Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
So why did you choose to come here? I was born here and I see no reason to leave.
You let the actions of a few thousand people, youngsters, who right or wrong (not as wrong as often as you) are just youngsters, define our country.
While you say nothing about the actions of trump.
Maybe it's time for you to go back where you came from. No Dems there. And we won't miss you with all the trumpys we have here.
.... I came here because I thought that I'd see how
the Americans live...
... And I liked parts of
the country... NJ was ok to live there... WV was better.
PA is so-so... But I see YOU want no criticism of how
"your" country is evolving - and how it's being defined.
So it's then - "Go back Home!" from you.
... And no need to be silly with things - it IS a LOT MORE
than the erroneous joeys at university who define just
what is happening in America. ... It's the shitbirds
runnin' the Democrat party.
#### Salty