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Old 08-27-2011, 09:15 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by awl4knot View Post
Turn out the lights.
Can you reach the light switch? PLEASE! LOL

Originally Posted by ufriend2912 View Post
SL, chill out. I can hear you hyperventilating all the way over here.

I get a little loud when I get a good hummer! LOL

This statement is probably true, and those are probably ladies you would not see in the first place. She is not considering that by the time you meet the lady you choose to meet, there is no question. She is speaking of the hard rule for the faceless dude with no standing.

I understand!

Take a deep breath. She is not saying you are a lurker. Read the first paragraph again... she recognizes you have 49 reviews in five months (something that seems lost on the other opinionaters). She is saying that IF... again IF... someone is a lurker (which is what the collective term "you're" means in this case)...

I understand!

You know, I said earlier that I set my envelope down when I come in with my keys and soft drink. That is it, plain and simple. And it is not a discussion point. When I leave, I pick up my keys and soft drink.

Well at least you won't be thirsty while you’re waiting for LE to show up and report your car stolen! LOL

It has never been an issue. My reputation is solid and they already know that before we ever meet.
Interesting comment! First of all how do they know? Is this solid reputation is based on your 12 Tennessee or 1 Austin review or you’re the 466 posts you have placed to date? Or are we talking references? From what venue would a provider gleam that opinion?

Or is this just an opinon exclusive to Unimatrx Zero? LOL
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Old 08-27-2011, 09:37 AM   #47
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SL, she liked my tool for implants. When the queen of the hive kisses you on the big screen and desires to assimilate... you just go with it !!
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Old 08-27-2011, 09:42 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by ufriend2912 View Post
SL, she liked my tool for implants. When the queen of the hive kisses you on the big screen and desires to assimilate... you just go with it !!
Well that explains everything! Who knew? LOL
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Old 08-28-2011, 08:51 AM   #49
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I read this entire thread and I think I'm a little dumber for having done it.

Give her money up front. If she gives you a lame session, are you going to refuse to pay? No, you still owe her the money. I leave it in an envelope. If the provider wants to count it first, that's up to her. However, the only girl who did that in my presence was a ridiculously bad provider. The pros I've seen give it a quick glance to see if it looks right and then get on with the session. They might count it in the bathroom after we're done, but not while I'm watching. And I think that's best.

The problem with this hobby is that after a while you see the worst in everybody because you got burned by someone in the past. This encompasses both providers and hobbyists. It would be nice if we could all trust each other, but it's better to trust and then verify for everybody's sake.

Bottom line: don't trust the person saying, "Trust me."
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Old 08-28-2011, 09:05 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by manoffewwords View Post
I read this entire thread and I think I'm a little dumber for having done it.

Give her money up front. If she gives you a lame session, are you going to refuse to pay? No, you still owe her the money. I leave it in an envelope. If the provider wants to count it first, that's up to her. However, the only girl who did that in my presence was a ridiculously bad provider. The pros I've seen give it a quick glance to see if it looks right and then get on with the session. They might count it in the bathroom after we're done, but not while I'm watching. And I think that's best.

The problem with this hobby is that after a while you see the worst in everybody because you got burned by someone in the past. This encompasses both providers and hobbyists. It would be nice if we could all trust each other, but it's better to trust and then verify for everybody's sake.

Bottom line: don't trust the person saying, "Trust me."
A big +1 for this post. You nailed it.
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Old 08-28-2011, 09:07 AM   #51
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I like roses shorty!!
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Old 08-28-2011, 09:42 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by manoffewwords View Post
I read this entire thread and I think I'm a little dumber for having done it.

Give her money up front. If she gives you a lame session, are you going to refuse to pay? No, you still owe her the money. I leave it in an envelope. If the provider wants to count it first, that's up to her. However, the only girl who did that in my presence was a ridiculously bad provider. The pros I've seen give it a quick glance to see if it looks right and then get on with the session. They might count it in the bathroom after we're done, but not while I'm watching. And I think that's best.

The problem with this hobby is that after a while you see the worst in everybody because you got burned by someone in the past. This encompasses both providers and hobbyists. It would be nice if we could all trust each other, but it's better to trust and then verify for everybody's sake.

Bottom line: don't trust the person saying, "Trust me."
I agree with you!!(and that first line was funny as hell !!) Its funny how some can take something sooooo simple and turn it into something soooo complicated.
If for whatever reasons your hesitant about taking care of things up front then you obviously didn't do your homework and very well could have made a poor choice.
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Old 08-28-2011, 10:03 AM   #53
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the closest counter top to you as you walk in the door
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Old 08-28-2011, 10:12 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by awl4knot View Post
A big +1 for this post. You nailed it.
So much for turning out the lights!

