fact that they are participating in the hobby? Doesn't that make one a "Liar"? Or is lying to a spouse different than lying about an action one did or didn't take in regards to a fellow monger?
I'm in no way saying that withholding money won in a bet is something that should be accepted if that's what occurred. I think the OP has every right to bring up this issue if it couldn't be resolved in other ways. I do feel a bit put off though by the many people that jumped in to slam Sixx for his alleged moral corruption in this matter while none of us on this site are probably free from one form of moral corruption or other ourselves. For those who justify their actions by saying that Sixx would be the first to jump in and slam someone, it's obvious that this kind of behavior seems to have offended you in the past so why would you now go and participate in the same kind of behavior?
Just my two cents.
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Old 10-30-2011, 08:21 AM   #52
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As I stated, if money was taken, not paid as agreed etc than that would certainly be an issue. My point is that the issue would be between the OP and Sixxbach. I simply found it a bit ironic that so many people would jump in on the Sixx bashing on the grounds of integrity.
I applaud you for your approach to honesty in regards to the Hobby and your personal life. I'm sure though given your honesty that you would have to admit that there are plenty of married guys who hobby behind their SO or wife's back. I'm sure also that just going by the % of the population and all of our shortcomings as human beings in general, that everyone makes mistakes. As I stated, I think the OP has every right to pursue this issue, I simply question the motives of those who are quick to jump in based on what appear to be personal issues they have with Sixx.
Whether it's Sixx or anyone else, I just dislike a "mob" mentality before both sides have been heard.

Disclaimer: I'm not a member of the "pack" discussed here and I don't know Sixx personally.
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Old 10-30-2011, 12:42 PM   #53
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DTorchia - I don't think there is a soul on this site that claims to be a saint. I think the response that he is getting reflects on the "love and compassion" that he has shown the rest of us sinners over the years. This thread is merrily reaping what he sowed.
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Old 10-31-2011, 11:47 AM   #54
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If a member here steals money from another member here and then lies about it repeatedly I think it's relevant to us all....if someone is willing to do it to another member here they might try to lie or steal from me too. If a poster as prolific and opinionated as Sixx is accused of being a liar and thief then our little community should consider that info(and his response to it if and when he makes one) relevant when we're "considering the source" in future dealings.

Originally Posted by DTorrchia View Post

As I stated, if money was taken, not paid as agreed etc than that would certainly be an issue. My point is that the issue would be between the OP and Sixxbach. I simply found it a bit ironic that so many people would jump in on the Sixx bashing on the grounds of integrity.
I applaud you for your approach to honesty in regards to the Hobby and your personal life. I'm sure though given your honesty that you would have to admit that there are plenty of married guys who hobby behind their SO or wife's back. I'm sure also that just going by the % of the population and all of our shortcomings as human beings in general, that everyone makes mistakes. As I stated, I think the OP has every right to pursue this issue, I simply question the motives of those who are quick to jump in based on what appear to be personal issues they have with Sixx.
Whether it's Sixx or anyone else, I just dislike a "mob" mentality before both sides have been heard.

Disclaimer: I'm not a member of the "pack" discussed here and I don't know Sixx personally.
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Old 10-31-2011, 12:38 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine View Post
* Though I only quoted one person this is actually to everyone*

As someone who has participated in this thread I feel the need to point out:

2) RE: what Space mountain said- what I took from that is that you personally know as FACT (corroborated by other evidence) that some of the most verbose posters on this board keep lots of juicy drama to themselves- are you specifically vouching for Sixx in this statement? I only ask because If he is a liar as the current evidence points to then anything he says could have been made up stuff for him to spread "back channel" and pretend he is in the know and the reason he doesn't say it in public is because if he brought it up it would be refuted easily by the other person or people involved.

