Originally Posted by digits630
I don't. Let her hag about how deposits are so awesome. And yeah, I'm so sure she told off a room of 500 cops lol
I actually have the audio recording...but ok.
"Let her hag"...um you're either breaking the unnecessary rudeness rule by calling me a name or you're in need of a dictionary. If it's the ladder, I'll happily Amazon one to ya if ya need.
Deposits ensure hobbyists won't NC/NS.
You don't order a pizza delivery and then pay the driver after you eat. In fact most require payment over the phone before delivery due to pandemic rules. Y'all's logic is that of a hobbyists and not a business person. Many businesses require deposits. If you don't like deposits, then just say that. Manipulating the narrative to suit your desires on our career isn't going to make deposits go away.
But y'all making yourselves look silly contering with...well if you want paid for the work you do then you're not legitimate...so carry on with the silliness.
This comedy hour while under the weather is hella entertaining. Thanks guys. It wouldn't be possible without you.