Originally Posted by manoffewwords View Post
I read this entire thread and I think I'm a little dumber for having done it.

OK, I'm with ya!

Give her money up front. If she gives you a lame session, are you going to refuse to pay? No, you still owe her the money. I leave it in an envelope. If the provider wants to count it first, that's up to her. However, the only girl who did that in my presence was a ridiculously bad provider. The pros I've seen give it a quick glance to see if it looks right and then get on with the session. They might count it in the bathroom after we're done, but not while I'm watching. And I think that's best.

No I ALWAYS pay! But only when I actually get a session. I've never had a provider require or demand the donation or "OWED FEE" to be in an envelope. As if, that makes any difference. Envelopes sure help out the ass wipes that leave five singles doesn't it? After you get some experience under your belt and you have a few providers pull the "Oh I don't do that" or "I need to give the money to my driver" or several other scams, you to MIGHT change your attitude. But I'll save you some time, I know you ONLY see "PROS". I read your ONE review. (65) Sixty Five minutes? Really not an hour, not 55 minutes? Well sounds like you are very detailed oriented bro. But with your vast experiences with all these “PROS” why no reviews? You know that’s what this site is all about. The exchange of information and ideas as it pertains to the hobby world. Hell don't you think you owe it to the brothers and the "PROS" your frequenting?

The problem with this hobby is that after a while you see the worst in everybody because you got burned by someone in the past. This encompasses both providers and hobbyists. It would be nice if we could all trust each other, but it's better to trust and then verify for everybody's sake.

I agree, see me in about 10 years, lets see if you still feel the same way!

Bottom line: don't trust the person saying, "Trust me."
So you're a bottom line guy? Well here is my bottom line! Trust is something that is earned not demanded! I look forward to your response. I'm certain there is a lot more wisdom you might have to share!

First BP ad I came to today!


Wish I could get in touch with this guy and tell him to only see "PROS"!
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Old 08-28-2011, 11:12 AM   #55
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Old 08-28-2011, 11:40 AM   #56
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REALLY? They must or this thread wouldn't be this long!
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Old 08-28-2011, 11:42 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by manoffewwords View Post
The problem with this hobby is that after a while you see the worst in everybody because you got burned by someone in the past. This encompasses both providers and hobbyists. It would be nice if we could all trust each other, but it's better to trust and then verify for everybody's sake.

Bottom line: don't trust the person saying, "Trust me."
Well put.

But I'll take it a little farther: I think this business has a very wide range of people in it. Some--for example pimps, control freaks, rip-offs of both genders, those who use private info to harm people and extort them--are at the very bad end. But I have also met some of the kindest, most giving & trusting people I know. Unfortunately some of them are too nice and too trusting to be in this business and get hurt badly at times.

Trust should indeed be earned, but there are a few ladies I've met here who I would trust implicitly. More so than those I generally meet in MY job.
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Old 08-28-2011, 11:54 AM   #58
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I prefer the lady count out the cash in front of me, why would I care? The cashier at 7-11 and the teller at Chase is going to count out your cash too, so what? I'm there to spend money, shes there to make it. No questions later about it.

Pay the lady up front, if you get ripped off, get the "I don't do that" or upsold, then you should have done better research on the person you are seeing. Most of the reports of this happening are from mostly unknown, non-reviewed ladies. Are you going to get ripped occasionally, yep it part of the game. If you don't have a pretty good idea of how your session is going to go before you leave the house, you haven't done enough research on that particular lady.

Some guys like to be frontiersmen, scouting out and seeing the new blood in town. Cool, I did the same thing years ago, it can be a lot of fun. Your risks of a poor session increase exponentially, but finding that new diamond in the rough makes it all worthwhile.
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Old 08-28-2011, 01:05 PM   #59
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Am I correct that most who have chosen to see a Backpage advertiser (with the exception of Still Looking's unique experiences, of course) find that those ladies require payment up front, and even typically count it before spending time with a gentlemen?

NOTE: For those who do not wish to be thrashed about for their opinions, a PM is a fine mode of communicating your experience.

(I ask because I typically do not see BP advertisers, but the couple I have did require such.)
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Old 08-28-2011, 01:40 PM   #60
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I allways pay up front and never used a envlope, as Sarah said ppace it on the first flat surface you come to. Never had a lady count it in front of me, but could care less, and never had a problem.Guess i know how to pickem
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