Ok, I'm going to do my best to leave this thread alone now!
What I stated was that there is a lot that people here talk about that never makes the board. As a Mod, I see a lot more that regular members do (sometimes I have to help them with matters that might be considered "pretty juicy gossip") and some of it would be considered "pretty juicy". If it is truth, than I would not consider it gossip, rather, statement of fact. As for vouching for sixx (or anyone else here for that matter) that would be difficult because I don't see or interract with him on a regular or frequent basis. Do we (sixx, myself, and others) get together every once in a while and have a beer and talk? Most assuredly. There are people here that I would vouch for because my experiences with them have always been above board and they have alway fulfilled their comittments. I can state that most of what I hear from members here, back channel, appears to be truthful, but you know the old saying! I think that the question is, "how many here do we really know??

Not once in my comments have I stated that sixx was or was not what he has been accused of being. I have stated that he needs to step up and handle this, whatever that means. My statement was not a defense of sixx in the current situation, but a rather general observation that not everything that happens around here makes it to the board and there is information that moves behind the scenes.

Can you look in the mirror and honestly say you have never told a lie??? Probably not, but that doesn't mean that everything that you say is a lie or that you should forever be characterized as a liar.

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Old 10-31-2011, 01:10 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine View Post
If a member here steals money from another member here and then lies about it repeatedly I think it's relevant to us all....if someone is willing to do it to another member here they might try to lie or steal from me too. If a poster as prolific and opinionated as Sixx is accused of being a liar and thief then our little community should consider that info(and his response to it if and when he makes one) relevant when we're "considering the source" in future dealings.
Be honest Reya... You value honesty as stated above right? Your only interest in this matter is to pour gasoline on a fire. Your mind is made up on whether or not you will ever have any dealings with Sixxbach in the future. You and he have history in regards to board related opinions and you both love to poke each other.....

The guy screwed up and is down and your taking the opportunity to poke and prod because he can't come back at you.

OK... Fair Enough.. Totally understandable..... It's the nature of the board........

As to what anyone will think of this in the future?

Guys see girls with problems of a wide variety and gals see guys that lie and cheat every day.

When it come to the hobby there will still be plenty of gals that will see Sixx based on referrals and P411.

I doubt he will be running any ECCIE based Fantasy Football leagues in the near future.... but this really will not affect his ability to hobby.

Very few here really care about anything more than services delivered and cash paid.

NOW.... If the OP had blown Sixx in exchange for a position on his Top Ten List or $100 and Sixx wouldn't pay or put him on the List...... Well.. Then it would have a lot more relevance.... Girls would think twice before seeing him.....

Please note: Last comment made TOTALLY in jest richcran!

To Clarify... I still expect Sixx to reply.... I'm sure he has been going back and forth trying to figure some way to spin this or toss dirt back towards the OP but if the OP is accurate in his statement, which rings true to me, I think all Sixx can really do is apologize and say he fucked up and try to resolve it and put it behind him. I think any attempt on his part to spin this back towards the OP would be petty....

Now... When I say "rings true to me"..... I do not know the details.... but it does seem apparent that the OP is owed some money..... I don't know what has gone on all this time or what happened that he did not get paid as planned....... but I don't believe any person's character can be judged by a single act.... No matter what happens here regarding this incident I consider it a single act and would not brand Sixx a Liar or a thief as the result of that single act..... Anymore then Reya would want to be known as a "whore" 10 years from now because of what she used to do.

People make mistakes.... learn from them.... and grow into better people.....

Not always..... But for now... With Sixx... I want to believe he has learned something from this and will be better from it when it is over....

You seem to be taking the position here that this is some life defining event where Sixx is concerned. How about you Reya? When one of your friends screws up and does something out of character, are you able to forgive them and move past it based on a friendship built over time? Or do you turn your back and walk away from them because you consider it an event that changes their character totally? For example.... Say a friend writes a bad check and you find out about it. She obviously lied as well as stole money by the action. Would you brand her as a Liar and a Thief?
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Old 10-31-2011, 01:19 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Reya Sunshine View Post

4) I'm a fairly good judge of character and I 100% trust the integrity of AustinKboy who is involved with the charity event again this year. I don't personally like whispers(I think he is a misogynist and a pain in most provider's asses) but I have never had any reason at all to think of him as a thief- esp. when AustinKboy and Miss Haley are going to have their eye on him and from what I understand the guy isn't hurting for money and really does want to help the less fortunate. Many of us here can afford to help and I don't think Sixx was ever really part of the charity event anyway so it's sort of a moot point to use him being an *alleged but probable* liar and thief as a reason to not get involved and help where you can.[/B]
Reya, why did you have to drag me into this! I was happily oblivious to this thread...I don't think I had even posted in a few days... and you gotta go mention my name...

So, let me put the facts straight... my reasons for trying to help with the fundraiser event is not because i have the time or inclination to watch Whispers. I have many other better looking alternatives to watch and keep honest...

No, Whispers is not a mysogonist... I happen know that he likes women a lot, just certain ones... Whispers is a lot things, and many would accuse him of being an asshole... but I do believe he is an honest asshole. In fact he does tend to get on the soapbox a little too often for my taste and go on and on about some offense to a code of conduct, largely due to his tendencies towards some perhaps misguided righteousness.

Yes, I have know him to help people in trouble, perhaps young girls. While we may not agree with his style and methods, some would say he does KEEP them from crashing and burning.

I don't mean to WK a monger, especially one that has so carefully cultivated his extreme personna, but i don't want this to impact or bring about any question about the integrity of the intent and effort behind the charity fundraiser. I am not defending or sticking up for Whispers, as he is last person that probably needs and even wants to be defended. Well, I have bashed him and agreed with him at times, but this one is for the ladies that have signed up to help promote the Charity Event, including you Reya.

And...of course the other main reason for the event...have fun.
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Old 10-31-2011, 05:23 PM   #58
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I have been away for a few days and was hoping this would be resolved by now. Oh well, I suppose a little drama never hurt anybody!
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Old 10-31-2011, 05:37 PM   #59
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@ SPACEM and @Whispers....Being a liar, although not a good thing, is totally different than being a thief. Yes we all are liars at some point. Not justifying lieing...but there are so many different types. Many lies are silly things such as to make oneself look better, to avoid having tell the truth for simple things...such as "Honey, I call the office and they told me you were out? Answer, "Important client meeting", truth I was with a provider. And of course the worst type, to manipulate the truth, in order to take advantage of some one.

Being a thief, is just plain wrong. And the thought that...well we all do that, with lieing applies. But no, we're are not all thiefs.

I know neither one of you are trying to say....IF true...that Sixx should not be held accountable. But let's not sugar coat this thing. Common sense tells us, if a thief has been caught, then in all likelyhood that was not the first time he/she stole. And anyone would be a damm fool to think he/she is not going to do it again. In my opinion, yes we all lie....but with most of us, they are petty lies. But certainly not
all of us steal. To me it is a sign that goes beyond greed, but a serious defect in ones personality...and typically is a sign of other issues as well.

If Sixx, in fact did this...am I advocating off with his head (are any other non-sense like that), of course not. Should he forever be banned as a "bad person", no, of course not.

I can understand why he did not immediately reply. We all have personal lives, that are far more important than postings on this board.

But let's face, he has been a significant (and at times a valuable poster, others an assh*le). Key point, he has enjoyed, and made time out of his person life to be a frequent poster. As more time passes, the harder it is for me to be open-minded and say...."let's let the man speak first, before passing judgement". Sixx has prided himself as being a "man raised on the streets". I can respect that, I really do.
But the longer it takes to respond, the less creditibitly either his exuses or apology will be. And wouldn't a "man raised on the street"...the real man-type, come to this thread, in a reasonable time period and address the issue??

Also, b4 anyone says anything...who am I, in terms of this board or in terms of being some big respected poster, I am a nobody. So I hope I do not come off as preaching, just rendering one person's opinion.
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Old 10-31-2011, 05:49 PM   #60
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58 posts and not a reply from the person in question.

i think everyone knows what the truth is. anyone interested in defending his honor and integrity needs to pony up the money and repay the guy who lost his cash. then they can take it up with the deadbeat.
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